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Alexa play, Gilded Lily by Cults ~~~~~~~~

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Alexa play, Gilded Lily by Cults

I walk tiredly through the halls, alongside the girls. Paxton had swim practice early this morning so we didn't meet at our usual spot today, which sucks.

"Are you finally admitting you and Ben are together?" Fab asks.

"No!" Devi's face is red, she's lying obviously but none of us are going to push her about it. she's trying so hard to show she has no feelings for him, they're 'just friends'.

I've heard that one before.

"Yea okay" I laugh, grabbing some things from my locker. As soon as I shut it, Devi's standing right beside me, making me jump a little.

I hate when they do that, it's annoying. Mainly because I jump every single time.

"So where's your man" She smiles, changing the subject, like always

"At swim practice"

"Oh yeah.."

"Devi, you don't have to keep changing the subject everytime" I say to her. "You can tell us anything, you know that"

She looks between all of us and sighs in relief when she notices Ben walking our way. she walks towards him and says a few things before coming back over to us.

"Fine, we're dating" she admits. The girls and I grin while exchanging looks between each other. We all knew it so it shouldn't be a big deal, but it totally is.

"I totally called it! I saw you guys at homecoming-"

"Stoppp" Devi drags out, almost as if shes embarrassed about it.

They all start talking about Devi and Ben so I just kind of tune them out. Waiting impatiently for Paxton to get out of practice.

As if on cue, Paxton comes through the hallway and towards us. He looks about as tired as I am, but swim practice tends to do that to him.

"Hey beautiful" he smiles and leans down to give me a quick kiss. There's a few 'ews' from the girls but I just flip them off per usual.

"How was practice?"

"It was good" he replies, wrapping an arm around me as we head to class.

Mostly everyone was already in there seats, even Zoe. Who's actually being a little weird right now, she smiled and waved at me like nothing is wrong between us?

 𝐿𝒾𝒶𝓇 ~ Paxton Hall Yoshida Where stories live. Discover now