Chapter Eighteen

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Raina's POV

"unless we contact the King Daehyun, and I can buy more time with the council then... I don't know what I do."

The Emperor's words echoed in my head; he wanted help and gain to clear picture and control of his council. But he does not want to seem to disturb anyone else, especially me. I asked if he wanted my help, but he always hesitant and takes it lightly. I do not know if I made it seem like did not care, and as I know, I am Empress and have equal power as the Emperor.

"I need to help... And behind the scenes," murmuring under my breath. Sighing, looking out into the distance, "Gaia Kingdom..."

"Divine Empress, are you ill?" You Rina asked, her voice carried concern as she placed another teacup. "Should we take leave?" We were in Ashhyae, the wing of Knowledgeable, sitting in the gazebo to do some reading, which I did not do because of my wondering mind.

A bright blue and black colour caught my eyes, glanced over I saw General So Zu heading towards the Imperial Library and an idea popped in my head. "GENERAL SO ZU!" I called out as I jumped onto my feet. He immediately stopped, glanced around until his gaze landed on me, "WE NEED TO TALK!" I yelled and ran down from the gazebo and heading to him.

"Divine Empress!" You Rina nervously called out, chasing behind me as I approached General So Zu.

General So Zu bowed, "Divine Empress." He greeted.

I huffed and smiled, "General So Zu, the man I was looking for." I said.

"Is there something in the matter, Your Imperial Grace?" He asked, keeping his expression blank, yet serious.

Lifting my head high up and took a deep breath, "I want to contact King Daehyun, do you know how?" I asked with a grin. Wait... Did I just say that? I asked myself in shock, just like the shock look on his face. "It sounds crazy, but maybe I should give it a shot... After all... I'm the Divine Being." I nervously and hesitantly said the word 'Divine Being', and kept my head up.

He glanced around and stepped forward, "Gaia is a kingdom of nature and a shop of herb, is where to meet the peace between Empire and Kingdom." He said, stepping back and bowed. "I shall take my leave, Divine Empress." He walked around me and continued his way to the Imperial Library.

"Gaia is a kingdom of nature and a shop of herb, is where to meet the peace between Empire and Kingdom?" I repeated his words in confusion.

You Rina quietly stepped forward and leaned closed, and whispered, "he talks about the infamous herb shop in the city."

I turned and whispered, "why would he talk about it?"

She shrugs, "maybe we should go back to your palace?" I nodded my head and let her guide me back to my palace. As we walked back to the palace, You Rina asked, "do you want to go to the shop?"

Nodding my head, "if this is the one way of getting answers then let's..."

Returning to my palace, You Rina disappeared elsewhere, and I wondered why thought I could make a difference in this Empire. Divine Being? Have I really come to accept that title? I asked myself.

"Divine Empress!" You Rina paced into the room, huffing and puffing. "I have someone to excuse you to the city and take you to the herb shop. You leave in the night." She said with a smile.

"How did you do it?" I asked.

She shrugged, "I'll do anything for you, Divine Empress."

"You Rina, in your own words. Why do you see me as a Divine Being?"

"Remember your vow exchange, Sol Maka, your given name by the Omen. An Omen maybe born with foresight, but I see you as a fresh sight to the Royal life and maybe add more elements into our world. Your appearance and origins are different, but I see in the distant. So that's what I can say about you, Divine Empress," she said.

"Then... I need see, what I can do?" I sighed.

The day seemed normal around my palace, in the time it was night, You Rina helped me to sink out in the night and met Eunuch Young, who would take me to Herb Shop. I don't know if they opened the Herb Shop in this time of the night, but I know little of this world. So, I just had to cross my fingers and sink out from the palace. You Rina remained in the palace to make sure no one finds outs about my mission, this was nerve-wracking for myself as I'm doing something for the Empire, for the Emperor.

The Capital city's night was serene and melodiousness with the distance echo of cheers and music, the scenery of the capital was a beautiful time capsule that held on each building with nature intertwined close like one. I knew deep inside it was breath-taking marvellous under day light, wishing I can return to the city under the sun and take in radiant city.

"Divine Empress..." Eunuch Young whispered, as we entered a dark narrowed alleyway. He glanced around, then knocked on a door and the door opened, he entered the building. I waited for some time, and he stepped out, nodding his head.

I followed him, entering the building and greeted by a new face, a man stared down at me under his forest green and sky-blue eyes, "you're a child..." He chuckled.

"I'll have you know I am average height in my world and twenty-five years old," I said, pulling the hoodie of my cloak down and stepping forward, lifting my head high and stared straight in his eyes.

He stared down into my eyes, his hand lifted and pulled out a flower from his dark-hair, "and I'm born in two cultures, a mother of nature and father of peace... What do I owe the pleasure of having the Divine Empress?" He asked, grinning as he places the flower into the hair and bowed.

"I hear you are a connection in communicating with the HuddOmen palace and Gaia palace, and I have a message for the King."

"And what if I were to tell that His Majesty is not interesting?" He lifted an eyebrow; he was clearly trying to push my buttons. But I'll keep my head up and step up.

"Love, stop messing with Her Majesty," another man walked into the room. His steel-blue, grey eyes glanced our way. He bowed in my way and greeted, "many blessings, Divine Empress."

I smiled and nodded my head to him, then turned to the man who was messing with me, he rolled his eyes and chuckled, "where's the fun in that?" He asked his lover, then stared back to me and sighed, "I can't promise an answer from the mad King, but I will outline the sender, Divine Empress."

"So... You'll take my message?" I asked with a grin. Nodding his head, I sighed in relief, "let's meet and talk."

"That's it?" He looked shock.

Looking out, wondering if I need to add more but there was nothing I could add, shaking my head, "no... That's it."

He glanced to his lover then back to me and laughed, "I like you and the mad King shall too."

"Thanks..." Furrowing my brows, "may I ask... How are you close with the King?"

"Business!" Both he and his lover answered. Glanced over to his lover, who chuckled and winked at me, "the mad King, maybe mad but has a mind." He said, "so, don't think lightly."

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