Anxious 🌑

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Summary: Matt gets anxious and clingy.

Thank you Mousemouse4 for the request <333


Matt's POV

I'm not sure why but all day none stop I have had this pit of anxiety in my stomach and it has only gotten bigger throughout the day, if I'm being honest it's making me feel terrible and I feel like I'm gonna cry, Nick and Chris are downstairs and I would do anything to just sit with my brothers right now but I have no energy I just want to curl up in a ball and hope this pit off nothingness goes away in my stomach, it's an awful feeling.

Chris's POV

"Matt still isn't down... Wanna go see if he's coming?" Nick ask sending me a sad smile, "Alright" I mutter smiling back at him as I slowly make my way upstairs and into Matt's room not expecting what I see next, It's Matt.. But hes curled up in a ball anxiety basically seeping through his eye sockets. "Hey Matty you okay kid?" I whisper as I sit down on the edge of his bed him immediately leaping onto me latching his hands around my waist, "WOAH!" I jump (Not actually you know what I mean) Not expecting him to latch onto me so quickly.

"Sorry.." He mumbles his voice cracking slightly only holding onto me tighter as if not wanting me to leave, "Hey.. Its alright are you feeling okay?" I Whisper rubbing his back soothingly "I've had this none stop pit of a-anxiety growing in my stomach all day and I d-dont know how to handle it.." He whispers face burying further into my stomach, "Awe love, Is there anything I can do?" I sigh sympathetically watching as he closes his eyes gently "Please.. Just stay" he whispers it sounds like he's about to cry and I hate it so much.

"Okay.. I will just relax for me okay hun?" I sta pressing my hand up his shirt to draw shapes onto his back.
"Is he coming down?!" Nick shouts rushing into the room face softening immediately as he sits on the other side of the tired boy frowning slightly, "Is he.. Okay?" He whispers placing a hand into Matt's hair stroking softly. "Jus wanna be with yous." Matt slurs as I sit bakc on the bed Matt soon curling back up into my lap this time cuddling into Nick aswell.

"He said he has had a pit of anxiety growing in his stomach all day and it's clearly making him feel awful, He just said he wants to be with us." I mutter "Poor thing.." He soothes reaching out to stroke his cheek lightly with his thumb, As I frown feeling wet tears starting to soak my joggers, "Awe Matty come here love.." I sigh putting my hands out towards him watching as he sits up and wraps his arms around us once more as he starts sobbing into my shoulder, I feel a lump grow into the back of my throat quickly swallowing it needing to be strong for my brothers, I think Nick can sense this as he holds his arms out for us both, "Awe come here both of you.." he whispers as I move over slightly laying my head onto his shoulder as Matt does the same in his lap, "It'll be okay soon." He mumbles wrapping his arms around us tightly as Matt starts to slowly calm down only hiccuping every once in a while. I feel Nick start to draw circles on my back the other hand in Matt's hair,

"I love yous both, so much." And that's the last thing I heard before drifting into a deep sleep surrounded by nothing but love for my two brothers.



HELLO! I know what yous are probably thinking,"Another short one?!" And I know I'm trying but this one is really fluffy so hopefully that can make up for it atleast a bit! I just wanted to thank you all for the love on the last chapter, as I'm writing this it has 30 votes.. In like what a day and a half?! That's insane so thank you so so much that's the shortest time I have gotten that much votes so thank you so so much you don't understand how much that means to me and I hope I can continue making chapters for you lot it really makes me happy knowing I make lots of you happy with my silly little book! :) ANYWAYS As usual I hope there isn't any grammar mistakes but if there is I'm sorry and feel free to correct me, I did scan through this to look for any visible mistakes so there shouldn't be any but no promises! Also thank you so much for requesting this I have really bad anxiety myself and I can relate to this so much and sometimes I feel like that feeling will never go away but I can only hope :) I didn't expect this book to get anywhere but it's nearly at 1k votes and a surreal amount of views and that makes me want to cry I feel so emotional right now but I'm not going to cry just yet I refuse to!, Thank you so much too everyone for sticking around and believing in me, expecially ChrissyOwenRose You were the one who encouraged me too make this book and without you this wouldn't even exist so I appreciate you so much. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. ♥ This is only the beginning :D Take care everyone I care about you.

Bye <3



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