•1• We missed you!

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Alexa, play Cool Kids by Echosmith~~~~~~~~

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Alexa, play Cool Kids by Echosmith

It's gonna be okay. It's going to be fine. I repeat to myself looking over my outfit for the 5th time.

"You look great Olivia, don't overthink it" my aunt sighs, putting a hand on my shoulder. Great, pity once again.

it's my first day of Senior year. Usually I wouldn't be freaking out but, I missed the last two months of my Junior year because my mom- you know what it doesn't matter.

No she didn't die. I mean she's definitely dead to me though. I roll my eyes and comb out the rest of my silky black hair. 

"No offense Aunt Amaya, but, i don't need anymore pity" I sigh, throwing my book bag over my shoulder. 

"Olivia, your dad died and your mom-"

"my mom ran off with her new boyfriend right after and left me behind, yeah sounds about right" I reply. finishing the words that seemed to be stuck in her throat.

"I'm sorry" I sniffle. 'Why are you like this Olivia?!, god I wish I never had you!' That was the last thing my mother ever said to me. I constantly blame myself for her leaving. If I was just a better daughter.

"It's okay" she wraps me in a tight hug. I'm not going to lie, her hugs are the best.

"Let me give you a ride to school" she lets go and I nod. "Wait, but won't you be late to work?"

"They'll understand"

The car ride wasn't long but it was awkwardly silent, it's honestly my fault. I've been taking a lot of my anger out on her, i don't mean to do it but, ya know, life.

"Have a good day!" She yells as she drives off. I give her a small wave and sigh as I turn to look at the crowds of kids heading through the doors.

You'll be fine.

"OLIVIA!" A familiar voice yelled from behind me.

"DEVI!" I practically scream, running to hug her. Devi Vishwakumar, one of my best friends since kindergarten.

"We missed you" Eleanor and Fabiola join in on the hug. Eleanor Wong and Fabiola Torres, my other besties, we're all basically inseparable.

"I missed you guys" I say, pulling out of the group hug.

"How are you Devi?" I question. Both of our dads passed a few months ago so it's kind of hard to talk about it, but I need to ask, because I know how it feels.

"I'm okay, I guess" she shrugs. Before I can say anything else the bell rings, that's 4 minutes to get to class. I definitely don't want to be late on my first day.

"Who do you guys have for first?" I ask, but Eleanor and Fab are already walking away.

"Mr. Shapiro" Devi answers closing her locker.


"We never have classes together, finally!" she grabs my arm as we speed walk to class.

Oh fuck me. I say to myself as I see PAXTON. I've had a crush on him for so long. Yes I know, Paxton Hall-Yoshida is way out of my league.

"Paxton's in this class?!" I whisper yell to Devi and she laughs. I mentally prepare to not make literal fool of myself.

somehow I get to sit behind him, this is great! Im freaking out. Devi gives me a thumbs up, whilst in the middle of arguing with Ben, as usual.

I hear a few girls behind me whispering, mostly asking why I was gone or something.

"Hey, Olivia, how's your dad, oh wait-" One of the popular girls snarks from behind me.

don't let it bother you liv. Don't, oh god please don't start crying. I lay my head down in defeat and let the tears come.

"That's not funny Zoe" I look up and see Paxton glaring at her. Did Paxton just? Defend me?

Paxton gazes over at me with a sympathetic smile. "Are y-" he attempts but gets cut off by Mr. Shapiro.

"Paxton!, No chit chatting"

Paxton just rolls his eyes and turns back around. Wow thanks Mr. Shapiro.

After a boring 90 minutes of Mr. Shapiro doing anything BUT teaching, I can finally leave. I look around for Devi but it seems like she already left. Damn rude much. Jk she's a busy girl, I don't blame her.

"Hey, Olivia wait up!" Paxton says coming to walk beside me. No way he's talking to me right now. There's gotta be another Olivia somewhere.

Stay cool Liv, Stay cool.

"Oh! Hey" I manage to get out.

"Look, I just want to say I'm sorry for what Zoe said in there, that wasn't cool" he sighs, genuinely it looks like he means it, But, it's Paxton you never know. and why is he apologizing for her? Are they together? Ew.

"It's cool, I- I mean its okay, I guess"

"It's not, but, I gotta get to class, see ya later, Liv" he puts a hand on my shoulder, then basically sprints in the opposite direction. did he call me liv? am i tripping? Jesus am I having another Paxton dream?

let me pinch myself.

"Ow" I mumble. definitely not dreaming.

—————————— <3

i hope this chapter wasn't too wonky, I'm going to add a few like social media chapters so its not constantly chapter after chapter🤍

peace out bitches- Emi🦋

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