Mental Health 🐙

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Summary: Chris's mental health plummets and Mary lou confronts him about it leading to a fight and alot of emotions.

Thank you for the request ChrissyOwenRose <333


Matts's POV

"Hey honey go see if your brother is okay will you?" Mark lou asks a frown on her face "Okay I will" I reply. Chris has been really quiet this past week I thought at first maybe he just wanted a sleep in but he has barely come out of his room even to eat, we had to make up and excuse yesterday for a reasoning behind there not being a Wednesday and Friday video this week, which was really hard since we never miss them. He hasnt had a shower in at least four days which he would normally be upset about but he just doesn't seem like he cares to even have a shower or even wash his face, he looks pale and like there is nobody inside him nothing.

"Chris?" I whisper knocking on his door, no reply. "Chris I'm coming in okay?" I say pushing the door open and walking in to be met with a strong stench of sweat. I hear him mumble something incoherently, "Mary lou wants you to come down we all miss you." I answer resting a hand on his shoulder he is sweating buckets poor thing he hasn't left his bed in ages. "M.... Mkay-" he slurs standing up of the bed swaying a little "Woah there" I chuckle grabbing onto his hand to steady him.

Third person POV

"I've got him mom!" Matt shouts rushing down the stairs a tired and pale looking Chris following close behind, Nick silently gasps bringing a hand over his mouth Chris plummeting beside him on the couch "Honey are you okay?" Mary lou whispers standing in front of the pale boy, no reply. "Christopher please reply to me you have been in your room for the past week doing nothing! your room is a mess the least you can do is reply to me" She yells frowning slightly.

"I HAVE BEEN IN MY ROOM ALL WEEK AND THE FIRST THING YOU SAY TO ME IS COMPLAINING ABOUT MY ROOM! DO YOU EVEN CARE?!" Chris yells standing up in front of her "DO NOT! Speak to me like that Christopher and how DARE you say I don't care I have been worried half to death! About you this past week ask your brothers!" She yells, He scoffs shaking his Head. "I shouldn't of even asked nobody apart from Matt has even came to check up on me,. I could of been dead for all you care!" he yells, The room grows silent as he starts to feel tears well up in his eyes. "Chri-" Nick tries, "NO! I WON'T NICK N-... NO- NOBODY C-CARES!" He yells tears falling down his face "Chris-" Mary lou replies only to be cut off "STOP IT STOP STOP STOP! JUST STOP" He continues "STOP YELLING AND LISTEN TO ME" She tries, Getting visibly frustrated as tears of her own well up in her eyes. "NO I WON'T!" He shouts even louder, Mary lou is about to reply but Matt interupts pulling Chris back upstairs "Lets stop now okay we're okay let's go upstairs now Chris."

Matt's POV

"Lets stop now okay we're okay let's go upstairs now Chris." I interrupt pulling him upstairs and into my room which is much cleaner and tidier than his. He sobs plummeting down onto my bed "Chris what's wrong you need to tell me you can't just get mad at mom like that it isn't nice." I whisper pressing a hand to his back "N- nothing" he sobs "I can't help you if you don't tell me what the matter is Chrissy...." I reply frowning slightly "It- It's just I haven't been doing good, and- and I feel like my mental health has been declining rapidly and it's only been getting worser.. And I feel like nobody would even care if I just dissappeared or died." He sobs whispering the last part. "Oh Chrissy.. You poor thing please don't ever think like that again, you should of told me earlier I hate to think your struggling alone." I whisper feeling tears of my own rush down my face. He leans his weight onto me "I'm sorry Matt.. I'm sorry." he sniffles as I pull him into a tight hug rubbing his back slowly." Do you want to get in the shower or bath and then go see Mary lou? She is really worried I don't think she meant to come across in that way.." I ask pulling apart slowly. He nods in response and mumbles quietly "Bath" As I get up and start running him a bath with bubbles just how he likes it. I'll stay out here until your done okay sweets?" I ask "Okay.. Thank you Matty." he smiles as I shut the door behind him.

25 Minutes Later.

The door creaks open as I see Chris emerge from the doorway in light grey sweatpants and a white tee. "Nice bath?" I ask chuckling at his red cheeks from the temperature, he nods smiling lightly I can tell he already feels atleast a bit better after the bath, "Come on then bud let's go see Mary lou!" I smile motioning for him to follow me.

Third person POV

"He will come around don't worry mom he will be alright" Nick comforts Mary lou as Matt appears downstairs Chris following close behind "Oh theres my baby!- I'm so sorry Chrissy" She gasps feeling terrible as she starts rushing over to bringing him into a hug "No it's okay, I'm sorry for Yelling I should of never yelled no matter how upset I was." he sniffles latching on to her.

Later in the day Matt explained to Mary lou and Nick what Chris had told him earlier while Chris explained how he was feeling. They would get through this TOGETHER not alone.


Authors Note!

HELLO AGAIN! If you reading this I hope you enjoyed this one I know the ones I've been doing lately are pretty bad so hopefully you think this one is better! <33 I never expected this book to blow up at all but we are already at so many reads and I have hardly been updating which I feel terrible about. and that is just completely insane to me. I really appreciate you all for coming and reading my chapters even when sometimes they aren't even good, I really appreciate that! once again I love you all and I hope you have enjoyed your week! Also, voting really helps and is very appreciated! Stay safe remember to take care of yourself and drink lots of water!

Goodnight <333


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