Stay 🦛

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Summary: Nathan has a bad day and just wants someone to stay with him.

Thank you @bmpowell2 for the request <333

Chris's POV
Today our friend Nathan is staying with us, if I'm being honest the whole day he has been stuck to either one of our sides.. I don't know why if I'm even being honest but it is starting to get on my nerves..

"CHRISSSS COME ON LETS PLAY OUTSIDE!" Nathan yells jumping up and down immediately startling me, "GO AWAY KID IM BUSY" I shout back immediately regretting my decision as I see the younger walk away head hanging down low and a sad expression on his face.

Matt's POV
"Lay with you..?" Nate asks wandering into my room a blank expression filling his pale face, "yep" I reply immediately feeling confused at the you gets change of attitude.. alright he had been his usual quiet self but today he seemed much more energetic but now that has gone aswell..

I feel him rest his head on my shoulder as he sighs deeply only adding to my concern, "You alright..?" I ask concern bubbling through my veins.

"Just not feeling the best." He sniffles warm tears trickling down the side of his face, I see his eyes flutter closed as my eyebrows furrow, now I'm worried.

"Matt!" Chris yells storming into my room immediately quietening down once he sees the exhausted boy asleep next to me, "Oh god.. I shouted at him.." Chris frowns placing a hand in Nathans hair carefully playing with it.

"He'll be okay he just needs someone to stay for a while." I sigh pulling the younger closer to my body in hopes of giving him some extra comfort.

As if on queue Nick comes storming in startling Nathan awake,

"I GOT FOOD!!!" He shouts jumping on the bed holding a paper bag full of McDonald's. "SH!" We all say in Sync as I hear Nathan groan soon sitting up himself but instead of a sad expression his face is filled with nothing but joy, "FOOD!" He screams grinning loudly as we all start tucking into the food in front of us.

All he needed was someone to stay.

Authors Note

HELLO I AM SO SORRY I LEFT YOU ALL AGAIN PLEASE FORGIVE ME🙏 As most of you may know I'm in my last year which means GCSEs and stress. I've been doing good me and my boyfriend are still together i don't know what I'd do without him if I'm being honest 😭 apart from that I'm alright! How are you all?! Anyways I'm sorry for not updating and I know this is abit of a crappy one for yous to come back with but the next one should be better! Thank you all soso much for the support on this book never in a million years would I have thought I would be were I am right now so I am grateful for each and every one of you! Anyways I have like a part time job as a hairstylist now I'll post my newest creations as a next chapter if anyone really cares 😭🤭 take care everyone and have an amazing day <3


What's your favourite chocolate/sweet??


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