twenty- six.

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THE NEWS OF the unfamiliar girl that was with the Messi family , travelled around the world very fast. Leo wanted to keep his daughter from any gossip pages as much as possible , but he knew it had to get out at some point or another.

It was a week ever since Emily came and lived with them and she has been doing great. she got more and more comfortable around them and Hulk.

Leo walked into his house after a long day of practice. he had everyone ask him who it is but he only told Luis and Xavi about it.

to say that they were eager to see his daughter was an understatement.

he saw Anto in the kitchen , taking chocolate chip cookies out of the oven and placing it on the black and white marble kitchen counter.

"hello mi amor" she said and pecked his lips. "smells nice. what got you into this mood?" he asked as he took a cookie from the bowl.

"nothing. i just wanted a snack and decided to make it for everyone" she shrugged. Leo nodded his head and looked around.

"where's the kids?" he softly asked. "the boys are playing with Hulk and Emily is in her room" she replied.

Leo ate his cookie. "you know we have to tell the press something , right? they need to know about her" he said with a sigh and Anto frowned.

"why? can't we keep her to ourselves for a little bit longer?" Anto asked. Emily was supposed to be their happiness for a little bit longer until the entire world knows about her.

Leo shook his head. "everyone is making assumptions about her" he said and Anto sat down at the counter and chewed on a cookie.

"so? what're you gonna do?" she asked. It was silent for a moment until Leo spoke up. "i need to talk to her first and then let it be known to the world" he replied.

he pecked his wife once again and stood up from the counter , walking towards the backyard. of course the boys ran up to him ,tackling him in a hug.

he went up to Emily's room and knocked two times. "come in" she softly said. Leo walked in and saw his daughter at the desk , curling her black hair.

she set the curling iron down and put it off before turning in her chair and facing him.

"hi. h-how was practice?" she asked him softly and he smiled. "it was good." he replied. Emily nodded her head.

"uhm ,Em? i need to talk to you..." he trailed off and she frowned. hearing that made her heartbeat go faster.

"yes?" she asked carefully. "we...we need to tell the press. about you...." he trailed off. Emily slightly frowned.

"but why?" she asked and it was silent for a while. "people are staring to ask questions. even if i don't tell them now , they will find out" he replied.

Emily stared at her fidgeting hands. "i get that" she said. he was famous and that day at the airport proved to what she was getting herself into. she could've refused to move with him or to get to know him and his family , but she didn't.

Leo looked surprised at her answer. "so...i can tell them?" he asked with a smile and she nodded her head. "they're bound to find out" she said , agreeing with his statement from earlier.

Leo sighed and took her hands in his. "Emily , i know this is a huge change for you and you want this to go slow. but if we don't tell them the truth , they will harrass you until they get it and i don't want that" he began.

Emily stared at him , listening to what he was saying. "i don't want you to get mobbed everywhere you go or something like that. i only want what's best for you. your mom would've wanted that too" he said.

Emily nodded her head. "i understand , Leo. " she said and he smiled. "c-can....can i hug you?"  he asked and Emily smiled and nodded her head.

they both stood up and hugged each other. Emily felt completely safe with him.

"come on , finish with whatever you were doing and meet us downstairs , okay?"


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