Flinch 🦝

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Summary: Matt and Chris get into an argument and Matt raises his arms in frustration leading Chris to flinch away and get upset.

Thank you lostlittlesoul04 for the request <333


Matt's POV

"YOUR NOT ALWAYS F*CKING RIGHT CHRIS!" I shout, Me and Chris got into an argument because he put my hoodie in the washer with the wrong colours and detergent leading it to lose it's colour and half the design. He claimed it wasn't his fault and then that led to me getting angry getting us to were we are at now. "I DIDN'T MEAN TO!" He yells frowning sadly, "YOU STILL DID IT THOUGH?!" I Shout lifting my arms up in frustration not expecting what happened next. He flinches hands flying to his face as he then cowers down onto the floor breaking down into harsh sobs, "P-Please d-d-don't hurt m-me" He sobs his body shaking like a leaf as he struggles to even finish the sentence. "Woah- Woah of course I wouldn't what do you mean?" I say my tone immediately softening. "S-Stop" He gasps a hand grasping at his chest as he hides his face into his knees, "I'm just goig to sit next to you okay honey? Please try calming down here breathe with me." I whisper as I take a seat criss crossed on the floor by him as I place his hand to my chest, I knew that at any moment he could totally fall aparteading him to have a really bad panic attack.

The last time he had one of those we almost had to call an ambulance because he passed out and threw up all over himself and in a bag, and that was when Trevor got badly injured. I wasn't there as I was at the vets with Trev trying the best to hold myself together, but when I got home and I saw him laying down on the sofa a bag with puke in it next to him and it lal over himself I knew it was bad and then Nick told me what happened I cried for my brother.

"Why do you think I would hurt you Chrissy?" I soothe as I reach out to hold his hand in my own once again. "P-Please I p-promise I won't sh-sh-shout again." He sobs voice cracking inbetween words as he moves further away from me. "Hey, I'm not going to hurt you calm down.. Your s-scaring me." I mumble as I watch him peep out from underneath his arms. "Y-You should have h-hit me... I sh-shouted" He whispers tears forcefully rushing down his face and into his lap. "No. You should never be hit because you shout sometimes when you get frustrated, It's normal and please don't let anyone make you think otherwise." I whisper wrapping my arms comfortably around him, he is still shaking slightly but I'm not suprised. I don't know what went on with him but I feel awful. I don't want him to feel like he has to tell me anything though.

"I'm sorry for raising my hands I didn't know it would scare you this much bub." I frown pressing a kiss to his head. "It's n-not your fault." He whispers sniffling quietly, He is no longer shaking or sobbing luckily just the occasional hiccups and tears, but everything will be alright. "Hey do you want to get snuggled up in bed and watch a movie?" I whisper nudging his shoulder gently, "Mhm.." he mumbles as we both stand up. "Words abit much?" I ask as we make our way up the stairs. Chris wasn't the type to go non verbal after getting upset only normally after something TERRIBLE happens so it's quite concerning that it's happening now, But I'll make sure nobody ever makes him feel this way again.

"Wanna watch the Rugrats?" I smile as I place a hand into his hair knowing it was his comfort show. (Matt is halfway sat up a laptop on his lower thighs with Chris laid with his head resting on his lower stomach. For your interest) He nods eagerly smiling up at me like a puppy. We turn on the movie but not even thirty minutes in and Chris's asleep, a hand clutched onto my side, The other halfway in his mouth, it's pretty gross but if it helps him who am I to complain?!

"Goodnight Chrissy.. I've got you now." I whisper pressing a kiss to his head as I shut off the movie soon after falling into a deep slumber.

I've got him.



Well then... Long time no see I guess! First of all I NEED to thank you all for all the votes on the last chapter, You don't understand how good that made me fele when I opened Wattpad to see all the notifications and nice comments. It means more than yous could ever imagine! This is abit short again because the next chapter after the next one will be longer hopefully! I hope there isn't any grammar mistakes but if there is I'm sorry and feel free to correct me! ALSO Hopefully more uploads soon I'm in a much better space mentally now and I'm SO excited for the future of this book! I'm so ready to start writing :) the motivation your comments and voted give me is unreal thank you so much! ♥ Take care everyone I care about you.

Bye <3


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