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"wait , you think she will like this?" Emily asked , holding up a pair of red and white Jordans. this caused Sofi to nod her head. "definitely. she loves sneakers" Sofi replied.

they were now in the mall , shopping for Delfi since her party is going to be in less than four hours. so far , they had gotten her a lot of gifts and Emily had to ask Anto to help carry some of the gifts.

"and...done" Lorea said with a sigh once they walked out of the sneaker shop. Anto , Sofi , Sonia and Rafa joined them today.

"shopping is exhausting. i forgot how much i hared it" Emily said with a slight groan as she balanaced the bags in her hand. they had bodyguards with them and they couldn't hold any bags because they had to protect the women from all the fans and stuff.

they finally walked back outside, the bodyguards surrounding them as fans tried to take pictures. "go in" Anto rushed the two young girls into the black SUV and they obliged.

as soon as they sat down and put the bags on the car seats ,Emily heard her ringtone come from her phone. she pulled out her phone and answered if.

"hey , where are you guys? she's getting impatient" Junior said and Emily rolled her eyes. "keep her occupied for a second. we still have to get ready and stuff and we just left the mall" Emily spoke as the other women took their seats.

"really? what am i supposed to do?" Junior asked. "you're her little boyfriend , figure it out" Emily said and heard Junior huff before he hung up the phone.

"what are you wearing?" Lorea asked and Emily shrugged. "I don't really know , maybe just something casual" Emily spoke up.

"Em's 'casual' is a hoodie and jeans" Anto said and Sonia agreed. "yes ,we'll need to convince her to put on something other than that" the Brazilian woman said.

Emily just rolled her eyes while Lorea smiled. the two were talking all day and bonding and learned that they had a lot more in common than they knew.

for instance , Lorea also lost her mom. her mom died because of breast cancer and Lorea confessed that she was scared that it was going to happen to her too.

the two girls really bonded today and worked together to find Delfina the perfect gifts.

the car came to a halt and they realised that they arrived at Neymar's house. "the guys should be ready , they're just waiting on us" Sonia spoke and they all nodded before exiting the car with the bags and gifts.

as they entered the house , they heard a commotion in the livingroom and found Neymar , Luis and Ethan playing video games.

"Ethan Mbappe" Lorea said and everyone raised their eyebrows. Ethan turned around to face his girlfriend who narrowed her eyes at him.

"why aren't you ready yet? the party starts soon and you're still in pajamas" Lorea scolded. "it was Ney , he forced me to play" Ethan said and Neymar put his hands in surrender.

"don't blame me" the Brazilian said and Sonia scoffed. "go get ready Neymar Da Silva Santos Junior. I'll leave you right here" Sonia said and Neymar frowned before walking up the stairs.

Sofi just shook her head in disappointment and her husband shrugged. "fine, i'll go change" he sighed and walked towards their room to change.

the girls went to their seperate rooms and got ready for the night. Emily put on a white sundress with some gold heels and curled her hair.

Leo knocked three times on the door. "come in" Emily said , loud enough for him to hear. he opened the door and Emily turned to face her father.

he had on some denim Jorts with a white adidas tshirt and some jewelry. he smiled and kissed his daughter's forehead.

"how have you been? we haven't talked in a while" Leo said and sat on her bed , watching her put strands of hair around the curler.

"i've been very good , surprisingly" she said and he frowned . "why surprisingly?" he asked and she let her hair fall from the curler and scrunched it up before letting it fall over her shoulder.

"i mean , after losing mami and breaking up with Enzo...i've been doing good. you guys and my friends have definitely taken my mind off of it" Emily said and smiled , causing Leo to smile too.

"well , i'm very glad you're feeling comfortable here with us. also, how's school going? is that girl bothering you?" he asked with a raised brow walking closer to his daughter.

Emily laughed at his seriousness. "yes , sometimes there are days where she gets on my nerves , but i can handle it" Emily said and curled another piece of hair.

"well , me and Anto have to talk to you about something when we go back to Barcelona" he said and Emily took her hair away from the curler , putting the curler on the desk.

"what is it about?" Emily asked. "it's a decision we've both decided on taking. it's what's best for you , the boys and us" Leo said and Emily frowned a little.

she knew this was too good to be true. she felt like tearing up but swallowed her unshed tears. were they really about to send her back to Argentina? away from her new found friends and siblings?

instead of voicing those thoughts , Emily nodded her head. "okay" she spoke and he jissed her forehead again.

"te amo" he said and she smiled slightly  , the thoughts still lingering in the back of her mind. "te amo , papa" she spoke and he broke out into a smile before exiting her room and closing the door.

Emily just stared at herself in the mirror before taking a huge breath and continue curling her hair.

wasn't she and Anto getting along? didn't her siblings love her? didn't she finally made a bond with her father after all those years of not knowing? why were they going to send her away.

before Emily knew it , tears streamed down her cheeks and she got flashbacks of the times she cried day , noon and night about her mother.

sniffing and wiping away her tears , she continue to curl her hair through the tears that was falling.

after she was done , she ran her hands through her black hair and tied it with a nude coloured claw clip.

her phone rang and she saw that Delfi was trying to facetime her. wiping her eyes , she picked up the phone and Delfina's face was displayed on the screen.

"hey" Delfi said excitedly but seeing Emily's face ,she frowned instantly. "what's wrong? did anything happen? who do i have to punch?" Delfi asked and Emily shook her head.

"no , i was helping Sonia with the onions and i kinda teared up. i hate onions" Emily lied but Delfi still didn't look convinced.

"fine , guess what day it is?" Delfi asked excitedly and Emily smiled. "happy 13th birthday , Delfi. i love you so much" Emily spoke and Delfi blew her kisses.

"i love you too , mi amor" Delfi spoke and then lifted up her wrist. "look what Junior got me" she smiled widely and Emily pouted at the cute golden Dior bracelet that had their initials on.

"what? that's so cute. Junior is 12 and setting the standards for boys right now" Emily spoke and Delfi laughed.

"really?" Emily heard Junjor asked and groaned. "now he's never going to let me live that down" she spoke , causing Delfi to laugh once again.

"we'll see you later okay?" Delfi said and Emily nodded her head with a smile. "bye" Emily said and they hung up.

the last thing Emily wanted to do was ruin Delfi's day , especially over stupid things. so she got ready , put on some light make up and went downstairs to the others.


your favourite couple
so far?

— sorry for any spelling or
grammar mistakes

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