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today was Valentina's birthday. Emily woke up with a heavy feeling in her chest. it was her mother's first birthday without her here. Emily sat up in her bed , her back touching the cream coloured headboard.

Emily looked at the time. 9:30 am. she was alone on her bed and figured that Delfina was downstairs , having breakfast.

Emily grabbed her phone and opened the hidden album of her and her mom.

she scrolled through the photos , remembering every memory they made together. she opened a video that her mother took of them on Emily's 4th birthday. Emily smiled and remembered the day with a smile on her face.


"mami" Emily giggled as her mother tickled her sides , making her squirm in her little bed. Valentina smiled and laughed with her daughter. "happy birthday , mami's princess" Valentina said and gave Emily a kiss to the cheek.

"you're getting so old now" Valentina groaned and gave Emily a big hug which she returned. "come on  , get up. I have a surprise for you downstairs"

at the mention of the word 'surprise' , Emily's eyes went big and she stood up in her bed. "now , what do we do first?" Valentina asked with a look.

"to brush teeth and eat breakfast first" Emily said with a sigh and Valentina smiled and stood up aswell , picking Emily up and spinning her around , causing the little girl to laugh.

as soon as Valentina put her down , Emily ran straight to her mother's bathroom and picked out her pink princess tootbrush.

she brushed her teeth and rinsed her mouth before walking downstairs where she smelled food.

Louise and David were down there aswell , and Emily rushed into Louise's arms. "happy birthday , sweet girl. how are you already 4 years old?" Louise asked as she kissed Emily's forehead.

"where's the surprise?" Emily asked as she looked at her mom who sat on the other side of the counter. "first , breakfast , sweets" Valentina said and David handed his granddaughter a bowl of banana oatmeal.

David kissed her cheek and made sure she didn't spill any of her food anywhere. Valentina just smiled as she stared at her daughter and how fast she had grown.

she couldn't believe that she had given birth to Emily four years ago and suddenly ,guilty creeped into her heart as she thought of Leo.

she pushed the thought back , convincing herself that he has a bright career and probably a girlfriend now. though Valentina still knew that in the back of her mind , she wanted Leo to be Emily's father — she just didn't know how to approach it to him.

"surprise now!" Emily said and Valentina snapped out of her trance. "orange juice?" Valentina asked and Emily showed her mom the empty glass that was earlier filled with orange juice.

Valentina got up and walked to the back before returning with a bright pink castle shaped cake with 4 candles on it.

Emily's eyes lit up as they all sang to her and Valentina put the cake right infront of her. "make a wish" Valentina said and Emily closed her eyes ,bringing her face closer to the candles.

she opened her eyes and blew the candles out and they all clapped hands. "what did you wish for?" Valentina asked and Emily smiled.

"that you will forever be here with me" Emily said and Valentina kissed her cheeks. "of course i will be , sweets. I promise"

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