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Alexa play, Lights Down Low by MAX ~~~~~~~~

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Alexa play, Lights Down Low by MAX

{Olivia's POV}

I've been showered with lots of love this past week, letters, gifts, chocolate. They finally told me I'm able to go home and get back to school within the next week.

I'm so thankful for everyone that stood by my side. Mainly Paxton. He almost got kicked from the swim team for me.

"You ready baby?" Paxton smiles as he takes my hand.

"Yes, please get me out of this place" I laugh as we walk out of the room and down the hall. When we get out to his jeep, I hesitate.

The sound of metal crashing fills my head as I remember more of what happened that night.

"Liv?, you okay?" He asks getting in, I nod slowly as I get in. I buckle and try to shake it off, this is gonna be a rough few weeks.

As we drive off, he places his hand on my thigh. I look at him and smile, admiring him.

I can't imagine how he must have felt while I was in a coma, I know he was there everyday up until I woke up, He's so sweet for never giving up on me.

By the time we get to my house, I practically jump out of his jeep.

There were a couple of extra cars parked in the driveway but I shrug it off and walk inside.

A smile spreads across my face when I notice the large white banner that reads 'WELCOME HOME OLIVIA'

I look around the room spotting a few of my friends, Paxtons sister and my mom... before I could say anything to her, Devi, Fab and Eleanor run over to me.

"oh my god, I'm so glad you're okay" Devi exclaims as she wraps me in a tight hug, the girls join in the hug a few seconds later.

"We've been there almost every day, checking on you" Fab smiles.

"Yeah, I don't know what we would have done if we lost you.." Eleanor sighs. I give a weak smile as they all pull away from the group hug.

We sit and talk for a bit before I walk off, mainly to go find my mom.

before the wreck, I don't think I would want to be in the same house as her. But, she's already here so it wouldn't hurt to talk to her.


I spin on my heels and see my mom standing at the doorway of my room. I give a weak smile as I walk over to her. She looks different from the last time I saw her. But, that's probably because she's gotten bigger.

Not fat, just that the baby is growing obviously.

I'm still upset about it, mad even but, I have too much going on to worry about it right now. maybe I can talk to her about it soon.

"Hi mom.. what are you doing here" I sigh as I slide past her and into my room. She turns, following me as I sit on my bed.

"I heard what happened.."

I sigh as she sits down beside me, looking around for something, anything to focus on so I don't have to look at her.

"I know I haven't been the best mother-" she sniffles a bit. 'please stop with the pity party'

"You haven't" I say bluntly. It's true, she hasn't been a good mom. She hasn't been good to me and she definitely wasn't good to dad.

"I really want to fix this" she replies, putting what's supposed to be a comforting hand on my shoulder.

"I don't know if you can"

It's all I could say to that, she really hurt me and I don't think she understands that. She probably never will and that's what sucks.

"I'm really sorry baby, I- please just give me a chance"

'don't do it Liv'

We sit there for a few minutes in silence before there's a knock on my door. I turn around and see Paxton standing there hands in his pockets.

"I didn't mean to interrupt I just-" Paxton says still standing in the doorway. I smile softly at him waving my hand for him to come in.

"Oh um, this is my boyfriend, Paxton"

"Yeah I believe we met at the hospital.." she gives a small smile and stands up to shake his hand. She came to the hospital?

"Well it's nice to officially meet you, I'm Olivia's mom" they shake hands while I stand there awkwardly beside him.

They talk a little more, some stuff about me when I was little or something. She smiles as she walks out of the room and I slump down onto my bed.

He lays down beside me and wraps an arm around me.

"are you okay?" He asks while placing a kiss on my head. I smile a little while turning to face him.

"Yeah I'm okay" I sigh, giving him a quick kiss. "We should probably get back in there"

"Do we haveeee to" he drags out and I giggle a little, getting up. "Yes"

Im backkkk 🫶🏻 sorry y'all, ya girl had some important things going on. Im ENGAGED now 🥹 and officially done with my exams.

Peace out loves- Emi🦋

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