Chapter Eight

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Raina's POV

"Casual wear, nightwear, Empress Court coat, training wear and must in important, your wedding ceremonial dress and greeting dress, Divine Miss Raina," Court Lady Rin said to me, as people took my measurements and had fabric samples being placed on my shoulders. "Please have a wig made for Divine Miss Raina," she turned her attention back to the Director Soul, while she held a bit of my hair.

Director Soul nodded his head and said, "it will be difficult to make one like her hair colour. But it's a challenge I'm willing to handle."

"That's good to hear, Director Soul. As for jewellery, it would be best if you come up with the colours that will suit the young Miss. We don't want her to look like any ordinary person, she is a Divine."

"I shall, Court Lady Rin. When must the wedding ceremonial dress and greeting dress be completed?"

"I will ask Grand Empress Dowager and have someone inform you. But you must start working on it," Director Soul nodded his head and turned on his heels, disappearing into crowd. Court Lady Rin then turned her gaze back at me. "Divine Miss Raina, we will hold your etiquette classes in Warrior Gold Palace. And because your foreign, we need explain the whole routine. Until your wedding ceremony, I will teach you graceful walking, bowing, speaking, learning the rules and table manners. Tomorrow we repeat, but addition is walking through wedding ceremony routines and work on your future Empress schedule after your marriage to the Emperor. Do you have any question, Divine Miss Raina?"

Gaping in shock, I turned my gaze to Tearl, who looked lost as me. I turned back to Court Lady Rin, and I uttered, "is there going to be any breaks?" I asked, but I feel like I knew the answer to that question.

Shaking her head 'no', with a warm smile, "there's no time rest as we don't know the day, Grand Empress Dowager will set, Divine Miss Raina. Do have any more questions?" I shook my head again, and she bowed her head gracefully then stepping back, "if you may..." When she said it, the swarm of people stepped aside, realising I can finally step down from the platform. "Please, follow me," she said, gracefully heading out from the building.

As I shuffled after Court Lady Rin, the people bowed as Tearl and I left following. Once stumbling outside, there were at least two dozen maids and eunuchs bowing on the ground, on my way, "greetings Divine Miss Raina." They all said in sync.

Glanced over at Court Lady Rin, who looked like everything was a typical day in the palace. She turned her gaze to me, gracefully bowed her head, "Divine Miss Raina, these are your personal maids and eunuchs. After your marriage with the Emperor, more servants will be in your court." She said.

"There's more!" I gasped in shock, glancing back at the people who bowed to me. "How is this possible?" I muttered under my breath.

"Please Divine Miss Raina, we must leave for your palace," Court Lady Rin said, pulling me out from my shock. Staying silent, I nodded my head as she led the way as I followed her, I glanced at the people staying bowing until we ahead, they stood up and tailed behind us.

Tearl walked beside me as we followed Court Lady Rin, "everything is going too fast? Why?" I whispered.

Giggling lightly, Tearl answered, "because you have the Emperor's charm. You may say that you two are already married in the eyes of the heavens. So, everyone has to treat you like an Empress before and after your official marriage."

Rolling my eyes and murmured, "it's just madness, just because the Omens said so." Then tilted my head to look up at Tearl, "do the Omens have more power than the Emperor?" I asked. I had that question running in my head for a while now that I had seen Omens and how the Emperor just let them talk in any way they want. I cannot help but wonder if they had more influence in the Empire. "I mean, you seem to respect them more than anyone."

"They are Omens, they are the voices of the heavens and when they speak, the heavens speak. But they are not rulers of the Empire, as they cannot rule and may not rule. If a royal child were to be born as an Omen, then there is no chance of them become ruler because they were born Omen."

So being an Omen is something being born into...

"So, if an Omen were to tell you to jump over a cliff, you would?"

Nodding her head, "I would."

"But why!?" I gasped.

She laughed, "if the heavens want it then I would. How could I say I have faith for the gods and goddesses if I don't jump?"

"Wow... Your faith is strong," I whispered.

Court Lady Rin stopped at the gate and turned to face Tearl and I, "Training Priestess Tearl, I have to inform that this is where you and Divine Miss Raina may conclude your day today with each other. Eunuch Young will escort you out of the palace." She said sincerely, gracefully bowing to Tearl.

"What? Why can't she come with me?" I asked, gently grabbed Tearl's arm and hugged it. "I can't part with her yet!"

Tearl smiled warmly as she turned to face me, "I need to be in the temple before three in the afternoon or else I won't be able to train in Heavenly Eclipse."

I pouted, wanting to beg her from leaving me alone in the enormous palace, but I know it would be selfish of me. "Would you be able to come to my wedding at least?" I asked.

"Sorry, once in the temple, I can't leave until I have completed," she sighed. I gained in her sigh and let go of her arm and pulled her into an embrace. "... I am glad I have met you, Divine Raina."

"Same, Tearl..." I whispered.

After a long moment of embracing, Tearl and I pulled away and said other byes, hoping we could see each other again. Parting our ways, Tearl heads out the palace while I head deep into the palace. My mind lost in thought as my feet just walked—following Court Lady Rin. Am I really going to marry the Emperor? If I do, then what mess would I get myself into. Or should I say, how worse would my life get?

"Divine Miss Raina?"

"Yes?" I lifted my gaze up to Court Lady Rin.

Her arm waved to the side, lifting my gaze and saw a magnificent fiery red gates frame hanging high on the gate frame 'Warrior Gold Palace'. "This is your palace," she said, bowing slightly as I hesitantly stepping close to the gates. I gasped, greeted by two beautiful trees covered in gold and fiery red leaves on both trees as the bark thick like an oak tree. Captured by melodiousness humming coming from an electric blue and white tipped feathered bird.

Lifting my gaze, I saw an improves grey marble lion-like creature placed in between the stairs leading up to the house. As I approached the lion-like creature, a young palace maid who looked to be in her teens approaches me. She smiled boldly at me and bowed, "greetings to Divine Miss Raina. I am You Rina, your personal handmaiden." She said.

Glancing over to Court Lady Rin, "she is to accompany your side and helps you maintain your palace as you handle state affairs and other important issues."

Turning my gaze back to You Rina, who was still bowing. Smiling, "you may raise." I said, she lifted her head, giving me a chance to see her amazing eye colour as they were tan with a hint of baby pink colours. They seriously had a two mix of colours in their eyes. "I happy to meet you—"

I gasped in shock, feeling a sharp pain on my back, snapping my gaze at Court Lady Rin who held a stick. When did she get her hands on that stick!?

"Training starts now, straighten your back and hold your head up." She said, holding her head up like she did not just hit me.

"... I wasn't ready!" I whined, she lifted an eyebrow and showing me 'don't mess with me' look. I groaned like a child, here I was thinking I was going to enjoy a luxury lifestyle.

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