Chapter Seven

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Raina's POV

Last night, I tossed and turned in bed, surprised I found my way back to the guest wing. Tearl was asleep when returned, and I was glad that she was because thinking back to garden, it was rude of me to listen in the conversation between the Emperor and that woman. Sho Wa.

I witnessed an Emperor confessing his feelings to another woman during these times though, Lady Shen Ava was his fiancée and Mistress Han Maya was pregnant. Then there was me, I accidently touched his charm, a symbol of 'Promised Love'. I am not sure if he had more misfortune than me.

"Do you remember what I told about showing respect?" Tearl asked, as we walked to Mental Hall. I was told it was where the Emperor usually held his meetings with his ministers and Omens.

"Yes, mom," I yawned. I never slept a wink last night; my mind was just active. Worst enough, they woke us early morning because of the Emperor's busy schedule. Tearl gasped in awe, turning my gaze at her, and her eyes widened in admiration, staring ahead. Following her gaze, the architecture stricture of the building, "wow..." I gasped took me by surprise.

It was Grande, as we came around, taking in the whole of Mental Hall—settling above the pearling white stairs, solid red walls and beams held the golden tiled roofing with playful creatures' green clay baked in the corners of the roofs. Step by step, we close up into the Hall and I saw string from one end to another, with five coloured flags, white, gold, green, blue and red. Hanged on the string.

Suddenly, stopping at the entrance of the Hall, an announcer announced, "Divine Miss Raina! Training Priestess Tearl!" I glanced at Tearl in confusion. Why were they calling me Divine Miss? Tearl lightly shook her head, I sighed softly, and we bowed in waiting. "Enter!" The announcer announced, we doubled bowed before entering the hall.

Stepping foot on red velvet, golden yellow and jade green carpet in Hall, keeping my head bowed, taking a long walk towards the throne that I was yet to see. Stopping, "we pay our humble greetings to His Emperor." Both Tearl and I greeted, still bowing our heads.

"You may raise," the Emperor's voice carried no emotion as he ordered. Lifting my head, I got a good of those in front of me. Looking at him, he looked unbothered seating on a golden throne-decorated with bits of pearls and gems that took over the entire wall with writings placed each side of the throne. He wore a luxurious royal blue coat on the front of the bodice, embellished in golden threads. He wore a gold crown-like pin holding a bun, then his jet-black hair flowed down his back.

My eyes abruptly went to the four people wearing black cloaks, wearing hoods on their heads as they stared blankly. Surprised to see their eyes were white with grey hazy and no pupil. Are they... Omens? I wondered.

"Divine Miss Raina," one spoke, not even turning their gaze or head to my direction. "You believe that you and the Curse Emperor should not marry?" He asked.

Wow, he boldly called the Emperor cursed when his just behind you, I gaped in my head and glanced at the Emperor, and he was looking elsewhere. Snapping out of my train of thought when I felt someone tapping my side, glanced at Tearl, who nods towards the Omens. Oh, yes!

Snapping my gaze back at the Omen, "huh, yes! What did you say?" I asked, Tearl whimpered in embarrassment, then I recalled their question. "Oh, yes! I remember, I remember." I nervously laughed, glancing around to see if anyone else was laughing. But it was dry, clearing my throat, "yeah, I'm not from this world and took his charm by mistake. So... Please understand my situation."

Tearl's head dropped. Clearly, I had forgotten yesterday's lessons. I'm sorry, Tearl! I cried in my head.

"Training Priestess Tearl, you are here to speak for Divine Miss Raina. What is it you need to clear up?" A woman asked. Still, the Omen did not turn their head nor gaze to our direction.

Quickly, Tearl lifted her head and gave a slight bow, "Oh heavenly Omen, Divine Miss Raina did not understand our culture and views. As she had stated, Divine Miss Raina is not from the world and trying to go back to her world. Please put this in mind, oh heavenly Omen." She said with grace, softly bowing her head again.

She turned her gaze to my way, furrowing her brows in confusion as I grinned like an idiot and lifted my hands, giving her two thumbs up. We got this! Thanks, Tearl! I cheered in my head, for sure they will listen to Tearl. She had handled that perfectly and with grace, like she was some noble lady.

"Divine Miss Raina, may we have the Cursed Emperor's charm?" Another Omen asked, stretching out his hand.

Am I out of this mess!? I asked myself, quickly reaching into my pocket and pulled the charm. Glanced at the Omen's hand, then Tearl, unsure of what to do. Tearl nods her head, and hesitantly I took a step forward to the Omen and gently placed the charm on his pale hand. As I stepped back, made sure I made a quick bow cause I was not sure of what I was doing.

With the Emperor's charm in one of the Omen's hand, there was silence, and my nerves were in high gear. "The marriage must commence as fated," all four Omens spoke in sync.

"YES! Wait! What!?" I gasped, glanced at Tearl, who shrugged her shoulders, then glanced at the Omens and the Cursed Emperor, who showed no bit of emotion. "No, no, no! I can't marry him! I need to go back to Earth and live my life there... Did I mention I am twenty-five years old!?" Glancing around hoping someone will object, but there was silence.

Tearl cleared her throat, getting my attention, "age is just a number..." She whispered.

"Of course,..." I murmured.

Staring up at the Emperor and all he did was sit on his throne and staying quiet, "Divine Miss Raina, your marriage to the Curse Emperor has to happen." Another Omen woman spoke.

I sighed heavily, "then answer my question... Is there a way from me to return to Earth?" I asked, lifting my head high and proud.

"There is... Please take the Cursed Emperor's charm," I stepped forward, glared down at the charm, then grabbed it and bowed to the Omens, before stepping back.

"You may take your leave," the Emperor ordered.

Both Tearl and I bowed, "we shall take our leave, Your Grace." Remembering the rule of leaving a room, taking several steps back while bowing then turned and walked out from the Hall. Once outside, I took one long deep breath and screamed out loud, shocking the people around and indeed embarrassing Tearl. One long blow of sigh, I glanced at Tearl, "I need to get back to Earth." I said.

"I don't know what else to say, Raina. The Omens believe you and the Emperor must marry, and that will happen. I wish I can help, but I cannot overstep the words of the Omens. I am sorry," Tearl said, her voice carried weight. She sounded sincere and... guilty.

As she bowed, shocking me. I flinched, gently grabbing her arms to stop her from bowing, "Tearl, you don't have to apologize. I understand, I need to apologize and thank you to you since you spared your time to help me. Thank you and sorry."

Shaking her head, smiling warmly to me, "I have enjoyed my bit with you, Divine Miss. I'm leaving to the temple later today. It was nice to meet you, Raina." She bowed her head.

"Let's take a tour of the palace before you leave," I smiled back at her and we head down the stairs, heading the same direction we came in.

However, after stepping through the gates, someone came running towards us. "Divine Miss Raina! Divine Miss Raina!" Turning my gaze, a man came huffing and puffing in front of us. He bowed, "I am Eunuch Young, and I am to show you to the clothing development." He said.


"For fitting for your wardrobe and meet some of your handmaids and eunuchs, then you will be led to your palace." He said.

"Aren't we already in the palace?"

He smiled, "there are twenty-one palace in the inner walls, each wife, royal children, Emperor and Empress Dowager are presented their own palace." I gasped, "if you ready, we may leave for your fitting." He stretched out his hand, pointing the way. Glanced at Tearl, who chuckled and shrugged her shoulders.

I sighed, "Okay..."

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