Chapter Twenty-Four

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"Let's make a bet," he glanced around, "if you can heal this land then you are titled to have my kingdom."

"What if I don't?"

He grinned, "then you marry me."

"But I'm already married?"

"That's not an issue..."

Oh... I knew nothing more about my 'divine powers', but I accept this bet and able to heal this land, then I lower the chances of war and the villagers in Tookai would get their fertile land back. However, if my powers cannot heal the land, then I would get married again, and I do not know how I would explain it to the Emperor who was already my husband. "Okay, I accept your challenge," I said, with a smirk.

I'm just going to trust my luck on this...

Oh, any god or goddess listening, please help me. I'm just out of my mind, I whined in my head and glanced over to Gaibin and King Daehyun, who watched from the gravel path. Kneel on the ground, I stared at the dry dirt, "This Gai Bele goddess, should the one doing this." I murmured to myself, looking at my hands.

I only know the fire trick!

Taking a deep breath, I hesitantly placed my hand on the ground and gulped nervously. Closing my eyes, I tried to imagine a flow of fruitful energy, and radiant plus of blessing into the earth. The image of life coming from the ground and felt energy flowing around my body, then flow down my arms, through my palms. Opening my eyes, sight of green/bright yellow leaves before me, holding my breath as I lifted my head, seeing a sea of vibrate green/bright yellow.

Slowly stood up, a smile graced my face and a rise of pride within me, "you did it, Divine Empress!" Both Gaibin and King Daehyun cheered from across the field.

Feeling a slightly light-headed when I took a step forward, shaking it off, I headed over to Gaibin and King Daehyun—caressing by the leaves as walked through the fields, Gaibin stretched out his hand as approached the gravel road. I reached out, grabbing his hand, "you are unbelievable, Empress." He said, as he helped me up. "How did you know you can do it?" He asked.

I shook my head 'no', "I didn't... I just trusted on my luck." I said while laughed nervously. He looked at me in stunned with a smirk, then roared out in laughter.

King Daehyun threw himself on top of me, tightly embracing me, "you have my kingdom!" He sang, stepping back and glanced to his servants. "Bring me ink, brush and paper!" He ordered, and they hurried to collect the things he wanted and run to him. One held writing platform with a paper on top as another held an ink pot and brush. King Daehyun quickly turned and grabbed the brush, dripping the brush in the ink pot before writing, "I shall give Empress Raina Sol Maka of HuddOmen, Gaia Kingdom, after my death. However..." He smirked, glanced to me. "Only when she has a child, the Gaia Kingdom would be her's."

"Are you being serious!" I gasped in shock.

He placed the brush down as another stepped forward with a tiny tray carrying a gold stamp, "if anything were to happen to you, your child can inherit the kingdom." He grabbed the gold stamp, placed his royal seal on the paper. "Either way, Gaia Kingdom will be part of the Empire. But I would like the Gaia Kingdom to stand out as its own, even within an Empire."

"I can't make any promises, but I'll try my best to keep Gaia Kingdom in memory and strong." I sighed as he gives me the paper. Staring down at the paper, then back up at King Daehyun, "thank you for your trust."

"No..." He shook his head, "thank you." He bowed his head, then glanced at Gaibin, "you must visit more often, Gai... Bin!"

Finally, Gaibin and I went back to the inn, we had lunch, and we were back on the road—I whined and complained along the road, still cannot believe I got a Kingdom through a bet. I seriously had weird luck on my side, hopefully I had enough when I get back to the palace. But... looking at my hands, I kept wondering how much power I had, I'm able to heal the lands of Tookai, then I should be powerful enough to get back to Earth.

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