Thunder 🌩️

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Summary: Matt is really scared of thunder and one night it thunders..

Thank you HarryPotterFan0727 for the request <333
Matt's POV

I wake up to the sound of booming thunder outside my window. My heart races as I pull the covers up to my chin, trying to ignore the deafening noise. I curl into a ball, trying to make myself as small as possible. But it's no use. The thunder only grows louder, and my anxiety skyrockets.

I know I shouldn't be so scared of thunder. After all, I'm nineteen years old. But ever since I was a kid, thunder has always terrified me. Whenever a storm comes, my mind goes into overdrive, imagining everything that could go wrong. What if lightning strikes the house? What if a tree falls on us? I can't help but feel like I'm in danger.

But I'm not alone in this. My brothers Nick and Chris are both here for me. They may be different from me in some ways, but they always have my back.

"Hey, it's okay," Nick says, as he sits down on the bed beside me. "It's just thunder. It can't hurt you."

"I know," I say, my voice shaking. "I just...I can't calm down."

Nick wraps an arm around me, pulling me closer. "Take deep breaths," he says. "Close your eyes and concentrate on your breathing."

I do as he says, inhaling deeply and slowly. Nick keeps his arm around me, holding me tight. It feels like a lifeline, something to anchor me to reality. For a while, the only sound in the room is my own breathing, and Nick's steady heartbeat.

But then, suddenly, a bolt of lightning illuminates the room, followed by another deafening boom. I can feel my heart racing again, my anxiety spiraling out of control.

"It's okay," Chris says, as he runs into the room. "I'm here too, Matty."

Chris may be hyper and impulsive, but he's never been anything but sweet to me. He's always had a soft spot for me, maybe because he knows I need a little extra help. He's the only one of us who still needs someone to remind him to tidy up his hair, for example.

But right now, he's exactly what I need. He crawls onto the bed beside me, sandwiching me between himself and Nick.

"We've got you covered," he says, grinning. "The three musketeers, remember?"

Nick chuckles. "Yeah, the three stooges more like it."

But I don't mind their teasing right now. It makes me feel a little lighter, a little more grounded. I take another deep breath, and this time it feels a little easier.

"I've got you Matty, always." Chris whispers his arm wrapping around me, "Yeah, your going to be alright bud.." Nick agrees pressing a kiss to my head.

The three of us cuddle together, watching the storm rage outside. It's still scary, but with my brothers by my side, it feels a little more manageable.

And eventually, when the storm passes, I fall asleep in their arms, feeling safe and loved.



SUPRISE! ANOTHER CHAPTER BOOM! Although it is short I'm raging with motivation so I'm going to try and get a bunch out so be prepared :)) ANYWAYS There shouldn't be any mistakes but as always if there is im really sorry! Thank you thank you everyone for the support on my book it's wild and I appreciate you all so so much more than you could ever imagine! Also I hope it was even half decent for you HarryPotterFan0727:D
Love you all so much.

Bye <3


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