Chapter Six

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Raina's POV

"Thank you!" I sang as the palace maid hands me a dress to change into after my bath. "My jeans are killing me!" I groaned, holding out the dress, it like silk as it felt soft and luxurious. The soft pink was cute, and I liked it, much better than what I was wearing jeans and sweatshirt then trainers. My clothing does not help me blend in this world, but then... Glancing at the mirror, my hair was a golden blonde short bob. Whilst the majority seemed to have long dark brown or black hair, then two mix of colours in their eye colour.

"Thank you, Miss," I turned my gaze to Tearl, who humbly took the piece, and it looked the same colours she wore, pale blue short top and black skirt. Maybe they realise she was a training priestess. She said people can identify who she was by the colour she wore.

"Your baths will be ready in an hour," the palace maid said, while she bowed then walked out the room. Seeing how everyone behaviour, I can see what Tearl said that I needed manners cause showing respect was an important key. But I do not want her to think that I want to learn these small etiquettes.

Placing my dress down, I turned my attention back to Tearl, "so, Tearl..." She looked my way, I must play cards right, I thought to myself as I steadily took a seat. "Do you know... Lady Shen Ava?" I asked.

Good! Start there, maybe she will remember my manners of the encounter...

"She's from a well-respected family, the Shen clan. They had close relation with the royals and to bring it closer, they have Lady Shen Ava promised to the Emperor."

"What!?" I gasped, "do you mean she and the Emperor were supposed to marry each other?" She nodded her head. I screamed, dropping to my knees and snapping my gaze at her, "how could I do that to her!?" I groaned loudly, grabbing my hair, she was nice to me and have I am taking her future husband... Well, it is not yet finalized. Hopefully, tomorrow everything gets settled, and we put this past us and friends.

Tearl laughed, I stared at her with pouting lips, "you don't have to worry, the Emperor can have many wives."

Taken aback by her response, "what do you mean by 'the Emperor can have many wives'?"

"He can have a harem. In fact, he may have four official wives: Empress, Imperial noble consort, noble consort, and consort. Then followed by his concubines. So, if you were to marry the Emperor, you'd become Empress and Lady Shen Ava will be Imperial Noble Consort. But..."

"But what?"

"Mistress Han Maya?" She muttered, looking like she was thinking.

"She must be a Princess even though they called her Mistress."

Shaking her head 'no', "there's no other royal child from late Empire but the Cursed Emperor and Duke Jai Wai. It's possible that Mistress Han Maya is pregnant with the Cursed Empire's first child. Now that I think about it, Han Maya, she is skilled in the military and after that... She went silent. Now that I see it, she's with child. The Emperor's child."

Narrowing my gaze at her, then tilting my head, "are you sure there's no gossip blog around here?" I asked, she furrowed her brows in confusion, and I jumped back onto my chair. "From what I've gathered from you is that the Emperor can have a harem, and he and Lady Shen Ava are in an arranged marriage type of shit. Then a highly skilled military lady is in the palace, pregnant with the Emperor's baby. What will happen to her after the baby is born?"

"They present an official title to her, after all she gave bath to a royal heir. She could have been an Empress if you don't marry the Emperor."

"Okay, I have more questions... Why didn't Lady Shen Ava and Emperor marry when they came of age? Also, does the gender of baby play any part in Maya's title?"

"The Emperor had to serve military and take exams. He completed his military services five months ago, so he and Lady Shen Ava had time to get married. But they put it on hold, so I don't know why?" She shrugged her shoulders and muttered, "maybe it is Mistress Han Maya... Gender shouldn't matter, male or female, it is a royal child, and the mother must be honoured... Raina, do the gender of a child play a big part in a family in your world?"

I hear the curiosity in her tone as she asked that question; I leaned back against my chair, and I wondered. How can I answer her question? I asked myself, should I compare it to my modern time or olden days. "Well... I live in time advanced then this world. I mean the olden days from my world, women were second-class citizens whilst men had it better and till to this day, men are having it easy. But in my time, it has 'changed' for women. We are having 'better times' but have to work twice as hard to achieve a better life. It's difficult to say as different women experience different treatments in different parts of the world."

Now that I think about it, has life in my time changed from the olden days. I know in some countries; people will kill their own baby because it was a girl and majority of times women would be placed in uncomfortable position just for pleasure gaze of men. And a woman takes charge of her well-being, her body and who she becomes in society. Society would regard her as unsuitable.

Do I really have a straightforward answer for Tearl?

Looking at her, I can see confusion written clearly on her face. I do not blame her, "maybe one day, when I have to figure it out, then I'll explain it all."

Tearl's lips parted to say something, but a palace maid walked in, bowed, "your baths are ready." She said, waiting for us.

"Thank you," both Tearl and I said in sync and stood up.

As we were about to follow the palace maid, Tearl said, "you want to learn how to show respect?"

I gasped in shock, snapping my wide-eyed gaze at her while she smirked and I sighed, relaxing my face, "yes, please teach me or else I may make a fool out of myself."

After we had our baths, Tearl taught me the basics of showing respects to another, especially a noble. I learnt that when bowing; I must make sure that I place my hands around my abdomen with my right hand on top of the left. Hands placed on the side are for men. We are talking strangers and higher ups, nobles, I must be formal all the way and address them by their given titles. It would explain why Tearl was being too formal to me when we first met.

Must remember those rules, I groaned in my head. Taking one long deep breath, taking in fresh chilling night air. Staring up at the night sky, I'm amazed by the two beautiful moons, a crescent blue moon and white quarter. Strolling in the garden, it would have been nice in the morning, but tomorrow I had that hearing and I to do not know if they will give me the chance.

"Sho Wa... Thank you for coming," I heard a familiar voice in the night, dashing to hide behind a tree. Glancing over my shoulders to see if anyone was watching me, then slowly tilting my head to peek.

From my point of view, I see the Emperor and what looks to be a woman or a man, or someone. I mean, these people had long hair, and it was dark, how would I know. "How can I ignore your call, Your Grace?" The voice sounded feminine.

Must be a woman.

The Emperor cleared his throat, sounding nervous. Aww, that's cute. Imagine his handsome face being all so nervous, like his going to confess his feelings to his crush. Ah youth, I sighed my head with a grin pulling the corners of my lips.

"Please... Don't address me as an Emperor... As what I have to say to you needs an honest response."

I gaped, oh my God! His confessing!

"If you order it, Your Grace..."

There was silence, as he took a long breath, I tightened my grip on the leaves as slowly leaned forward to hear his confession. "I have romantic feelings for you..."

I gasped softly...

"... I don't feel the same for you."

"Bitch!" I slapped my hand on my lips, realising I said that out loud and they turned their gaze in my direction. With no second guessing, made a run for it. Did not look back, just ran to God knows where.

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