Smoking 🐫

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Summary: Nick is addicted to nicotine and smoking, his brothers find out.

Thank you sjjjsam2000 for the request <333

Nick's POV

It started of as a harmless cigarette a day...

Then two..

Then there...

Then four..




And now I can't even go an hour, I feel like my brothers are starting to realise.. Last week I had to tell them a friend smokes that's why I stunk of nicotine, they seemed suspicious of it when it was every day.

I'm Currently on our balcony having a cigarette when someone swings the door open walking out, in panick I blow out the smoke quickly throwing the cigarette off the balcony. "Nick what the fuck was that?" Chris gasps eyes wide as Matt comes out visibly confused, "What happened?" he asks both me and Chris stood shocked, "That fucker was smoking a cigarette!" Chris shouts as I feel tears a prick the corners of my eyes.. "What? Nick is that true?" Matt asks eyebrows screwed together in worry,
I nod my head in agreement as I push past Matt in the doorway making my way to my room.

I feel my breathing quicken as I reach into my pocket for another cigarette hoping to calm my breathing and nerves, to my dismay there is none left.. How does that work? I bought a new packet this morning and there's 12 in a pack.. There's no way I've went through twelve?! I mean it's only 3 o'clock! "Nick what's the matter?" Matt sighs walking into my room, he msut of heard my scurrying. "I-I.. I've ran out M-Matt. I need another pack." I hurry out feeling my breathing fasten even more. "Hey calm down its alright you don't need another pack.." He sighs pressing a hand onto my shoulder smiling lightly, I can tell he is just trying to be nice but I'm not feeling good right now and nice isn't working. "MATT I NEED SOME! I-I NEED-" I yell making Matt jump as Chris comes bolting the room eyebrows screwed together in worry.

"What happened?!" Chris shouts placing a hand onto Matts shoulder, "He- Nick needs help.." I hear Matt stutter as I feel anger fill my stomach, "WHAT?! I DO NOT NEED FUCKING HELP.!" I yell feeling the anger take over my body.

Chris's POV

Suddenly Nick yells making Matt move back into my chest "YOUR BEING RIDICULOUS-" He continues as I feel Matt start to shake, "Nick you smoked a twelve pack in 4 hours.." I sigh watching as the older finally finds a cigarette, "Nick please dont-" I begin but I'm cut off "I'll stop in the morning okay? Just leave me alone." he says as I see tears form in the corners of his eyes, I can tell he definitely feels bad for lashing out but we can talk in the morning for now I need to make sure Matt is okay.

I wave for Matt to follow me as I shut Nicks door whispering quiet I love yous before I shut it.

I sit down onto the couch Matt following close behind. "You okay?" I whisper rubbing my hand up and down his back. He seems still abit shaken up from Nicks previous actions, "I'm worried.." he replies voice shaking slightly, "he'll be okay I promise.." I whisper pressing a kiss to his temple.

The next morning.

Matt's POV

"Morning Nick!" I smile walking into his room one hand holding orange juice the other a bowl of coco pops his favourite :) "Morning.." He groans as I sit on the edge of his bed watching as he sits up voice groggily and rough, "I made you your favourite!" I smile placing the cup on his bedside table as I hand him the bowl watching as his face lights up in a smile, "Thank you Matty," He smiles as he starts eating his cereal..

Nick's POV

I know I said I would stop but as soon as Matt leaves I grab a cigarette lighting it as I inhale in feeling all of my worries go away for a second, it was an incredible feeling.. The nicotine rush is what I love, but almost immediately after I finish the cigarette the guilt seeps into me and I can feel myself on the verge of tears, I feel awful, disgusting I mean I can't even go an hour from when I wake up! They are going to be so disappointed in me..

Matt's POV

A few minutes later Nick walks into the living room, he sits next to me and Chris as I see tears start to fall from his eyes, "Hey what's wrong Nicky?" Chris asks as I grow even more worried anxiety filling my chest "I-I can't do it.. I h-had one." he chokes out now sobbing, "It's okay we're not mad at you it s only one.." Chris sighs as I pull Nick into a hug feeling tears grow in the corners of my eyes.. But I can't cry I need to be strong for Nick. "It's okay you've got this.." I whisper drawing hearts onto his back gently with my fingers as I feel Chris place his head onto Nicks shoulder.

After a few minutes the boy had calmed down enough to talk, "Hey why don't we do something to distract you?" Chris says taking his head off of Nicks shoulder "Yeah we could watch a movie or something!" I smile as I unwrap my arms from around the older in which he smiles in agreement.

"Come play! I heard its really good." i suggest, we had been going back and forth on what movie we could watch, "Yes sounds good!" Nick smiles as I watch Chris roll his eyes chuckling as he nods in agreement.

The little boy in the movie is now getting lifted of the floor by a ghost, "AH!" Chris yells making me and Nick jump, "CHRIIIISSS YOU IDIOT!" I Shout feeling my heart beat even faster as Nick bursts into laughter..

The night ended with all three of us cuddled up together on the couch fast asleep.

Everything was going to get better.



Hellooo! How are we all?! I hope everyone enjoyed this one I think it's pretty long and I loved the request so I had to do it :) also I'm sorry my uploading schedule has been all over the place I am trying to fix that I promise 🙏 if there are any grammar mistakes or spelling mistakes feel free to correct me! ALSO One of my chapters just got 38 votes. Which made me literally scream out loud I did not expect that. SO THANK YOU SO SO MUCH FOR THAT! :DDD I hope everyone is having a great week off I know I am :) stay safe and I love you all so much.

Bye <3

Words:1150 :D

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