Chapter Thirty-Five

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Raina's POV

They decorated the entire palace with warm orange and dark purple paper flower crafts, white and black cloths added. Everyone in a buzz around, preparing for the incoming celebration for the Dawn of Whispering Change. It's basically a celebration of the start of Autumn.

"I really enjoy Dawn of Whispering Change celebration! Especially in the town with the food and performance," You Rina said, grinning from ear to ear. She squealed in excitement and softly clapped her hands. "Then light up some lanterns at the end of the night," she said.

Jennie and Kat chuckled as they fix my hair. "Too bad you are not going to town this year," they both said.

I glanced at my handmaidens through the mirror as they stood behind me. "What are you talking about?" I asked.

"Servants who did not have anyone to serve or not selected to be part of the palace celebration gets go to the town to have fun with the towns' people." Jennie said.

"And I usually go to the town," You Rina said. "As much as I wanted to be part of the palace celebration, I never got the chance... Until now." She smiled warmly, placing a hairpin in my hair, before everyone stepped back. "It is an honour to witness the Royal prayers to the gods/goddesses and the Divine Beings. Also, high-class performance."

"Oh, yes! Especially the fire dance!" Kat said, and squeals echoed through the room.

I cringed in confusion as I turned myself to face the trio and asked with a warm smile, "what is the fire dance?"

The trio snapped their gaze to me, staring at me in confusion. "There are several fire dances believed to be created by the Divine Being of fire, Angi! The dance movements replicate the movement of flames and the cracking of wood under the flames." Jennie said, closely trying to dance.

Kat stops Jennie by grabbing Jennie's arm and laughed, "it's a beautiful dance but a challenging one, especially is your performing for Grand Empress Dowager."

"Why is that?" I asked. Looks like there is more to the story, I thought to myself.

Everyone froze awkwardly, then cleared their throat, and You Rina stepped forward. "During her youthful time, Grand Empress Dowager would always perform the fire dance and praised for her dance skills. However... It's said a fight between Grand Empress Dowager and her late husband's Lady Consort which led to Her Grace to break her ankle." You Rina said in a low tone. "Imperial Doctors could not heal her ankle..."

"Also... everyone knows Her Grace has a difficulty walking because each step causes her pain. That is the reason she rarely leaves her palace. Unless she needs to attend important event."

Now that I think about it, I had never seen Grand Empress Dowager ever stand or meet her anywhere else but her palace. Here was I thinking she was indulging in her incredible power, sitting in her palace throne chair. The pain she got was because of her ankle, which meant no more dancing and unable to walk that much.

"What was the fight about?" I asked.

They all shrugged their shoulders, shaking their head—"We don't know," the trio said.

"Not even the old palace servants want to talk about it. It said, 'her broken ankle, broke the Wise blade.' But she kept her strength high and kept moving," Jennie said.

"More or less," Kat said, shrugging her shoulders.

"Enough about Grand Empress Dowager!" You Rina jumped in and approached me. Softly grabbing my hands and helped me onto my feet, "Her Highness is going to be there and we don't want you to give Her Grace pity looks or 'I know' look."

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