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Emily finally arrived at home after an exhausting day from school. she entered the house and walked into the livingroom where she saw Thiago on the couch.

"hey" he said and smiled at her. "hey cutie" she said and plopped on the couch. "where's your mom?" she asked him and he pointed to the kitchen ,his eyes still on the game he was playing.

Emily kissed his forehead and walked towards the kitchen where she saw Anto. "hey you're back. how was school?" she asked as she put several glasses on a tray , which made Emily confused.

"tiring as always." she began. "that's a lot of glasses" she said and pointed to the fancy glasses.

"yeah , we will have guests over in less than an hour and i have to get everything ready" she spoke.

"what guests?" Emily asked as she popped a grape in her nouth. "some of me and Leo's friends , some old teammates. you met some of them at Gerard's party" Antonella said.

Emily nodded her head in understanding. "okay , well i'm going to shower and relax and then maybe join you guys when they're here."

Antonella nodded her head with a smile. "see you down in a bit" she said and walked outside towards the patio with the tray full of glasses.

Emily went to the livingroom , took her backpack and walked up the stairs to her room.

instantly , she plopped on the bed , a sigh leaving her mouth and her muscles relaxing.

she was abiut to get up to take a shower when a text message came through.

so...second date ?

you want to go on a
second one with me?

of course , why not.


i'd love to

cool , i'll talk to
you about the details
later ? I'm a bit busy rn

yeah sounds good

Emily smiled as she re-read the messages between the two of them. there was no doubt that Emily really liked him , so of course she would say yes to a second date.

she heard multiple voices downstairs and figured it was the guests. Emily wasn't really fond of any guests , but she was hungry and plus , she wanted to meet Leo's other teammates.

she took out some gray sweatpants and a black short sleeve cropped top and put it on he bed.

she put on some soft music as she ran the shower and began to scrub her body with the gel.

as she washed her hair , she got flashbacks of how her mother easily used to get the beach sand out of Emily's hair , but struggled to get it out of her own , claiming that she was just glad Emily got her hair genes from her father.

she smiled at the thought of her mother and how she would massage her scalp , how she would help Emily mix oils to put in each others hair or how she would join her mom's bubblebaths.

Valentina and Anto would've been great friends , considering their parenting skills.

Emily rinsed her hair and body off before putting a towel on herself and her hair.

she stepped into her warm room and quickly changed into the clothes that she had set out.

she added some sneakers and let her black hair air dry before walking downstairs.

"Em!" she looked down to see Ciro and Benjamin hugging her kegs. "oh hey" she said and bend down to give them all a kiss on the forehead.

"where's Delfi?" Emily asked Benjamin. he just pointed to the backdoor which was where all the voices were heard.

she nodded her head and left the little ones to play. she walked towards the patio.

"Emily" she heard Delfina's voice and turned to see the girl in the pool with her mom. "hi Delfi. hey aunt Sofi" Emily greeted.

"hello my girl" Sofi said and smiled at the girl. "I'll leave you two to talk your teenage girl talks" Sofi joked , causing them to laugh.

Sofi climbed out of the pool and went to sit with Anto at the long table that was under some shade.

"come join" Delfina said , pointing at the pool. "not today" Emily spoke and Delfi playfully rolled her eyes before swimming to the other side of the pool with some coke in her hand.

as Emily turned , a ball flew right past her but with instinct ,Emily caught it with her left foot.

she heard footdteps and looked up to see the man with a bright smile on his face and quickly looked away when she saw he was shirtless.

"nice moves , i can see you're Messi's daughter" he joked and she chuckled before kicking the ball right back to him and he caught it with ease.

"want to play a game? one on one?" he asked her and picked the ball up. "no i'll pass" she said.

"come on , just one game?" he asked as he twirled the ball in his hands and Emily playfully rolled her eyes. "nope ,i'm good" she said.

"it's fine , i get it. no one can beat Neymar Jr himself" he spoke with a smirk. Emily narrowed her eyes and snatched the ball out of his hands.

"fine , i'll play" she said and he had the biggest grin on his face.
"winner gets?" he asked and she thought. "winner gets... Neymar's playstation 5" she smirked and he narrowed his eyes.

"bold of you to assume you're winning Em" he said and she chuckled. "bold of you to assume i won't , Ney" she teased.

"alright , alright. if i win, i get to hack your instagram and photobomb it" he said with a smile. "really? that's so boring" she said and walked away .

"i think it's the perfect condition" he said , following her and watched as she put the ball infront of her.

"fine , but don't you dare save the selfies to my phone" she said and narrowed her eyes ,making him raise his hands.

"no promises that i wont"


— neymar being the fun
uncle is something i
wanna see. 🥺

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