Abusive 🦖

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Summary: Nick is in an abusive relationship with a guy named Luke. What will happen when one night his brothers find out?..

Thank you sjjjsam2000 for the request <333

Nick's POV

"GET OFF OF ME!" I shout trying to push the slightly older male off of me, we had gotten into an argument and things took a turn for the worst, Luke started pushing me up against the wall and then kicked me to the floor hurting my ribs and now he won't get off me.

" YOU LISTEN TO ME RIGHT NOW. DONT YOU EVER. EVER RAISE YOUR VOICE TO ME EVER AGAIN." He shouts making me let out a quiet sob, "AND STOP CRYING!" He yells sending a harsh slap across my face and then he gets up off of me. "OKAY OKAY I'M TRYING" I sob standing up as I sit on his bed hugging the pillow close to my chest as I desperately try to stop the choked sobs coming from my mouth. "I SAID STOP!" He yells sending a punch to my eye making my mouth open in shock, "Wh-why.." I begin but I'm cut off by even more yelling. "LEAVE! NOW. TAKE YOUR THINGS AND LEAVE!" He yells as I frantically pick up my stuff rushing out the door.

I wipe my eyes as I feel my eye start to ache, I feel like I'm in too much shock from the previous events to even think about crying.. I thought Luke was nice? Did I do something? I think as I reach into my pocket putting on my glasses to make sure when I get home my brothers don't realise, they have enough things to worry about I can't add this to them..

I'm about to enter the house when I look down at my arms noticing the bruises that are covering them from all of the harsh pushing and shoving. Shit what do I do.. Then I realise the cardigan I stole from Matt incase it got cold.

I reach into my backpack taking the cardigan out as I quickly put it on entering the house..

Chris's POV

Me and Matt were excited for Nick to come home he had gone to hsi boyfriend Lukes house to sleep for a few days and me and Matt have suprised him with a shirt he had been wanting for ages.

As if on queue the door creaks open and in walks Nick, with glasses and Matt's cardigan on?

"God Nick you look so out of place kid" I chuckle walking over to him bringing him into a tight hug Matt doing the same, "Why have you got glasses on you look goofy?" I chuckle taking the glasses from his face my mouth widening in shock as I see a black and purple bruise forming on his eye.

"Nick-" I begin feeling heartbroken for my brother, I don't know what happened but I'm really concerned..

"I-" Nick tries but breaks down into a fit of sobs, "Oh Nick.." Matt sighs bringing him into a hug.

"I-I just fell over I'm alright" he sniffles wiping his eyes. Well that makes sense he probably hit his head on the floor!

It's been around 2 hours now since Nick got back we have shown him his t shirt and she seemed happy with it and now we are watching 'The Maze Runner' it's Nicks favourite movie so we decided on watching it.

"Why don't you take of that cardigan you look boiling" Matt says pointing at the cardigan that Nick still ahs on despite it being way too warm for one.

"It's comfy." He says sending a quick smile to me.

Around half an hour later Nick was half asleep and looked like he was sweating and I felt awful him being so hot..

"Come on bud let's get this off.." I sigh taking the cardigan off of his warm body, but I'm shocked as to what I find..

I'm not even over exaggerating he is covered in bruises, his arms are covered and you can see them on his stomach and part fo his ribs from where his shirt has rode up, Matt gasps as I see a Nick jolt up probably at the feeling of breeze on his skin,

"N-No-" Nick tries trying his best to find an excuse but he just goes silent.

"L-Luke?" Matt says voice breaking in between words, and that's all it took for Nick to break down into tears and it broke my heart to see him so beaten down..

"What happened..?" I sniffle feeling a lump grow in my throat, "I-I don't know.. He just snapped and started hurting and yelling at me.." He sobs clinging onto Matt who has his arms wrapped tight around him. I place my hand on his arm as I see Matt try his best to calm the crying boy down.

"You'll be alright Nick I promise.." I smile leaning my head on his shoulder watching as he eventually falls into a deep sleep me and Matt by his sides.

The next morning with alot of comfort Nick finally cut it off with Luke and after we went to the police station and filed for a restraining order, nobody would hurt our brother.


Helloooo I'm not a HUGE fan of this one but I hope yous enjoy it seeming as this is made for yous to enjoy! I hope there isn't any grammar mistakes or spelling mistakes but if there is I'm sorry and feel free to correct me! I wasn't planning on updating today but I did! So WOO and I'm so so happy with the last chapter and I'm glad you all liked it! It got an insane amount fo votes and I was honestly shocked! ALSO please leave a comment if you liked the story because it means alot reading the nice comments yous send in :) I care about you. ♥

Bye <3


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