•29• Therapy?

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Alexa play, Those Eyes by New West~~~~~~~~

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Alexa play, Those Eyes by New West

'Oh my god!' I scream, as the bright headlights beam closer to me, my head already pounding with pain before I feel it slam into the steering wheel..

I wake up gasping for air, my hand clutching my chest as I sit up. That's the fourth one this week.

I grab my phone to look at the time, hoping it's not too late so maybe I can call Paxton. But, it's 230 am, he's definitely not awake right now.

Instead of calling I just send a quick text to him. then turn on my lamp. There's no way I'm going back to sleep anytime soon.

My eyes feel heavy and I know I need the sleep but I just can't. I head over to my mirror and look at the bags under them. the past few days have been bad, terrible even.

I stand there for a few minutes, looking at my almost healed bruises. a cut, that I really hope won't turn into a scar, on the edge of my head.

My thoughts are cut off by the sound of a light knock on my window. Weird.

As I turn to look to see what it was, Paxton, is already climbing through it. I can't help but smile as he gets through, it was raining pretty hard so he's soaked.

"Hi" he smiles softly as I walk toward him. "Hi"

When I get up close to him, I notice the bags under his eyes. It looks like hasn't been able to sleep in days.. maybe because of me.

I can't help feeling a little guilty, I feel like I've been constantly bothering him with these problems I've been having.

"Another nightmare?" He asks as he wraps his arms around me. I nod into his chest and place my hands on his back.

We pull away after a minute or two, so I go and sit down on my bed. He follows behind and sits in the spot next to me, pulling me close to him as he lays down.

I wrap my arm around him when I finally get comfortable. he gives a tired smile and starts running a hand through my hair.

"Pax?" I question. His eyes are closed, but I still want to say what I had been meaning to for a while, even if he doesn't remember in the morning.


"I love you"


I groan as I pull the blanket over my face, hoping to get rid of the bright sun that's shining through my window.

I sigh throwing the covers off of me and turning to see if Paxton's still asleep. The bed is empty on that side, I guess he woke up before me.

I get up and head downstairs, my aunt, uncle and Paxton are sitting at the table. Whatever they were just talking about comes to a stop as soon as they notice me walking in.

"Hey sweetheart, good morning" my aunt smiles, sipping her coffee.

"Good morning" I yawn, taking the seat next to Paxton.

They all look awkwardly between each other, as if they're trying to decide what to say next.

"What's going on?"

I look over at my aunt and uncle then to Paxton, he just gives me a small smile and puts an arm around me.

"Okay I know- we know that you said no to therapy but we think that its best if you go.. we already set up a session for you on Friday" My aunt says sympathetically.

"What? But I-"

I look over at Paxton, he's avoiding looking my way because he knows I'm upset. I never told them about my nightmares which means he told them.

"why would you tell them?"

"Liv, you've been having these nightmares since you came home. i had to say something" He replies, putting his hand over mine.

"Im just worried about you" he adds.

I quickly take my hand away, continuing to look between them all. Im so tired of being treated like I'm fragile, its ridiculous.

"Well I'm fine" I stand up, giving a fake smile before walking back up to my room. I close the door behind me and plop down on my bed.

Did I overreact a little? Probably. But to be fair I told them and the doctors that I didn't want to go.

I made Paxton promise to not tell them I was having these nightmares. He found out from the beginning, when I had the first one on the way home last week.

It's kind of hard to hide a panic attack when your sitting so close to someone.

"Babe?" I hear from the outside of my door.


"Can I come in?"

"I guess"

I look at the door as he walks in. I'm trying not to be mad at him, I know he's just trying to help but I just wish he went about it a different way.

He sits down beside me, glancing at me then the floor. things have been a little weird with everyone lately especially with Paxton and I.

I feel like I'm pushing everyone away and there's nothing I can do about it.

"I'm sorry" he says. I scoot closer to him and rest my head on his shoulder.

"Don't be" I reply. "You're just trying to help, I know I need it so I'll go"

"Liv, you don't have to-"

"I know but if thats what everyone wants then ill do it"

He just nods and rests his head on mine. we sit like that for a couple of minutes before i sit up, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek.

We spend the rest of the day watching movies and studying, mainly tutoring him because he needs it.

I feel like this was a little weird but I'm working on editing this book a bit. Next chapter will be out shortly after this one🫶🏻

Peace out babes- Emi🦋

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