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Emily and Delfi walked side by side with the other teenagers around the carnival. "woah ,this is beautiful" Emily said as she saw the beautiful bright lights. the sun that was setting , was making it even more beautiful.

"want to take a picture with me?" Mikky asked the two girls who nodded their heads with smiles. Mikky handed the phone to Sira who took the photo of them infront of the sunset.

"hey , want to play some games?" Emily heard Gavi's voice behind her and nodded her head. "let's go on the rollercoaster" she said excitedly.

Gavi , Pedri and Ansu gave her blank looks. "no" they said in sync. "please , por favor " she pleaded with them.

Pedri shook his head as he looked at Gavi but once Pablo saw the girl's puppy eyes ,he gave in. "fine" he said and huffed.

Emily immediately smiled and grabbed Pablo and Ansu at the hand to stand in the line. Ansu and Pedri was going to sit next to each other and Emily and Gavi.

people that came out of the rollercoaster looked rough and that made Gavi even more scared. Emily noticed and she couldn't help when a laugh escaped her lips.

"i'm sorry , are you scared? our very own golden boy is scared of rollercoasters?" she asked and he smacked his lips and frowned. "shut up , let's just go" he replied.

they finally got into their seats after handing their phones to the others and strapping themseleves in.

Pedri and Ansu were just behind them, also strapped in and Pedri was scared as heck.

Emily , had on an exciting smile on her face as she hold onto Gavi's arm  "if i die , i'm haunting you forever" Emily heard Pedri say behind her , causing her to laugh.

the rollercoaster went up slowly to the top , Gavi already scared for his life. "this is going to be fun!" Emily exclaimed.

she had never been on one , but always saw them in movies so she was very excited to be on one for the first time.

then it went , fast down in all it's circles and stuff. (I dont know how these shit works😭)

Gavi and Pedri were screaming like little girls , while Emily and Ansu were enjoying themselves on the ride.

Emily stuck her hands out in the air and once Gavi saw it , he brought them back down and clung onto her.

Emily bursted out laughing , seeing his scared face.

after about 10 minutes and endless torture — for Pedri and Gavi— they all finally got away from the rollercoaster.

they all went to sit on the nearest bench after Emily had gotten the photos.

"I hate you" Pedri said and he narrowed his eyes at Emily. " i thought it was fun" Ansu said and Emily high fived him.

Gavi still felt dizzy and Emily knew that , so she went to get all three of them waterbottles.

Gavi was still mad at Emily for letting him go on that , but he accepted the water.

"I'm never going on that again" Gavi said and Emily showed them the photos.

Emily was laughing ,Ansu was smiling and Pedri and Gavi were screaming like two little girls. "don't you dare show that to the public" he said , giving her a look.

Emily shrugged. "i'm using it for future blackmail" she said and shoved it into the pockets of her jeans.

finally , the others caught up with them and handed them their personal belongings. "so , how was it?" Luca asked with a smirk and Gavi gave him a glare.

"don't even ask" he replied and Emily smiled and shook her head. "come on , there's a lot more games that needs to be played" Mikky said and grabbed Frenkie's hand.

they all stayed together and tried different games. "listen , you want something? i saw a cute stand that's selling some things.." Gavi suggested.

"sure" she said and Delfina , who was listening in, turned her head towards them. "buy me something too. we'll be at the dunk machine" she spoke.

Emily nodded her head and Emily and Gavi — also one bodyguard — walked towards one of the stands.

there were cute little handmade bracelets , also some stuffed animals and waterbottles. all the cute stuff.

Gavi saw Emily stare at a purple stuffed teddy before looking at it. "can i get one of those..." he said , pointing to it.

"anything else?" the woman asked and Gavi thought. "those" he said , buying some glasses for too.

the woman handed him the stuff and before Emily could stop him ,he paid for it.

"thank you , Gavi. you shouldn't have" she said , feeling guilty. Gavi handed her the bag and shook his head.

"i won't ask you to hang the day with me and my friends and then expect you to bring your own money" he explained and Emily nodded her head in understanding.

after they got Delfi something , they went back to the group who was playing some carnival games.

Pedri , Ferran , Luca and Anita came back with loads of food and desert and they sat around a table , enjoying their food.

"you still okay?" Emily heard Sira asked next to her and gave the girl a sweet smile. "I am".

"so , Emily...Enzo huh?" Gavi asked , making everyone look at her. Emily immediately blushed at his name and Anita and Mikky noticed.

"aww , look , she's blushing" Mikky said and Emily drank some of the drinks to hide her blush.

"yeah, it all happened very fast" she spoke and Delfi scoffed. "too fast but i'm happy" Delfi said , only wanting to see her best friend happy.

"still not happy with the fact that you — Leo's daughter— are dating a Madridog" Pedri scowled and ate some of his fries.

Emily playfully rolled her eyes. "It's not such a big deal" she spoke and Gavi scoffed but said nothing.

"just know that i'm happy for you" Frenkie said with a smile and Emily gave him a sweet smile in return. "thank you"


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