Poorly 🦈

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Summary: During the trying weird food combinations video Matt gets sick off of one of the foods.

Thank you defnotdevon for the request <333

Matt's POV

We are filming a trying weird food combinations video and if I'm being honest I'm really nervous, I'm a very picky water and I tend to eat the same things never trying anything new.. So I'm scared this change won't be good.

"Next is.. HOT SAUCE AND POPCORN!" Chris chuckles pouring an ungodly amount of hot sauce into a bowl.

"God Chris! SLOW DOWN KID." Nick sighs laughing at the monstrosity that erupted into the bowl.

"Oh god.." I whisper silently to myself feeling a pit of anxiety filling my chest.

I don't know if I can do this.. Hot sauce is really spicy and with popcorn?! That's bold.

I grab a piece dipping it into the hot sauce as I take a deep breath. putting it into my mouth I'm immediately overcome by an overwhelming taste of hot sauce, I flap my arms squeezing my eyes shut as I feel bile growing in my throat, I gag holding my chest tears pricking the corners of my eyes panic taking over my body.

"WOAH! Matt you okay kid?!" Chris ask concern lacing his voice as he places a hand to my back.

I shake my head harshly the tears now falling from my eyes as I see Nick fill up a glass with ice cold water.

I rush over to the sink emptying my guts into it, "You poor thing.." I hear Nick whisper his hand placed on my back Chris's holding my hair back from off of my sweaty forehead.

I let out a choked sob leaning back into my brother immediately feeling comforted by his warm presence.

"Here have a sip it might make you feel better." Chris suggests holding the glass to my lips as I gratefully take a sip immediately feeling refreshed.

"I-I'm sorry.." I choke out feeling my emotions overwhelm me once again. "Your okay just relax Matty," Chris smiles wiping my tears with his thumb pad.

"I-I ruined my new jumper.." I sigh looking down at my newly ruined jumper.

"It's alright we can get it cleaned don't worry," Nick chuckles grabbing a cool rag off the side dabbing it over my face and finally cleaning my mouth.

Out the corner of my eyes I can see Chris hurryingly cleaning up the mess of different opened foods off of the table wiping them down with a cold rag.

"You feeling abit better now bub?" Nick asks now dabbing my face dry, "Mhm" I smile sniffling quietly.

Out of nowhere I feel warm hands wrap around my stomach engulfing me in a warm embrace, "I was so scared when you started gagging Matty I'm so glad your okay, I was scared it was an allergic reaction or some scary shit." Chris sighs holding me even impossibly closer.

That night was spent exchanging warm embraces and comforting me,

I'm so glad to have such caring brothers.

--------------------------------------------------------- AUTHORS NOTE

I hope you all enjoyed this one I think it's quite good! I'm so sorry I haven't uploaded in a while and this one is short, I had a long one planned but I'm recovering from writers block 🙏 I hope there isn't any grammar mistakes but if there is I'm sorry and feel free to correct me! Thank you so so much for the unbelievable amount of love this book has gotten I'm so happy with were it is at and I love you all so so much and thank you for voting all the time the motivation it gives me is unreal so thank you. ALSO Thank you so much for the sweet messages on the last chapter they really warmed my heart and I'm so grateful :) Take care everyone I care about you.

Bye <3


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