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"when is he going to come? i'm starving' Junior moaned and laid his head on the table , causing Emily to roll her eyes at his dramatic antics.

Emily , Delfi and Junior were currently sitting around a table , waiting for Ethan to come before they have breakfast.

the grown women were all sat around a breakfast table in the corner , giving the kids their space while the men were at home with the little kids.

Emily was still a bit tired from yesterday's flight but she was still excited that she was going to see Ethan again and they are going on a boat today that Leo and Luis rented for them.

Neymar and Sonia are going to come aswell since Emily wanted to spend some time with her favourite uncle.

yes , he forced her to call him that.

Emily was dressed in a blue sundress with thin straps and some white Adidas. her black hair was down on her back in loose curls and she let Sonia do a natural make up look on her.

"he's on the way , patience" Delfi said and pecked Junior's neck , making Emily scrunch her face. "you guys are disgusting" she said and Junior smirked and looked up at the girl.

"jealous? tell Ethan to bring a friend for you" he said and Emily scoffed and rolled her eyes while Delfi smacked his arm. "if you think Leo will let another boy come close to Emily after Enzo , you're mistaken" Delfi said and Emily nodded her head.

Leo was still not fond of Enzo because of what he did and even though Enzo didn't hurt Emily , Leo still hated to see his daughter cry.

but all in all , Leo is super happy that Emily isn't with Enzo anymore. not only will she be not be involved with a rival team's player anymore, but he'll be the only man in her life besides her siblings.

a bell rang and the friend group looked up to see Ethan walk in with a big smile on his face. but what they also noticed was a short girl behind him , tugging on his hand.

"hey!" Ethan said excitedly and hugged Emily before moving onto Junior and Delfi. "we missed you" Delf said , swatting his arm.

Emily's eyes scanned the brown skinned girl that was behind Ethan who looked towards the ground and nibbled on her lip.

"yeah we did" Emily said and placed a smile on her lips as she looked at Ethan again. "now can we please sit down and go eat because i'm starving" Junior said.

Ethan just shook his head. "all you ever think about is food" he said and Junior flipped him off before they walked towards the table.

"so Em , i see you finally made your Instagram public" Ethan said once they sat down , the girl sitting next thim , clutching onto his hand.

"yes , i did. figured it would be pointless to keep it private because i'm scared of fans" she said and he nodded his head.

"so , who are you?" Junior asked as he looked straight at the girl and Emily gasped before smacking his arm.

"don't be rude" Delfi said and he put his hands up in surrender , causing Etha to snicker. "the amount of times they've smacked's abuse" Junior said , rubbing his arm while he scowled.

the girl finally looked up to look at them. she had beautiful brown narrowed eyes and her dark brown hair was in two pigtails.

"oh uh guys...this is my girlfriend - Lorea" Ethan said and Emily's eyebrows raised as she looked at her friend.

"girlfriend? since when?" Junior asked and Delfi rolled her eyes before smiling. "hi , i'm Delfina but call me Delfi" she said and the girl hesitantly shook Delfi's hand.

Emily could see the girl was hesitant and was a bit shy so she placed a smile on her lips and put her hand out.

"Emily" she said and the girl nodded her head and shook Emily's hand. Emily then looked back on the table , avoiding the looks Delfi has been giving her.

"come on , i'm hungry" Junior said and called the waitress over. the waitress took their orders and every now and then , Emily would find herself glancing at Ethan and Lorea.

Ethan excused himself and stood up to go greet the other women , with Lorea by his side , smiling and greeting them all.

"when did he get a girlfriend anyway?" Junior asked as he scrolled through his phone and Delfi shrugged. "she's pretty though" Delfi replied and Emily nodded her head , agreeing.

Lorea was very pretty. she looks like the type of girl that Ethan would go for.

the duo came back and took their seats around the table , joining the other three again. so , Lorea , where are you from?" Delfi asked as they waited for their food.

"i'm actually from Marseille but i moved to Paris two years ago fo attend football academy" Lorea said with a smile , feeling more comfortable around them.

she then glanced at Ethan before smiling. "that's actually where i met E" she said and Junior pouted. "aww , she even has a nickname for him" Junior said and Ethan rolled his eyes at his friend.

"since when have you guys been dating?" Delfi asked as she looked at the brunette. "we started dating three months ago" Lorea said with a smile , making her dimple pop out.

"funny , he never mentioned you" Emily said , causing them all to look at her. Emily looked up at the silence ,widened her eyes a little when she realised that she said it out loud.

"what i mean was , Ethan didn't tell us. but who knows , maybe he wanted you meeting us special" Emily said , clearing her throat.

Ethan smiled and nodded. "yeah" he said and Lorea blushed. the waitress came over to them with their drinks and food and Emily sighed out of relief.

all she wanted to do was lift the tension and as soon as she saw the food , that tension lifted off. "thank god" Junior said , smiling as he took his shrimp.

Emily began eating her chicken creamy pasta and sighed in relief when the pasta hit her taste buts.

"this is so good , buru me in plates of these and i'll die happy" Junior said , making everyone laugh and they continued to eat their food.

- quick short chapter.

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