Food Poisoning ☕

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Summary: The triplets get sick while their parents are out of town, luckily Justin is there to help.

Thank you hamstercatlover for the request <333
Justin's POV

It was a gloomy Monday evening when I arrived home from work to find my three younger brothers, Nick, Matt, and Chris, lying on the sofa as if life had been drained out of them. Our parents had left the town e few days ago and we're going to be gone for about a month so it was just me and them. At first when I saw them, I didn't think much of it, but as I got closer, I heard the sound of them vomiting. And my heart sank to the pit of my stomach as I realized that something was terribly off with them.

"What's happening?!" I yelled, rushing to their side and studying their condition closely.

"I don't know," Nick groaned, sweat beading on his forehead. "I just feel really sick and can't stop vomiting."

Chris was crying uncontrollably, his eyes red from tears. "I don't know what's happening to us," he wailed. "I feel so weak and I can't stop crying."

And then there was Matt, who was the quietest of the three for his condition. As soon as I crouched down next to him he clung to my arm as if he would fall apart if he ever let go. "I can't... I can't stop throwing up," he said hoarsely, his voice barely above a whisper. "It... it hurts so much."

At that moment, I knew I had to take charge of the situation. There was no way I could let my brothers suffer like this. "Take it easy guys," I said softly, patting each of their backs reassuringly. "It's going to be okay. I've got this I'll look after yous."

They were my little brothers - my world. The bond between us was unbreakable, and no matter what, I knew I had to be there for them. But little did I know that the situation was about to get worse before it got better.

As the night progressed, I watched helplessly as the triplets writhed in pain, throwing up time and again. Matt was the worst hit of the three - he just couldn't stop vomiting. The sheer agony on his face broke my heart. The triplets were so miserable that at some point, I felt like breaking down and crying myself.

"I don't know what to do," I muttered to myself, feeling helpless. "How can I take away their pain?"

But I knew I couldn't let myself succumb to despair. I had to stay strong for my brothers. I had to be the rock in their storm. "I'm here for you, guys, everything will be okay" I kept saying, stroking their hair and trying to keep them as comfortable as possible.

Nick, who was always the most aloof of the three, was now the most vulnerable. He would barely stay awake and had no energy left. I was worried about his condition. "You'll be alright Nick. You need to stay strong for me alright," I pleaded, holding his hand tightly.

And then there was Chris - He never normally got emotional but now he was very emotional, He would cry, often for no reason, just as the night sky outside would threaten rain. "Please, make it stop," he begged, clutching at his stomach.

And Matt - poor Matt. He never let go of my arm, like a little kid, afraid to let go of his mother's hand. "Please make it stop, Justin," he'd say, his voice raw from crying. "I can't handle this alone it hurts so much."

But I knew I could never leave them alone. I was their oldest brother, and I would never let them suffer alone. "I'm here, Matt," I said soothingly, rubbing his back with one hand and holding a wet towel to his forehead with the other.

As the night wore on, I knew I had to get a hold of the situation. I couldn't let my brothers suffer like this anymore. The next morning, I took them all to the hospital. The doctors ran some tests and confirmed that the triplets had food poisoning - a rare strain that was particularly tough to beat.

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