Chapter Twenty-Six

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Raina's POV

"Your Imperial Majesties..." I heard You Rina's voice calling out softly, I turned slightly when I felt arms wrapped around my torso, drawing me close to some warmth. What was this comfortable being sleeping beside me? I opened my eyes; gentle white light filled my gaze before I took in that I was in bed then feeling warm breath caressing the nip of my neck. "Your Imperial Majesties, it is the time of the Morning Rooster."


Slowly turning, my gaze met white top with a slight gap revealing some perfectly toned—flawless skin. Lifting my head, I saw the beautiful sight of the Emperor sleeping, while his hair gracefully fell on his face and his eyebrows twitched, then his lips pouted a little. "Cute," I whispered, pouting my lips and caressed my fingertips across the Emperor's cheek to his temple—brushing his hairs away from his face.

The Emperor's thick brows furrowed, and his eyelids slowly opened, and his eyes stared down at me, carrying affection and concern. His hold around me tightened, and I held my breath as I stared up into his eyes—before I knew it, the Emperor quickly pulled back, "apologize, Empress..." He muttered, slowly and gently unwrapping his arms around me as he pushed himself up.

"Why apologize?" I asked, smirking before groaning and stretching my limbs again. His cheeks turned into a burning red and I laughed, "don't be shy!" I said, and he tried to look away, only to look at the lace curtain—noticing the servants that waited around the doorway of the room, bowing and keeping their heads down.

Awkwardly clearly his throat loud, and the servants quickly approached the bed, opening the curtains, "morning, Imperial Majesties..." They all greeted, and the Emperor's Eunuch helped the Emperor out of bed.

"We have prepared your today attire in the guest wing," the Eunuch said to the Emperor as he tried brushing the creases off the clothing.

I chuckled softly because his Eunuch was acting like an overly protective parent and the Emperor was his child. Pushing myself up, sitting up in bed and stared over the pair, with a lifted eyebrow, "cute..." I said again, a bit louder.

They both glanced at me, both held confusion as they stared at me, "for a twenty-one, you are sure babied." They both glanced to each other, then back to me, and I winked at them.

"Divine Empress?" The Emperor muttered in confusion, tilting his head, then glanced back at Eunuch, and stepped back, realizing what I was saying. He lifted his head, "I am not a baby... Eunuch Kamin is just doing his duty." He said nervously. Looking at him with 'are you sure' with a mischievous smirked, he uncomfortably shifted on his feet, before quickly bowing, "Divine Empress, I must take my leave and see to my work. Have a blessed day..." He swiftly turned on his heels and walked out.

Eunuch Kamin looked confused, quickly bowed to me and rushed after the Emperor and I roared out in laughter, throwing myself back onto the bed. With a sigh, I grabbed my blanket and covered myself, then turned to my side, "okay, I'm going back to sleep."

"Oh, no, no, no!" I heard You Rina scolding me, feeling someone pulling my blanket off me. I tightened my grip on the blanket and pulled it back, kept my eyes closed and continued the pulling struggling between myself and whoever was pulling. "Divine Empress, if you don't get up from bed then Grand Empress Dowager would punish you for not answering her call!"

Gasping, I let go of the blanket and sat back up, staring You Rina stumbling back with the blanket falling on top of her. "Please tell me, you're joking?" I asked, glancing at my handmaidens, who nodded their heads. I screamed and jumped out from bed, "why didn't you tell me sooner!?" Clapping my hands as I walked into bath chambers of my palace and ordered, "come, come!"

I don't want to anger an old warrior woman like her. In a panic, I hurried to get dressed and jogged over to Grand Empress Dowager's Palace. Standing outside the gates, You Rina brushes the creases off my dress as I trying to calm down my breathing, when I heard chuckling echoing in my direction and saw the Emperor smirking at me from the end of corridor. Furrowing my brows in confusion, following his gaze, and looking at You Rina, who was fixing my gown.

"You are sure babied," he chuckled under his palm and glared at him. He bowed slightly before continuing his journey down the corridor.

"Have you no respect for your elders!" Gaped, then glanced at You Rina. "I'm not that old... Just Twenty-five." I said, but she gave me 'are you serious' look. Rolling my eyes, "let get this over and done with—" I Gasped, seeing Court Lady Rin standing in front of me. "Court Lady Rin," I nervously laughed.

"Welcome Divine Empress," Court Lady Rin greeted and curtsy, still had grace and warm aura. Stepping aside, "please come in, Grand Empress Dowager awaits you." She said.

Nervously, I smiled and chuckled, glanced over to You Rina, who nods her head and hesitantly I walked through the gates of the palace. "Divine Empress Raina!" Someone announced as I entered the palace, seeing Grand Empress Dowager seated on her chair like always and dressed like a powerful Ruler, with her head lifted high—carrying the pride and strength, that how she was.

Standing under her gaze, I feel like an ant under the feet of a goddess. But I continued pretend my boldness, "many blessing and greetings, Grand Empress Dowager." I greeted, smiling warmly while I curtsied to her.

"You may rise," she ordered.

"Thank you," I bowed my head and stood up.

"You may take a seat."

Murmuring 'thank you' under my breath and took a seat, nervously waiting as the silence grew. "I wish to congratulate you for having inherit Gaia Kingdom. For this, I got you a gift."

"Huh... Thank you, Grand Empress Dowager."

A palace maid walked in, carrying a box and holds over to Court Lady Rin, then walked towards me. As she opened, I gasped softly—inside the box, there was a bow with a blood red wood and arrows made with the same wood and has silver arrow heads. "I hope this would help you for the annual Empires Hunter, tomorrow you'll be practising your archery. Remember, you'll be representing the Empire within two days."

Seriously? Seriously? And here I thought I was on the roll.

As You Rina took the box, I turned my gaze up to Grand Empress Dowager and graced her with a tight smile, "huh... thanks... I guess." I muttered the last words under my breath.

Slowly leaning back, she took a deep breath and lifted her head higher, "however... You sneaked out from the palace without company and had your handmaidens lie, also had Imperial Doctor Han get involved." She shook her head, narrowing her gaze down at me, putting me on the spot. "For that, I must punish you..." She snapped her fingers and Court Lady Rin and another palace maid walked in with a pile of books in their hands. "You are to write copies of these books and complete them today, and you need to practice 'Dawn of Whispering Change song'. It's a prayer to the gods and goddesses, and Divine Beings for the welcoming of Dawn of Whispering Change. You need to have the prayer in your head."

"Are you sure this is a punishment or torture?" I uttered, she lifted an eyebrow, and I nervously chuckled, then stood on my feet and curtsy. "I'll take me leave and get to work..." I smiled, glanced over at a confused You Rina, then I paced out the palace. Groaning, why was this happening to me?

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