Sexual Assault 🕸️

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Summary: Nick becomes quiet and closed off because of an incident in a car park.


Thank you user987564369 for the request (And ChrissyOwenRose for the help) <333

Chris's POV

Today me and Matt were the only ones home, Nick went to Madis house for the day and was supposed to be home 2 hours ago, Matt is sat on the couch biting his fingernails poor boy is always so nervous even when Nick is 5 minutes late.. This must be killing him!

Suddenly I hear the door click open and in walks Nick, he has bags under his eyes, his clothes are a mess, he is drenched in sweat and there are obvious tear tracks staining his face, Matt rushes over to him, instantly pulling him into a tight hug. I feel panic overwhelm me the older looking as if he was going to burst into tears at any given moment.

I rush over to him enveloping him in a hug immediately feeling helpless when sobs start to racket through his body "Oh god what happened to you Nick.." I say breathing jagged and shakey.

Nothing much was said after that, Nick didn't give us any reasoning for why he was in such a state, he reckons it was just a 'bad day' but I just can't bring myself to believe that..?

Later that night

Matt's POV

After this morning I was left shaken up, not only do we not know what happened Nick has hardly left his room and its starting to scare me.

I'm cut from my thoughts by my door squeaking open, I jilt turning my head around feeling even more paranoid than before, "Who's that...?" I ask voice shakey. "Just me." Nick mumbles walking into my room planting himself next to me on my bed and before I know it he is laying down on the other side of me. Now this really caught me by suprise, Nick wasn't the best with physical contact and often backed away from it.. Apart from this morning the last time Nick willingly gave me a hug was probably like a month ago.

"You okay?" I sigh stroking my hand through his hair, he hums in response cuddling up even impossibly closer to me soon drifting into a deep sleep.

That night I didn't sleep.. To worried and filled with anxiety that if I went to sleep when I woke up he wouldn't be there, he woke up a few times through the night.. Sometimes he woke up crying other times he just couldn't seem to keep calm.

I yawn rubbing my eyes, "Tired?" Chris sighs concern evident on his face, I nod in agreement immediately feeling wide awake when Nick comes walking through the door rubbing his eyes.

Chris's POV

"Goodmorning sleepy head!" I smile as the older slumps down onto the couch next to me looking tired, "I'm going to the gym." he sighs getting up and walking out the door in his pajamas. "Wai-" but I'm cut off by the door clicking shut. I sigh in defeat pulling Matt closer to me, "Get some sleep.. I promise I'll wake you up when he comes in" I whisper pressing a kiss to his hair, "Bu-" He tries "No. Sleep.." I smile watching as his eyes flutter closed.

As soon as Matt fell asleep I sent Nick a message.


Nicky PooPoo


Hey, you just walked
out the door with your pajamas
on. And said you were
going to the gym? You good?

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