Shy 🐮

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Summary: Nate regresses unexpectedly and nobody knows about his regression, Chris thinks he might have an idea Madi on the other hand.. Not quite so.

(Madi is mean in this one sorry lads 💪) I love her really


Before I start anything let me explain the seating arrangements in the car. Right so Matt is sat in his usual seat but with Nick sat next to him (To spice things up 🔥)  Madi is sat in the back Chris in the middle with Nate next to him.

Chris's POV

We are currently filming a car video with our friends Madi and Nathan, It's been going pretty smoothly so far although Nate hasn't really talked only when asked a question he's just sitting next to me peering out the window his eyes hazey.

"Miwk.." I hear someone whisper incoherently, I look out the window confused as to were the sound was coming from, It almost sounded like a.. a baby..? Before I can go back to the conversation I'm cut off by a small whine and another whisper this time loud enough for me to clearly hear. "Miwkkk.." it's slightly dragged out this time, I look over to see Nate slouched down in his chair finger in his mouth and he looks so calm almost fragile..? "Did you say something?" I ask slightly confused. I watch as he looks at the floor cheeks glowing a bright red as he once again whispers this time more slurred and loud enough for Madi to hear.. "M-Miwk." "Wh..-What the fuck was that Nate!" Madi gasps a disgusted look plastered across her face. "You sound like a fucking baby!" She shouts startling the confused looking boy as he bursts into tears his legs immediately going up to his chest as he starts shaking grabbing everyone's attention.

"Oh god Madi don't shout at him kid!" I say in frustration placing a hand onto his knee. "What happened?" Matt says as I see Nick lean over to quickly turn off the camera, I look at Nate once more before turning to my brothers "I think I know what's going on, just play along okay I'll talk to yous and explain later?" I reply watching as the younger kicks his legs about clearly very panicked "God! He's like being weird and having a tantrum like a baby!" Madi yells freaking the little out even more, "Come on Madi come outside." Nick sighs visibly frustrated with her actions, "WAN- WAN MIWK" He sobs getting more upset by the second. "Matt do we have a drink or anything in the car?" I ask desperate to find something to coax him for atleast abit. "MIWK PWEA'  DADA" He cries pulling on my sleeve as he sits up in his seat frantically looking around, "Uh-... Uh I have water?" He says handing the water to me as I open it and give it to the younger, He takes a sip immediately going back to bawling his eyes out after tasting it. "WAN'ED MIWK 'ADA" He slurs kicking the back of the chair. "I'll go get some milk from the gas station down the road I'll get Nick to come with me!" Matt smiles nervously already getting out of the car, Matt doesn't do well in high stress situations so I'm really proud of him for even offering.

"Mattys gone to go get you some milk okay love just calm down." I plead watching as he falls into my lap head resting on my cheek as I wrap an arm around him, "B-Bad no goo' " He sobs taking his fingers from his mouth in which he holds my cheeks, I slightly grimace at the sensation of the spit coated fingers on my face but I comply whispering quiet sh's in hopes of calming him down a little until Matt's back. "What's bad love?" I question slightly confused at the youngers words, "M-Me ba' 'ade ma'i sad" he sniffles fresh tears rushing down my cheeks as I remember the girls antics from before and how she yelled that must of startled him.. "Hey, Nathan how old are you?" I ask I saw this happen before on social media and they asked a similar thing so just to make sure as I'm still slightly unsure. He holds up two fingers putting one down repeating that a few times getting visibly stressed, "It's alright love I understand your very little huh sweets?" I smile watching as the youngers face lights up almost instantly as he pulls at my cheeks.

The next five minutes flew by as Nate was busy occupying himself with my cheeks giggling softly until Matt comes back a bottle filled with milk in hand, "When we got there, there was a station to fill up the bottles and I think the lady working there thought I was a teen dad or some shit" He chuckles handing me the bottle in which I gave to the little "Miwk! Mi'k!" He giggles making me smile brightly at his excitement as he takes it instantly away from my hands starting to suckle on the end visibly relaxing when the warm milk enters his mouth. "Aweee he's so adorable!" Matt giggles "I just want to squeeze his cute little cheeks" he smiles the little relaxing more as he goes from kneeling in my lap to sitting and slouching, "Your alright now, Dadas got you, Your safe now." I whisper planting a kiss to the youngers head.

I didn't see Madi much after that apart from when she got back in the car ignoring everyone until we dropped her off. At the end of the day not everyone was going to be supportive but I knew aslong as my friend needed me I would be there for him.

And that's how we spent our night after that cuddled up in bed with Nate practically glued to my side.



HELLO! I'm so happy I managed to get this one out! Even though technically it isn't my birthday anymore it ended 22 minutes ago it still si for some people :) This isn't proof read but I scanned through it quickly to check for the visible mistakes and I think I got the majority of them :) Thank you so so much for the amount of love this book has gotten I'm so happy with were it is at and I'm so grateful for everyone who reads and votes! Thank you so much for everything I care so much about you all and I hope the day treat you right :D
Bye for now <3

Goodnight <3

Words:1109 :D

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