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"wow , i can't believe you're leaving me" Delfi pouted at her best friend as they laid on the beach chairs on the other side of the pool.
"don't make me sad again. I really don't want to but you know i don't have a choice" Emily said and Delfi nodded her head and shoved her brown hair out of her face.

"yeah , i know. it's just...hangouts without you won't be the same anymore" Delfi said and Emily chuckled. "i'll always be a plane ticket away" Eily said and Delfi gave her a smile and nodded her head.

they just got home from school and decided to spend some time together alongside the pool. Delfi knew that Emily still had a lot of time in Barcelona , but she wanted to spend time with her best friend as much as possible.

"what does Junior say? when will he be back?" Emily asked her best friend. "i told him about you moving away in October and he said that he'll definitely come and spend time with us before you go. but he's currently stuck in training and games" Delfi sighed.

Emily and Junior had grown a really tight bond with each other. many people may not believe it — since their parents' teams were rivals— but they were like brother and sister.

she was always there for him and he was always there for her.

"i miss him." Emily said and Delfi snorted. "never thought i'd hear you say that" she spoke and Emily shrugged as a smile took over her face. "never thought i would. don't let him hear me say it , he'll never let it go" Emily spoke an Delfi raised her hands up in surrender.

Anto was inside of the house , making snacks for the girls and the boys were outside , kicking ball and playing with Hulk.

Emily took out her phone and began scrolling on tiktok ,laughing at all the funny videos and their comments.

she also noticed that she had gained a lot of attention on the app and would be tagged in certain videos or edits that they made of her. she wasn't really posting that much of herself on social media , but the edits were mostly of those videos or pictures that the paparazzi took of her.

she liked some of them before Delfi slightly gasped as she stared at her phone. "what?" Emily asked , frowning as she stared at her best friend. "no way you have gained that much followers overnight" Delfi said.

Emily just looked at her confused. "on Instagram?" she asked and Delfi nodded. "yes girl ,on Instagram. 1.2 freaking million followers?" Delfi asked , still scrolling on her phone.

"wait what?" Emily asked ,her eyes slightly widening. she opened the app and it was true. she was verified and all. "wait , this is crazy , i don't even do anything on Instagram to be verified" Emily said , very confused.

Delfi just shrugged. "i shouldn't even be surprised. you're Leo Messi's daughter after all" Delfi spoke and Emily raised her brows.

"maybe i should put my  account on private" she said and Delfi gave her a look. "you will do no such thing. have you seen the people who started following you? Arthur LeClerc? Jenna Ortega? Ester freaking Exposito? are you crazy? you're like...a world famous person right now" Delfi said and shook her head.

"i don't think of myself like that, honestly. I'm just a 14-year old girl who still goes to school and aspire to be a lawyer" Emily said , slightly frowning. "don't forget to include a world famous father who's known by every freaking soul on the planet" Delfi pointed out.

Emily knew the attention she was getting was because of her father but she still didn't see herself as just his daughter — but as her own self.

"ooh , we should upload a picture of you" Delfi said with an excited smile. "no , i'm good with just adding stories" Emily said and Delfi pouted.

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