fourty - one.

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the game ended in a win for Barcelona with a late scorer in extra time from Lewandowski. Emily sat back down in her seat after smiling and clapping her hands at the team's wonderful performance.

she saw Amelia smiling as she took a lot of selfies and Emily took a small sip from her iced water. "what're you doing? the game's over" the Argentinian girl asked , watching as Amelia shrugged.

"for the vibes. I have to show Maya when i get home" she said and gave Emily a sweet smile. "who's that?" Emily asked and watched as Amelia scrolled through her phone , looking at the photos she just took.

"Maya , the friend that ditched me. I have to show her that i am friends with you and your...wonderful family" she said and Emily just gave her a look and turned to see Delfi give Amelia a dirty look.

the younger girl just scoffed and stood up from her seats , alongside her parents.

"Leo wants to see us at the back" Antonella told Emily who nodded her head. "ooh , can i come?" Amelia asked excitedly and instead of giving her a look , Antonella smiled and nodded her head.

they took their belongings and moved to the back where all the football players were. Emily felt her phone vibrate in her hands and saw it was a message from Enzo.

turn around :)

she turned her body around and smiled when she saw Enzo standing there , wirh his Real Madrid t shirt on and his curls wild on his head. he looked cute.

"Enzo" she said and pulled him in for a swift hug , a hug which he returned with a smile. "Emily. Congratulations. your team won" he said.

"well , they played pretty great. don't ever underestimate them" she said with a smile and he was about to speak when they heard a voice.

"hi , who is this?" the tall girl asked Emily as her eyes scanned Enzo. "oh , Amelia , this is Enzo. Enzo , this is Amelia" she introduced them to each other.

Enzo shook Amelia's hand with a small smile and she have him an intense look. "you're cute , Enzo. you have a girlfriend?"

Emily watched Amelia with her eyebrows raised and Enzo frowned.

"wait , you two aren't dating right?" she asked , referring to Emily and Enzo. "not yet" Enzo spoke as he raised a brow at Amelia.

Emily's eyes slightly widened. "huh?" she asked and watched as the boy smiled. "yeah , um..this is a little awkward to ask with someone else here" he said , referring to Amelia.

"okay okay fine. i'm gone" Amelia spoke and walked away from them to stand with Delfina who almost immediately scrolled through her phone to avoid the girl.

"is it just me ,or is she a little weird?" Enzo asked Emily who slightly chuckked. "nope , not just you" she said.

"oh well" he started off. "i wanted to ask you this in a more...different place. but...will you go on a date with me?"

Emily had expected this and she immediately smiled. "yeah , yeah i would love to" she said and watched as his eyes lit up.

"oh okay...uh...great" he said , with a big smjle. "i'm still in Barcelona for two days with my mom so...maybe tomorrow ?" he asked and she nodded .

"tomorrow sounds good" she spoke. just as he was about to speak again , Emily felt a large arm on her shoulders. she didn't have to look up to see who it was and mentally sighed.

"ah, you. who are you , by the way?" he asked and Emily looked up to face him. "Gavi" she told him in a warning tone.

"just kidding , i know you. Enzo , right?" he asked and put his hand out for Enzo to shake. "yeah , Pablo Gavi right?" he asked.

Gavi nodded his hand and shook his and Emily looked away when he gripped Enzo's hand before leaving it.

"i was just checking up on Emily here" he said , pointing to the girl. "well , she was doing just fine" Enzo spoke and watched as Gavi's eyes narrowed.

"oh well , Emily. your dad needs you" Gavi said ,looking at Emily. "see you tomorrow?" Enzo asked and Emily nodded her head. "cool , send me the details" Emily said and Enzo turned around and walked away.

"details for what?" Gavi asked with a raised brow. "a date" she shrugged and he made a gag sound but walked with her back to the others.

Emily hugged her father and congratulated the other teammates. they all made arrangements for their next team dinner while Emily was talking ro Delfi and Amelia was talking to Pedri who looked like he wanted to run away.

he silenrly asked Emily to help him when she looked up and Emily decided to. "let me go help this soul" ahe said and Delfi chuckled.

"Pedri , uh...Xavi said thay your phone was going crazy. said that you need to go and take care of it" she spoke.

Pedro looked relieved and kissed her cheek. "lifesaver" he whispered and ran away to his 'phone' even rhough it was in his hand.

"he's cute , isn't he?" Amelia asked and Emily frowned. "it would be kind of weird for me to say that since he's like my...i dont know brother" she said , remembering him telling her that he was her brother from then on.

"hmm" Amelia said and shrugged. "come on , time to go home" Anto spoke and they all walked out od the stadium , towards their cars.

they dropped Amelia off and to say that Anto was relieved , was an understatement.

theycame home and after Emily had a huge glass of iced water , she decided to tell Leo about Enzo.

Leo and Anto were sitting in the living room , watching television.

"uh , hey i need to tell you guys something"  she said and they turned their attention to her.

"uhm , Enzo asked me on a dare tomorrow" she said. she watchhed as Anto smiled , but frowned when she saw Leo tense.

"Enzo? as in...Marcelo's son?" he asked and Emily nodded her head , not meeting his eyes.

"Emily you know how i feel about you dating. especially Enzo?" he asked with a raised brow.

Emily understood. their teams were rivals. everyone in the media saw them as 'enemies'.

"it's fine , i understand. good night" she said and walked upstairs.

downstairs , Anto was giving Leo a loom. "Leo , she's a teenager. she is bound to feel studd like these , especially towards boys"

Leo shifted. "i know. i hate it" he said and Anto snickered. "she's still gonna be your little girl. let her live a normal lifw for once?"  

"fine" be breathed out and Anto excitedly clapped her hands as her husband walked upstairs towards Emily's room.

he knocked a few times before walking in , watching Emily lay in her bed.

"hey , i've decided fo let you go. you can go with Enzo" he said and she smiled widely."but only if someone goes with" he added.

"that's fine" she nodded her head. he kissed her forehead and walked towards the door.

"remember , home by 10"


sorry for any spelling errors.
also : RIP Pele. may his soul rest in peace
& may he play eternal football with
Maradona in heaven ♡.

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