Tiring 🏵️

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Summary: Matt starts to panic during a car video after fans surround the car.

(Matt has autism in this)

I was thinking of doing an Autism type one for Nick as then I will have done all three boys! So if you have any ideas Feel free to share!



Chris's POV

"I feel like laser tagging is way crazier." Nick starts throwing his arms up in exaggeration, "I KNOW! Like light beams of fire coming from a gun is so insane! AND THE NOISE OH my god the noise!" I gasp watching as Nick starts to make weird gun noises.

"Can we get like a f- like a lot of pop rocks and like... See how many we can eat all at the same time?" Matt interrupts switching the topic completely. "Yeah.." I reply visibly confused as I see Nick furrow his eyebrows. "Okay. I'm gonna order them." He says pausing to look at me as if to ask for permission, "Alright." I  reply watching as he smiles widely picking up his phone. I turn my body to look at Nick in which he looks just as confused as I am at the sudden change of topic, My eyebrows screw together as I cross my arms over my chest. It was just so... Random?

We continue on with the video until Matt once again pops up with another change of topic, "Why doesn't glue stick to the inside of the bottle?" He asks sitting up on his knees in his seat. "I read somewhere it was because there isn't enough air or something in the bottle to cause the water to evaporate to make the glue sticky" Nick replies smiling when he gasps, "THAT'S SO COOL!" He giggles as he starts to play with my hoodie string. Iook at Nick as if to say 'What's even happening right now' and he returns the look with a quick smile leaning over to pause the camera for a second.

"Why did you pause it?!" Matt groans slapping his hands on his thighs in distress. "You feeling okay?" I question clearly concerned watching as Matt starts taking off his jumper leaving him in nothing but sweatpants. "Feels weird- VIDEO NOW!" He groans clearly uncomfortable as he wafts his arms and legs around impatiently, "We can't do the video if you don't have a shirt on!" I laugh watching as he pouts  sadly "Here have my jacket then we can continue." I reply still slightly unsure of the situation as I take of my jacket and wrap it around his small frame making sure to zip it up.

Before Nick can reach over to continue the video Matt starts whining as he struggles soon taking his shoes off, "Uncomfy-" He sighs once again sitting on his knees, "You done?" Nick sighs clearly getting frustrated at his continuous actions "YEP!" he giggles making sure to pop the p at the end of the word.

Everything went quite smoothly for the next 10 minutes only minor interruptions until all hell broke loose.

"STOP STOP STOP!" Matt sobs pulling his knees to his head as a group of girls start crowding round our car stopping us from moving anywhere even if we wanted to. "Hey, hey calm down buddy its alright" I soothe trying my best to console him watching as he gasps for air hurriedly climbing to me as he sits on the middle part inbetween our chairs (You get what I mean right?) I stabalise him on the seat as I pull the middle compartment up allowing me to get closer to him, "C-CANT MOVE!" He sobs coughing on his own tears as I see Nick hurry out the car desperately trying to get the girls to stop recording and step away.

It wasn't unknown Matt had a huge fear of drive throughs due to not being able to move so God knows this was wrecking him.

"HOT! HOT!" He sobs pulling at his jacket taking it off fully. "Calm down Matty come on you've got this." I encourage grabbing his hand and placing it against my chest trying to get him to copy my breathing which unfortunately doesn't work. "GO! GO! GO!" He sobs slapping his hands against my arm shouting as I see his eyes dart around the car in a terrified manner "It's okay Matty. It's okay" I hush rubbing my hand up and down his arm trying my best to calm him down,
atleast a bit.

"WAN DRIVE-" He starts going to start the car but before he can I stop him muttering quiet no's watching as he starts pulling on his hair, He clearly was in no state to think properly nevermind drive. "Can you hold my hand for a second Matty? Focus on me okay? Can you do that for me?" I say as I take his other hand his eyes locking with mine a panicked expression on his face "Good, Good that's it just focus on me" I soothe holding his hands tight "W-Wan go home-" He hiccups tears rushing down his cheeks his voice shaking slightly. "I know I know buddy" I soothe my hand going back to rubbing up and down his arms and back.

A few minutes later.

"Their gone phew!" Nick sighs opening the door to the drivers seat as I watch the girls storm off giggling loudly. "NICKY" Matt shouts latching tightly onto him arms wrapped around him tightly "Wh-Why weren't you h-here?.." he hiccups voice cracking slightly as fresh tears run down his cheeks "I was busy clearing out the girls I'm sorry hun." He smiles sadly stroking his back lightly "its mkay.." He hums in response, "Wanna sit in the middle so I can drive us? I can legally drive I've got my drivers licence just gotta be careful I'm not as good as you" he chuckles getting into the side next to me and Matt (Yknow when you see those cool cars were there is three seats up front were the cup holder and middle compartment turn up into another seat that's what this is :D)

We get home soon after Matt fell, asleep almost instantly when we started driving it must've been so tiring for him all that moving about he was sprawled out across my lap the full time.

Matt's POV

"Come on sleepy let's get you to bed" I hear someone whisper as I'm lifted from my seat a jacket being zipped up on me. "Hmm" I hum snuggling close into the person who I can now identify as Chris by the hoodies chest. I'm placed into my bed as I feel my two brothers get in close next to me, "G'Night" I slur still half asleep as I feel two kisses being placed to my head both whispering quiet goodnight after.

The video was the girls recorded was later posted onto social media it immediately gaining traction and attention, but to my surprise they mostly got backlash only one or two comments from the girls in the video egging them on.

Life is never easy but with my brother's here I think I could make it work.



HELLO! A two in one?! I'm on my grind arc again just you wait 💪 anyways thank you so much again for the nice messages and all the votes! I mean my god there is alot :D of there are any mistakes in my writing anyway I'm really sorry its nearly 5am and I haven't slept yet and I barely can keep my eyes open I didn't have much time to proof read either since I feel like I'm going to quite literally pass out, I am diagnosed with Autism myself and I know what a meltdown is and it think I'm pretty knowledgeable about them but then again I don't know! Have a great rest of your day I love you all and I care so much about you.<3

Bye! :)

Words:1336 :D

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