Asthma 🍂

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Summary: Nick has an asthma attack.. but where is his inhaler?!

Thank you pinkie2125 for the request <333 (And I'm sorry I couldn't make it any longer)
Nick's POV

Me and Chris are currently sat on my bed brainstorming new ideas while Matt is on the other side of me playing 'Clash Of Clans' when I feel a familiar feeling grow in my throat "Hey Chris do you have my inhaler?" I ask trying to stay calm as I place my hands in my pockets desperately trying to find it, "Ugh... I don't think so.. Why are you okay?" He adds feeling his own pockets, I can tell he has probably noticed the way my chest is rising and falling strangely quick.

"Matt- do you have it?" I swallow as I sit up my hands fumbling around the bed, "Guys I-" I try but I'm cut off by a strained cough leaving my mouth and my breathing shallow, "Oh god-lay down your alright Matt go try find a spare inhaler please-" Chris rushes out pulling my body down further into the bed, My chest is aching now practically begging for air.

Chris's POV

I grow worried watching as my brother struggles to gasp out a breath, "Nick were did you put your inhaler bud?" I ask watching as Matt rushes out of the room, "I-I think I left it at M-Madi's" he says as I see fresh tears fall from his eyes, "Your alright Nick just breathe okay I've got you." I half whisper growing even more panicked as I see his face grow an angry shade of red clearly not getting enough oxygen, "I-" he tries but is thrown into a fit of coughs and gasps for air, "it's okay Nicky your okay" I sniff wiping his tears as I bring his hand to my chest.

This happens way too often for my liking and normally his hand on my chest helps him feel grounded and it helps him breathe easier.

I'm thrown into a fit of panicks when he starts growing a dark shade of purple his hand clutching at his throat as he gasps for air, and as if on queue Matt comes rushing in holding an inhaler in his right hand, "I GOT IT!" He grins rushing over as I see Nick reach his hands out as they take the inhaler it fumbling around in his grip clearly struggling to find a grip.

I take the inhaler from his hand as I bring it to his lips immediately pressing the button on the top to let oxygen out, in which he accepts gratefully salty tears falling from his tired eyes as he does so. Poor thing is probably exhausted all of that panicking..

Although I could tell he was trying his hardest not to panicks so it wouldn't scare us, Nick has always cared much more about me and Matt more than himself and wether that's a good thing or not I have no clue.

"Oh god-you scared me Nick-" Matt breathes out pulling Nick into a tight embrace me doing the same after.

"Yeah Nick I thought I was going to lose you.. Although you have also been having asthma attacks alot lately, so we might have to take you to the doctors to get checked out or something." I agree which is true, this is his 2nd asthma attack this week and it's Friday.. God knows what could've happened if we didn't have a spare one!?!

Nick nods tiredly in agreement soon after closing his eyes..

"Night Nick" I hum pressing a kiss to his forehead as I place the blankets overtop of him, Matt doing the same.

Today was scary, but I know that as long as we have got each other everything will be fine.

--------------------------------------------------------- AUTHORS NOTE

HELLO! I know the person who requested this said they wanted a longer one but honestly this took far too long to do and I physically cannot think of anything else to add so I'm really sorry I feel terrible 🙏 I hope this one was alright atleast! And I'm really sorry for not posting I have no excuse but I'm sorry ♥️ I love you all so much and thank you for supporting my story :)

Bye <3


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