Please Don't Let Go.. 🌺

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Summary: During a blindfolded baking video Matt keeps stopping to hug everyone.. I wonder why?..

Thank you defnotdevon for the request <333


Chris's POV

"Welcome to today's video!" Nick starts Matt cowering in the back his sleeves going past his fingers looking like a lost puppy. He looks so calm like that, so unbothered.

"Matt put your blindfold on! Chris you can't speak." Nick says as he hands Matt the blindfold as I get my mouth taped up.

"GUYS LISTEN!" Nick yells arms flying up in the air due to frustration. I walk out fo view sighing angrily Matt following close behind. Suddenly I feel a light tug on my jumper, I jolt at the feeling as I turn around to see Matt, He seems tired and has an innocent but sweet smile plastered on his face, Before I can even respond he wraps his arms tight around my waist his head rested on my shoulder as I feel him sigh contently when I wrap my arms around him aswell visibly confused. "COME ON STOP SNUGGLING WE HAVE A VIDEO TO FILM!" Nick shouts clearly unaware of how loud he was shouting, I hear Matt chuckle as he let's go, Us both walking back into shot.

Around halfway through the video I watch Matt do the same with Nick this time on camera, He has his arms wrapped tightly around his waist his head laying on his shoulder as I watch his face soften. "MATT LET GO!" Nick yells as he moves shaking him from his shoulder, Matt let's go quickly throwing his hands up in defence as he stands back beyond Nicks reach.

For the next ten minutes he stays in the back away from everything back against the wall twirling his fingers around. Until I feel his arms wrap around me once again but this time much tighter as if he was hoping I wouldn't move. Nick ends the video as  I gladly return the hug turning around in his grip this time giving him a proper hug. I take off his blindfold as I feel Nick take off the tape in which I respond with a sigh hissing at the pain. "I'm going off to bed have fun you guys!" Nick smiles as he wanders off to his room.

"I go to reach for my phone but I'm cut off by a quiet whimper, "Please don't let go.." He whispers voice quiet and almost fragile. I return with my hands around. His shoulders as I sigh contently "Don't worry I wasn't going to bud." I respond smiling lightly he looks so comfy and like nothing in the world could bother him, I love it when he has no worries head clear of everything and anything. "You okay?" I ask smoothing his shirt out with my hand, "Mhm" He mumbles.

And that's how we spent the next ten minutes until we went upstairs were we spent the night, His head lying on my chest. Soon after Nick joined in an arm wrapped around the both of us.

We were all content.



I hope you all enjoyed this one I loved writing it the idea was perfect! I'm sorry it's short but it's short and fluffy :))) Anyways IT'S MY BIRTHDAY ON THE 22ND WOOO! :DDD so I might have a birthday chapter up :) but no promises as it is my birthday! Anyways 40 chapters!?! I cannot believe how lucky I am to have gotten this far and I will never be bale to verbally put into words how thankful and grateful I am for everything. Thank you for all the votes and your comments always make my day.. Take care everyone I care about you. <3

Bye ♥


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