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Emily laid on the bed , cuddling Anto and eating her snacks while they watched Emily's favourite show , Maldivas.

Anto had her arm drapped over the girl and Emily cuddled into her stepmom's side. she was still a bit sad after yesterday , because it felt like she lost a good friend rather than a relationship.

Anto came and consoled her after she heard Emily cry softly in her bedroom and from then , the two were in Emily's room all day , watching series , no matter how many times Leo and the boys tried to get them out of there. 

"I called Delfi earlier" Anto said and Emily nodded her head while popping some chocolate covered almonds in her mouth. "she's going to get you out of the house for a while" Anto said , stroking Emikly's hair.

the girl glanced at Antonella. "but why? I'm perfectly fine in my room" Emily said and huffed and Anto gave her a look. "no complaining. I want you to know that break-ups are normal" Anto began.

"and the way you feel is normal , Emily. that's why Delfi is getting you out of the house to regain yourself" Anto said with a shrug on the end.

"fine" Emily said causing Anto to smile. Anto stood up from the bed. "I'm gonna go downstairs to make the boys something to eat" Anto said and with a nod of Emily's head , Anto exited the room.

Emily sighed and went on her phone. she scrolled through her social media , seeing headlines of her and Enzo and their past 'relationship'.

Emily then went on Tiktok and scrolled through the for you page. she grabbed a bag of spicy popcorn and began to eat from it.

a couple minutes went by and then Emily heard a couple of voices come from downstairs and she recognised Delfi's voice.

Delfina walked upstairs towards her best friend's room and sighed when she saw Emily's state. " and Enzo finally broke up?" Delfina asked and Emily scowled.

"what's with the 'finally'?" Emily asked and Delfi shrugged. the girl put the bag of popcorn on her nightstand and sat upright on her bed , making space for Delfina to sit.

"come on ,get ready we're going to cheer you up" Delfi said with a smile and Emily raised a brow. "who's 'we'? is Junior here?" Emily asked confused , knowing that Junior had training this weekend.

Delfina just playfully rolled her eyes. "you ask way too many questions" Delfina said. she stood up from her spot on Emily's bed and opened the girl's big closet , searching around for clothes.

"you go shower and do you thing , i'll get you some clothes" Delfi said , looking over her shoulder. Emily gave her a grateful smile and grabbed all her stuff that she needed for the shower and went into the bathroom.

inside of her room , Delfina looked for comfortable clothes for Emily since she knew the girl didn't like to go all out or be extra so she settled on a pair of baggy jeans with a tight cropped shirt and a black Puma jacket.

Emily was washing her body and hair thoroughly , and rinsed herself. Delfina knocked on the bathroom door and Emily gratefully took the clothes.

she out her black hair in two french braids and got dressed before putting on sunscreen and lipgloss and exiting the bathroom.

Delfna was no longer in Emily's bedroom so Emily put on some perfume and grabbed her black Chanel shoulder bag that Anto had gifted her and her phone and necessities before walking downstairs.

Emily saw Delfina there with a smile. "you're done" Delfi said and Emily nodded her head and sat Gavi sitting on the couch , drinking something.

he smiled when he saw her and stood up. "there's our girl. you ready to go?" Gavi said and pulled her into a hug which she accepted.

"where are we going anyway?" Emily asked and kissed her siblings on their forehead , making Mateo scrunch his nose up at the lipgloss on his forehead.

"somewhere" Gavi said. Emily hugged Anto and Leo and walked back outside with Delfi and Gavi. "Pedri ,Ansu, Frenkie , Mikky and Junior are waiting for us" Gavi added once they got into the car.

"Junior? i thought he was suppose to be at training" Emily said and buckled her seatbelt in.
"he got a day off" Delfina said and strapped herself in.

they began to drive to the destination and soon they came to a stop infront of a secluded beach. Emily narrowed her eyes and looked at Gavi. "if you guys are trying to kill me...i'll haunt you" she said , causing them to laugh.

"no we aren't killing you." Delfina said and Gabi nodded his head and glanced at the girl. "yeah we just got you , we can't lose you" he said ,causing Emily to just look at him while he drove in.

Delfi raised her brows when she saw the interaction and began to cough , making Emily snap out of her trance.

"you good? you need water?" Gavi asked the girl and stopped the car. "no , no i'm good" Delfina said and he nodded his head before turning the engine off.

"come on" he said and they all exited the car and walked towards the front of the beach.

Delfina and Emily grabbed their bags and Gavi helped them with the extra stuff they brought. Emily smiled instantly once she heard the sound of waves and looked at her two friends.

"why are we here? of all places , why here?" Emily asked. it's not like she didn't want to be there , she was just a bit confused.

"to cheer you up , come on you ask a lot of questions" Gavi said and Delfina nodded her head and walked the way towards the beach , making Emily and Gavi follw behind her.

Emily was clinging onto her bag and was scrolling through her phone as she walked while Gavi put his hand on her shoulder , making sure she didn't step on a rock or something.

"hey!" Emily heard a familiar voice and looked up. a smile instantly when she saw it was Pedri. the 19 year old walked up to her and wrapped her in a big hug.

"I haven't seen you since you left to go for Rosarío" he said and grinned. "well , i missed you" Emily said and he smiled and ruffled her hair.

"look there they all are" Pedri said and pointed to a beach. she looked to the right to see the other boys and Mikky , Sira and Junior.

"you guys made a whole set up?" Emily asked as she just stared at the people who waved at her wit big smiles. "of course" Pedri said in a proud voice.

"thank you" Emily said and smiled at Gavi who nodded his head and he pointed to them. "let's go" he said.

they walked inside and Emily looked at the red sign that said 'private beach'. she hummed as she saw the sign , and she figured that they rented it for the day.

as they walked towards the beach , Emily felt a tug on her elbow and heard Delfi whisper in her ear.

"you need to tell me everything about what happened with Enzo so i can cut his kneecaps off"


so proud of Leo for winning
the FIFA best men's player award 🥺🥺
aswell as the others , they deserve it ❤

— sorry for any grammar or
spelling mistakes.

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