Chapter Thirty-Two

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The Imperial Doctor San sighed in weary, leaned back and stared over to Eunuch Kamin. Tension in the room grew within the silence as the Cursed Emperor kept his eyes closed. His back faced Doctor San while Eunuch Kamin stood guard by the door. "What is it?" The Cursed Emperor asked.

"Your curse worsens... You need to take your treatment and we're doing it today," Doctor San said. He nods his head over to Eunuch Kamin, who rushed to the other room.

"I have a council meeting; can't I take the treatment later?" The Emperor asked, then a growl vibrated from the back of his throat.

Eunuch Kamin returned with chains in his hands, then hurried to hook the chain to the wall and the other, as Doctor San said, "you can't see anyone in this statement. We shall inform Her Royal Highness, Grand Empress Dowager."

The Cursed Emperor remained silent, Doctor San took his silence as an answer, before walking over to where his medical bag set on the table. As the two ready the room and medication for his treatment, Emperor Kai Jai leaned back and released a long sigh. He glanced over to the chains, then down to a right hand with long black talons that laid on his thigh.

"Eunuch Kamin, please excuse us?" Doctor San asked, and Eunuch Kamin bowed to the Emperor, before leaving the room. "Are you ready?" He asked, turning to face the Emperor with a knife in one hand and a bowl of herb paste in the other.

While leaving Doctor San and the Emperor alone, Eunuch Kamin ordered the servants not to enter the Emperor's room as he heads to Grand Empress Dowager. Each step he took, his pace picked up—gulping more than usual. He needs to inform the Grand Empress Dowager about His Highness conduction and inability to attend the council meeting.

The Council meeting was two hours going to begin, and there was no way of stopping it, because most of the council members had travelled days to attend the meeting. The head of the Empire, the Royals, must attend that meeting.

Upon arriving at Grand Empress Dowager's palace, they ushered in him to meet Her Royal Highness. "Greetings, Grand Empress Dowager," Eunuch Kamin greeted, bowing to Grand Empress Dowager, who kept her gaze on her book.

"Rise," she ordered, still reading her book.

Eunuch Kamin rose, "Your Royal Highness, I have some news to tell about His Grace. The Imperial Doctor San is giving His Grace his treatment, and there was no way they can avoid it. Today—"

"Today, there is a council meeting, and it will start soon." She said, cutting the Eunuch. She kept her gaze on the book, her hand reached for her teacup, then a servant leaned in and turned the book page. Gracefully, she sipped her tea and continued to read, "sadly, I am unwell. I cannot attend the meeting."

He froze, uncertain on what to say or how to react. He awkwardly glanced to Court Lady Rin, silently begging for her help. She sighed under her breath, rolling her eyes, and she turned to face Grand Empress Dowager. "Since His Grace will not attend, maybe this is Divine Empress' chance to be involved in the council?" Court Lady Rin asked.

Suddenly, Grand Empress Dowager's body tensed up, then she lowered her book and turned to Eunuch Kamin. "Divine Empress is not ready to take a lead in council," she said, then sighed. "Mistress Han Maya... She can take the lead in council."

Court Lady Rin's eyes widened in shock, and she glanced over to Eunuch, who was equally shocked as her. She took a step forward, bowing her head slightly, "Your Highness?"

"Don't make me repeat myself," Grand Empress Dowager warned Court Lady Rin. She snapped her gaze at Eunuch Kamin, "make sure she sticks to the confirmed documents. And if the council has something to add or argue, question them. She must try nothing else. Do you understand?" She asked him.

"Yes, Your Highness," he said, bowing to her.

"Leave," she ordered. Eunuch Kamin stepped backward, then turned on his heels and walked out. Once he left, Grand Empress Dowager turned her gaze to Court Lady Rin. "Divine Empress may be the Empress and has gained Gaia Kingdom, but... She is unexperienced and far from being an Empress."

Court Lady Rin remained silent; she knew Grand Empress Dowager was just trying to save the Divine Empress from embarrassing herself in front of the council. At the wedding ceremony, the Divine Empress had met a few of the council members and this council meeting has every one of the fifty-nine members.

The Divine Empress was still a stranger in the world and still learning the ways of the palace and world. If the Divine Empress goes to that meeting without the Emperor or Grand Empress Dowager company, then the council would question her about herself more than the agenda of the meeting. They would want to know if she would take the exams, how she got to meet the Mad King and get Gaia, and when would she and the Emperor have an heir.

Later, Eunuch Kamin arrived at Mistress Han Maya's palace. He bowed to Mistress Han Maya, who looked down at him. "Greetings, Mistress Han Maya." He said.

Mistress Han Maya stayed silent, staring down at Eunuch Kamin as he bowed. She placed her hand on her growing baby bump, "rise." She said, rolling her eyes and looking away from the Eunuch.

"Today, there is a council meeting. However, His Majesty and Grand Empress Dowager cannot attend, and by the orders of Her Highness, Grand Empress Dowager orders you to represent the council." He said as he stood.

She chuckled loudly and sighed, an evil smirk shaped on her lips, realising that Grand Empress Dowager did not want the Divine Empress in that council meeting. She pouted her lips and sighed tiredly, then placed a hand on her temple. "I wish I could, but... I am unwell, other all..." She said, with her other hand on her belly—she rubbed gentle circles, hinting it was because of her pregnancy.

He awkwardly cleared his throat and bowed, "apologize, Mistress Han Maya. Thank you for your time." He said, walking back, then turned and left the room. When he stepped outside, he panicked—the meeting was closing in and there needs to be a leader in that meeting.

There was only one person he could go to, and that was the Divine Empress. No time to think, Eunuch Kamin harried over to the Divine Empress' palace. Upon arriving at her palace and met with You Rina. They bowed to each other, "I must meet with Her Grace." Eunuch Kamin said, panting lightly.

You Rina, confused, "huh... Is everything alright?" She asked.

Eunuch Kamin shook his head, "there's a council meeting and Her Highness is the only one available." He said. You Rina was uncertain, but she nods her head and guide Eunuch Kamin in.

"Your Grace?" You Rina called out as they walked into the sitting room. They both froze in the doorway, gasping in shock when they saw the Divine Empress barely sitting on her chair, her mouth wide opened—loudly snoring while she slept.

"Trust me... She was awake moments ago," You Rina said, turning her gaze to Eunuch Kamin.

He turned his gaze to You Rina and asked, "is at least well?" She nods her head 'yes'. With one deep breath he said, "wake her up and get her ready... She is going to that meeting."

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