Chapter Forty-Five

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"The Omens are not present for the meeting!" One Minister said. His voice shook in fear as he glanced around, hoping the Omens would walk in the Hall.

"So, the rumors are true... Imperial Noble Consort Maya is not allowing the Omens into the palace..." Another Minister said under his breath.

The female Minister, who stood beside the two Ministers, sneered and kept her gaze up on the throne. "They built the Empire in peace and unity. The Heavens, the Royals and the people come together in the Mental Hall for the sake of the Empire. Without one or the other, there's nothing but confusion."

A minister from behind overheard her and roared out in laughter, "that is bold of you to say for someone born outside the Empire."

She did not spare him any gaze as she smirked. "I may not be born here, but I'm more of Huddomen(ah) than you." She said, with her head held higher. "Just pray to the Heavens that you have no ill mind against them."

Everyone silenced and there was a loud knock echoing across the Hall before someone announced,—"Her Highness, Imperial Noble Consort Maya!" As the Imperial Noble Consort entered the Hall, everyone bowed their heads in respect to the royal. Beside her, was Duke Qin and both as they approached the throne had devilish grins.

They had waited months for this moment, or you may say years, as they dreamt about taking control of the Empire—sitting on the throne. Duke Qin worked long and hard to ensure his brother's downfall, especially the curse being his weakness. Duke Qin knew how to play alongside it. He had trustworthy servants tampering with his brother's medicine.

Imperial Noble Consort Maya had her eyes on the Empress title, and with a Wooha(h) Royal baby that title would have been easily hers. However, the appearance of Raina changed everything. A Divine Being fated to become the Emperor's bride, that did not sit right with her. Even though Duke Qin's aid changed everything, Her Highness is under a coma and the life of her unborn child is in danger. There was nothing stopping them.

She proudly took a seat on the throne, gazing down at the ministers that waited for her command. She smirked and ordered, "at ease..."

The ministers all thanked the Imperial Noble Consort as they lifted their heads. "Let us begin the meeting!" Maya's handmaiden said.

"How dare you start a meeting without us!?" Emperor Kai asked, his voice beam in the Mental Hall. Everyone glanced as he entered, with Empress Raina by his side.

Everyone bowed as the Emperor and Empress entered the Hall, wearing their majestic Imperial Coat as they approached the throne. Imperial Noble Consort's eyes widened in confusion before glancing over to Duke Qin. "Imperial Noble Consort, Wooha(h) Maya and Duke Qin Woo Nai... Guards arrest them for treason and admitted murder." Emperor Kai said, staring up at Maya as she glared down at him.

Guards poured into the Hall, hurryingly apprehend Duke Qin and Maya. "What is the meaning of this!?" Maya asked, as the Guards dragged her off the throne.

"Maya, in my world, officers would say 'you have the right to remain silent. Anything you say—' well... Nothing you say would help you either way." Divine Empress Raina said, as they dragged Maya past her. She smirked, holding her head high, and glanced over at Kai.

Kai quietly watched as the Guards took his brother. Duke Qin remained silent, showed no emotion or looked at his brother. Kai sighed under his breath, turned his gaze onto Raina, who gave him an encouraging smile. He smiled warmly back at her as he extended his hand. "Empress," he said.


She giggled softly, taking his hand and placed her free hand on her bump, as they both walked up the stairs. Eunuch Kamin cleared his throat and said, "The Imperial Royal Highnesses, Emperor Kai Rai and Empress Raina Sol Maka!"

Both Empress Raina and Emperor Kai took a seat on the throne as everyone bowed to the Imperial Royal Highnesses. "Long live the Imperial Highness!" As they said their praise, four Omens entered the Hall.

"Without delay, let us get this meeting on the way..."

The Mental Hall meeting ended shortly after the arrest of Duke Qin and Imperial Noble Consort Maya. They both dragged down into the deepest, darkest place in the Royal dungeon, staying in separate cells. General So Zu and Emperor Kai entered the dungeons. Emperor Kai still wore his Imperial coat while General So Zu clenched his sword by his side.

"You know what to do..." Emperor Kai said to General So Zu, before they went their separate direction.

Slow and hesitant, Kai stopped outside a cell, and he nodded to the guards. The guards opened the cells; he entered. Within the dark, someone sneered as Kai stepped in. "What do you have to say?" Duke Qin asked.

"... You're my eldest brother..."

Suddenly, he chuckled and lifted his head, and their eyes met. "Your existence is a curse. Father should have killed you and your mother."

Kai turned to one servant, who held a tray. He took the tray away from the servant, then glanced back at his brother and walked towards his brother. "Imperial Noble Consort Maya will have a title stripped away and publicly executed. Because you are my brother, and you have royal blood..."

He kneeled before his brother, placing the tray in front of him, and an alone cup stood there. Duke Qin glared down at the cup, and his hands on his laps, clenched. "Your mother took my mother, my siblings, and my legs. Now... You're taking my life."

Duke Qin chuckled under his breath, Kai glanced away and Duke took the cup. After taking one gulp of his drink, Kai said and walked out the cells, "you'll go home... Your mother's homestead, where you'll die in peace."

As Kai stepped out, a servant ran towards Kai and bowed. "Your Royal Highness! A message from the Night Temple, Your mother, Empress Dowager, has passed away!" He said.

His Highness stood frozen, unsure of what to think or feel. Laughter echoed out from Duke Qin's cell, sounding like a madman. Without saying a word, Emperor Kai walked past the servant, and suddenly there was a scream echoing down the dark hallway. Death was in the air, especially within the dungeon.

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