Chapter 31-The Oasis and Battle against Baraggan's Fracción part 1

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Most of the time the Privaron Espada will be training, so that's why they may not appear.

Mila Rose screamed as she swung her sword down, only for it to be blocked by Diamondhead's arm. However, Sung-Sun took advantage of the distraction to strike the crystalline hero in the leg. It didn't hurt him but she had put enough force into her blow to knock his leg out from under him, causing him to lurch forward. Apacci took advantage of his state to launch a Bala at him. But Diamondhead had managed to see her charging her attack and quickly created a wall of crystal out of the ground to block it. Apacci unleashed a fury of Bala upon the wall and Diamondhead quickly touched the dial on his chest and transformed into Armodrillo, diving into the ground.

"He's gone underground!" Mila Rose told the others. All three quickly leaped into the air and hovered over the sand.

"Smoke him out!" Apacci yelled to her teammates as energy started gathering around her horn. The other two nodded and began charging their own Cero as well. The desert area lit up in a blend of pink, orange, and red, creating a decent crater in the ground. But there was no sign of their opponent.

Suddenly a giant vine shot out of the ground and swung at the three. The trio dodged and began relentlessly hacking at the growth, cutting it in two. However, two more vines emerged and reached for them as well. As the girls focused on the vines; Swampfire rose out of the ground. Fireballs formed in his hands and he began throwing them. He made sure not to hit the girls, however, merely seeking to put them on the defensive. The girls grimaced and backpedalled.

"Split up!" Sung-Sun said.

"Right!" Mila Rose and Apacci said together and all three girls split off in different directions.

"Divide and conquer?" Swampfire grinned. "No problem." He tapped the Omnitrix dial and transformed it into Echo Echo. "I can. Do you. One better." He split into nine copies of himself, three for each of his opponents. The three trios of Echo Echoes raised their heads and screamed ultrasonic waves at their opponents, who were moving faster to dodge the dangerous attacks. Apacci flung her chakrams at her Echo Echoes but one fired a sonic attack that knocked her weapons out of the air. Grumbling, Apacci began charging her horn and fired a Cero. Seeing its build-up, the three Echo Echoes stood back to back and created a dome of sound around them; just in time as the Cero struck the dome. Apacci grit her teeth as the dome managed to hold.

Mila Rose and Sung-Sun were faring better but only just. They knew by now that the best tactic was preventing Echo Echo from opening his mouth, so they decided to put him on the defensive. Unfortunately, the little guy and his clones were too tricky for their tastes. If they didn't want to get overwhelmed, they had to take Ben down now or at least make him switch aliens again.

Sung-Sun darted her gaze around, trying to find some way to gain an edge. And she had to do it soon; her Echo Echoes were closing in on her. Just as they started preparing themselves for another attack, Sung-Sun finally got an idea. She landed on the sand and struck the ground with enough force to kick up the sand all around her. The Echo Echoes hacked and wheezed as the sand had wound up getting in their mouths, leaving them open for Sung-Sun to strike them all.

Mila Rose and Apacci saw what their teammate had done and grinned at such an effective tactic.

"Uh oh," one Echo Echo mumbled when he realized what he and the other copies were in for.

Apacci and Mila Rose blasted the ground, launching sand everywhere, the granules getting in the eyes and mouths of the Echo Echoes before they could do anything, causing them to cry out and cough as they tried to remove the sand. Unfortunately, it wasn't fast enough as the girls swooped in and struck their opponents relentlessly. The hero and his copies were sprawled all over the place, groaning in pain. Weakly, they all merged back into one and Echo Echo tapped the Omnitrix dial again, transforming into a different alien. This one sported a blue and black cloak that was wrapped around its lithe body with bulbous green eyes and a teeth-filled frown that caused it to resemble an eerie wraith.

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