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EMILY CLOSED HER laptop with a sigh and put it on the nightstand. she immediately plopped on the bed , the ache in her back relaxing as she hit the soft mattress and she sighed out of relief.

she was finally done with some homework and gave in all two assigments to her English teacher. to say that she was tired was a goddamn understatement.

it's been exactly two days since she went to the clinic to give her sample for the test and even though she knew she was his daughter , she still felt a bundle of nerves creep into her stomach everytime she thinks about it.

Emily went downstairs where she found Louise in the kitchen , making tacos. she smiled as she neared them. she loved making and eating tacos. her mom and grandmother taught her how to make them.

Louise saw her and smiled. "hija , you're here! want to help?" she asked and Emily excitedly nodded her head. "go put on some comfy clothes and come down" she said and Emily nodded her head and ran up to her room.

she was so excited to make tacos ,it was something that brought back old memories. she stripped from her jeans and crop top and put on some black swestpants and a white tank top with some slides.

she ran downstairs again and Louise chuckled once she saw Emily at her side. "wow ,that was fast" she said and Emily smiled and nodded her head.

"i'm just...excited" Emily said. she washed her hands with soap and dried them before placing her hands on the chicken that needed seasoning. she put pepper and salt over it and gave it a bit of chilli powder.

they all loved spicy food.

"are you almost done?" Emily asked Louise as she made the salad and Louise nodded her head. "just need to add seasoning and some cucumbers" Louise replied.

Emily put the oven on the stove and poured a bit of olive oil on it and waited for it to heat up.

Emily seasoned the chicken strips. "are you okay?" Louise asked and Emily nodded her head. "i'm...fine" she said and continued.

"i meant...with this whole situation. i can imagine it must be hard for you" Louise said and Emily nodded her head. "i don't know how to feel" she said.

"i will have to go home with him , abuela. and i think that's too much for me to handle" she continued. Louise nodded her head.

they cooked in silence and Emily put some of the chicken in the pan. this continued for about half an hour and they were all done with the food.

Emily washed her hands and helped Louise clean up the dishes. "i hope you know that Leo is a really good person. he won't do anything to make you feel sad. especially not when you're his daughter" Louise said.

Emily stopped what she was doing and looked in her grandmother's facs. "abuela , all i've ever known was my mom. and i know that it isn't his fault that he didn't know about me , but i don't want to feel like an outcast" she said.

"what if his wife doesn't like me? or his parents? it'll be a complete joke" she muttered the last part. Louise looked at her granddaughter.

"Leo will never let that happen ,hija. plus , his parents are sweet people , they'll love you" Louise said and Emily faintly smiled.

"go upstairs and freshen up and join us down for dinner" Louise said. Emily nodded her head and smiled. she kissed her grandmother's cheek before going upstairs towards the room.

she picked out her clothes and stepped into the shower. she loved warm water , especially extra warm water.

her mother always shook her head when she would cry when there was cold water added to the warm water , and always called her a 'weird one'

Emily smiled at the thought and washed her body and her hair. she continued to stand under the water when her stomach rumbled and finally got out of it 

she slipped into her shorts and long sleeved top and walked to her room. she looked at the picture of her and her mom on her mom's birthday and smiled.

she kissed the photo and her eyes turned glossy. "te amo , mama"


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