Chapter Twenty

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You Rina frowned with her arms crossed across her chest, staring at her Empress, who snored softly in her sleep with a book opened and spread on top of her chin. You Rina sighed, shaking her head and giggled under breath, not surprised that her Divine Empress was napping after having lunch. Ever since You Rina became the Divine Empress' personal handmaiden, she had never seen someone so free spirited and sharp talker, and it was... Entertaining.

Not in a bad way, but a good way—a breath of new air. Of course, her Empress' behaviour raises several eyebrows and Divine Empress does not get scolded that much, as she mastered running and hiding from Grand Empress Dowager. You Rina had heard that the Cursed Emperor had not paid mind to her behaviour and did not find it not troubling.

Quietly You Rina approached her Empress and steadily took the book from her Empress, quietly placing the book down on a table and gathered the tray, carrying a cold teacup and half eaten snacks. The Divine Empress' personal handmaiden walked out the palace, heading to the kitchen found around the back of Warrior Gold Palace. As she closed in, she heard two servants talking amongst themselves, "Mistress Han Maya will become Empress." One whispered.

"Don't say that," the other sneered as they continued to do their work in the kitchen.

"But you know I'm right, everyone is talking about it," she whined. "Mistress Han Maya is going to give birth to the first Royal baby, and she has done great things—they gave her a General position. As our Empress, she's a Divine Being, but... We know little about her and what she can provide for the Empire."

The other servant sighed, "true... But she is our Empress, give her time. Remember the teaches of Time and Success, a sown seed does not grow within the night of the sisters."

"True, but... She and the Cursed Emperor had not yet laid, nor has she shown interest in our Empire and be part of the Court. She does not want to take the exams."

You Rina felt rage boiling within her, she did not like the way they were talking about their Empress like that. Taking a deep breath, lifted her head and entered the kitchen, and the two servants silenced and greeted, "You Rina." They bowed their head slightly.

As You Rina walked in, she gave a tight smile and placing the tray away, "prepare a dinner for two, please." You Rina ordered.

They both furrowed their brows in confusion, "who will dine with Her Highness?" One asked.

Proudly keeping her head high, "His Highness... So, prepare well." They both agreed, bowing to her, and she walked out. You Rina furrowed her brows with worry and nervously bit her lower lip, wondering how she was going to get the Cursed Emperor to come for dinner and how would she explain to her Empress about the whole dinner.

While You Rina worried about the night, over to another palace, Scarlet Moon Palace, where Mistress Han Maya comfortably sat in her chair while reading as a servant knelt by her side and massaging her Mistress' leg. "There's a council meeting today?" Mistress Han Maya asked, calmly turning a page of her book.

Her servant, still massaging her Mistress' leg and asked, "yes, there is, Mistress Han Maya. Do you wish to see the reports of the meeting?"

She lowered the book and sighed, "I must talk to Duke Qin Woo Naï." Slowly turned her down to her servant, lifting an eyebrow, "go, make sure he gets my invite." Her servants stood up and bowed to her Mistress, muttering 'yes, Mistress', before slowly walking out. Mistress Han Maya looked away, "I need more allies in the palace." She whispered to herself, then lifted her book and went back to her reading.

Mistress Han Maya's servant hurriedly heads to the Mental Hall, along the way, she and You Rina bumped into each other. They stopped in their tracks, staring straight to each other, "In Sora..." You Rina muttered.

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