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"WHAT MAKES YOU think I can help you?" Emily asked the boy with a raised brow as she had the ball under her feet. Ansu pouted at her. "please? I'll even pay you for it" he said.

Emily thought about it. "okay i'll do it" she stated and watched as he smiled widely. "only if i get 50 euros for it" she smirked and watched his smile fall.

"come on , Em! that's too much" he said and she crossed her arms. "you have enough money and i don't. you can afford it" she said.

"your dad is a millionare" Ansu said with a look and Emily narrowed her eyes. "fine , i won't tell her then..." she trailed off and watched Ansu narrowed his eyes before sighing.

"fine , fine i'll pay the 50. but after you do it" he said and she raised a brow. "i'd rather not take any chances" she said.

Ansu stared at her before smiling. "tough one , heh?" he asked and she smiled sweetly.  "be right back" he said and ran towards the locker room.

Emily still had the ball under her feet when she felt another presence next to her. everyone got a good chance to talk to her but she mainly made really good friends with the younger teammates and had a good conversation with them , even though she knew Leo was watching them like hawks.

she looked up to see Pedri standing next to her. "hey , wanna pass?" he asked and Emily shrugged. "sure"

they kicked the ball around for a while and laughed whenever one of them would miss it. so far , Pedri had nutmegged her three rimes.

"good game" Pedri smiled at the girl. "it was." she agreed. Pedri got them two bottles of water and just as they drank it , Ansu came back.

"finally" Emily said. Ansu handed her the euros and Pedri raised his brows. "now please help me tell her" Ansu pleaded and Emily patted his back.

"of course , Fati" she said. Pedri watched as Ansu ruffled Emily's head and ran away to the pitch.

It was silent for a little while between them and Emily shook her head in amusement as she saw Gavi running away with Memphis' boots.

"so...about earlier in the dining room..." Pedri trailed off. Emily seemed confused until she came to the realisation of what he was referring to.

"Oh , Pedri it was nothing like that. Gavi...i would never..." she said and Pedri smiled at her. "Em , i know you won't...but Gavi definitely would...he's a flirt. It's like he was born that way" Pedri joked , causing Emily to chuckle.

"Gavi didn't do anything though. he even tried to warn me off of guys" Emily said , screwing the cap on the bottle.

Pedri raised his brows. "oh he did? huh" he said and threw his empty bottle of water in the bin. "Gavi is my best friend and teammate. It'd kinda be weird for him to flirt with you" Pedri said.

"Pedri , he's 17 and i'm 14. soon i'll be 15 and he'll be 18 and there's no way in hell anyone would allow that" Emily spoke , her eyes falling unintentionally at Gavi's smiling face.

Pedri nodded his head , knowing that she was right. "yeah cause i don't want you to like...have a crush on him or anything" Pedri said , awkwardly. this caused Emily to laugh.

"Pedri don't be delusional. i just made a valid point about how me and him can never be other than...well friends" she said in a duh tone.

"plus , he's Leo's teammate , it'd be weird" she stated and Pedri nodded his head in understanding.

"just trust me Pedri...we will never be together"


Emily and Leo walked through the doors of their house , the two of them having a very nice conversation. they were cut off by the rest of the family that were sitting in the livingroom.

Anto stood up with a smile on her face. "how was your day?" she asked as she kissed Leo on the lips and Emily on the forehead.

they both told her how great it was , how good Leo was doing and how Pedri and Ansu decided that they were her new older brothers.

"hungry? i made some pasta..." Antonella said and they immediately nodded their heads.

they followed the woman to the kitchen where the aroma of the creamy and spicy pasta were.

Mateo was playing FIFA with Thiago and Ciro was in Leo's lap , being cute as always.

"this looks delicious" Emily said as soon as Antonella placed the dishes infront of them. they all ate the cheesy goodness and Antonella began to speak.

"so Emily...what do you think of the boys?" Anto asked and Emily swallowed her pasta before answering.

"they're all really sweet and nice and very...welcoming" she spoke. "oh and i also scored six times against Leo" Emily said proudly.

Leo scoffed playfully. "I let you score" he said and Emily shook her head. "no i won fair and square"

they continue to talk and laugh about how their day went and how Emily got 50 euros from Ansu to get her help with a girl he likes.

"Anto this was delicious , gracias" she said and Anto smiled. "de nada , Emily." she said.

"I'll go and freshen up and join you guys at the back?" she suggested and they nodded before she walked upstairs to her bedroom.

she plopped down on the bed and went through her phone , smiling widely when she saw she had a text from Enzo.


hey , you're coming to
the game against Real and Barça

hi , of course , i have to go
and support the team

I saw you were at training
with them today


not creepy at all,

don't be loco , Em.
it's on their page. you
looked like you were having

i did. someone had
to train them to beat
you guys on Monday

in your dreams

you know what would
actually work?


you in a RM t-shirt 🥰

never 🥰

fine. but i still expect
to see you

of course you will

Emily laid on her bed , her cheeks burning everytime she thinks about Enzo and seeing him on Monday night. she stood up from her bed , got ready and went downstairs with a fluttering feeling in her chest.


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