eighty-six. - part 2

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25th September
gavi's birthday party

📍Barcelona , Spain 🇪🇸

EMILY WAS SEATED between Delfi and her father. they were all now eating their food that they ordered from the various waitresses that walked around with food and menus.

Emily scooped up some of the creamy chicken pasta on her fork and put it in her mouth. it hit her tastebuds and she immediately sighed out of relief from the creaminess.

"wow. and you say I'm the foodie" Junior joked and Emily playfully rolled her eyes and waved him off , chewing some of the food she already had in her mouth.

Gavi was seated at a smaller table with his family and Pedri. "you know , I'm having a great time but then I realise you're leaving Barcelona" Delfi told the girl who put her fork down and wiped her mouth with a napkin.

"I don't want you to leave" Delfi pouted. both girls had become attached to each other. "I don't want to leave you either , trust me Delfi" Emily began and Delfi put her head on her best friend's shoulder.

"but i'm always going to be here for you. you know I'll fly out immediately when you need me" she told and ran her fingers through Delfi's brown hair.

"promise me you won't forget me" Delfi said , picking her head up from Emily's shoulder and held out her pinky. Emily chuckled and wrapped her own pinky around Delfi's.

"I promise I won't" she spoke because it was true. Delfi's name was now imprinted on her heart , there was no way she could ever forget her.

they pulled away from the pinky promise and Emily grabbed her glass that was filled with pink lemonade and took a huge gulp out of it.

she saw people handing their gifts to Gavi and she stood up to do the same. she took her dark blue gift bags and walked over to him.

he lit up once he saw her and let her through. "you know you didn't have to. you already bring me gifts when you came home from vacations" he said and that caused her to laugh.

"I still wanted to. you're 18 after all" she said and he chuckled. she handed him the bags and he took it with gratefulness and put it on his chair , away from the other million gifts he got.

he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her in for a hug. "you really became one of my closest friends in such little time" he spoke as they pulled away.

"even if I'm 14 and still a baby?" she asked and he laughed. he nodded his head. "even if you're still 14 and a baby" he repeated with a nod.

"what did you get me?" he asked and she shrugged. "nothing major so don't get your hopes up" she said and he gave her a look.

"it's a gold Rolex and a signed Stephen Curry t-shirt." she said and his eyebrows raised to the roof. "what? how is that not major stuff?" he asked , scanning through the gifts that Emily brought him.

"it's things you could've easily gotten" she shrugged and he pulled her in for another short hug. "thank you , I really appreciate it" he said and she smiled.

"no problem" she spoke. she looked behind her and saw that a lot more people wanted to give him gifts.

"I'll be at the table ,okay?" she said and he nodded his head. she then walked away , back to the table where everyone was while he socialized more with other people.

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