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LEO AND HIS dad walked into the huge building that Joseph had told him to go to. the building was beautiful. it was a dark colour with mirror-like walls.

the inside was even more beautiful , with modern furniture everywhere. Jorge walked up to the blonde haired receptionist who looked like she was in her 20's .

"hello Ms..." he trailed off , looking at her name tag before smiling up at her. "Gonzales" he said and she nodded her head.

"we're here to see Mr Joseph King. i think he already informed you" Jorge said. Joseph had a family lawyer firm and immediately made an appointment with the football star.

the girl nodded her head and looked through a file. "your meeting will be in 10 minutes. Mr King is still in a meeting. if you can kindly sit down and enjoy the beverages , 10 minutes would feel like 5" she said with a smile.

Leo nodded his head and went to sit on one of the chairs. Jorge sat across from his son and took a bottle of water from the table.

"how's Anto? i haven't heard from her in a bit" Jorge tries to make small talk. Leo faintly smiled. "she's doing quite alright...she told me to tell you hello" he said.

Jorge nodded his head and took a sip of his water. "sweet girl" he spoke.

"um..Joseph...when he called me..." Leo trailed off. "yeah?" Jorge asked ,putting the water bottle next to him.

"he said it was about Valentina" Leo spoke. Jorge went quiet and frowned. "Valentina?" he asked once again and Leo nodded his head.

"what does she have to do with anything? i mean...we haven't heard from her or her parents in over 10 years" Jorge spoke.

"i know. that's what's bothering me. why after all these years? she left me and never looked back and i have a family of my own now" he spoke.

Jorge then looked at his son. "then why are you here?" he asked. Leo frowned. "what do you mean?"

Jorge just shrugged. "if you don't want anything to do with her , why are you here?" he asked.

"i don't know , i just...i need to know why i need to be here so urgently and what she wants from me" he spoke as he ran his hand through his hair.

"does Anto know?" Jorg asked. Leo shook his head. "no , i have to tell her when i go back" he spoke and Jorge nodded his head in understanding.

A man with dark brown hair and a beard cme downstairs. he wore a black suit with three other guys walking behind him.

the men greeted him and he smiled as they went out. he turned to the receptionist who pointed towards them.

the man turned around and smiled as he walked over to them. "Gentlemen." He said. Leo and Jorge shook his hand.

"I'm Joseph King as you know and i wanted you here for something important" he said as he looked at Leo.

"if you can just follow me..." he trailed off and walked up the sgairs. Leo and Jorge followed him to a room.

it was an office. it was rather big for just an office. "take a seat" Joseph pointed to the two chairs in front of his desk.

Leo and Jorge both take a seat and so does Joseph. Joseph took a white file from under the table and put it on the desk.

"So , Mr Messi...i assume you're aware of why you're here , regarding Ms Hidalgo" he spoke. Leo went stiff , but nodded his head.

"yeah ,i haven't seen her in ten years. so...where is she? what does she want from me?" he asked , puzzled.

Joseph looked down at the table and looked up again. "sadly , Mr Messi , i have to say that in the last 3 months , Ms Hidalgo sadly passed away" he spoke.

Leo's eyes widen and he sat upright in the chair. "passed away? s-she's dead?" he asked ,tears threatening to spill.

Joseph nodded his head. "why are you only telling him this now?" Jorge asked as he frowned.

"we needed to follow procedures" Joseph spoke. Leo ran his hands over his face before facing the lawyer again.

"uhm...how...how did she..." he trailed off. "car accident. she instantly died" Joseph spoke.

Leo sighed out loud as his throat began to ache but he refused to cry right then and there.

Joseoh opened the file , making Leo look up. he turned the file towards Leo that showed a picture of a grown up Valentina.

she had pretty green eyes , a small , pointed nose and creamy brown hair. she looked so different but still so beautiful.

"this is Ms. Hidalgo , right?" he asked and Leo nodded his head , not wanting to speak.

"well , why is he here?" Jorge asked , still confused. Joseph turned to look at Leo.

"well , even though Ms Hidalgo passed away so tragically and suddenly , she still had everything planned out" he spoke. Leo frowned at him.

"what do you mean?" he asked. "a couple of years before Ms Hidalgo died , she made up her will and in there was her last wish" he spoke.

Leo felt goosebumps on his arms as he looked at the lawyer. "she wanted you to have something before she died" Joseph spoke.

"and what's that?" Leo asked. Joseph closed the file before looking at the footballer once again.

"a daughter"


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