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Alexa play, Time Of Our Lives by Pitbull~~~~~~~~

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Alexa play, Time Of Our Lives by Pitbull

I tap my pen against the desk, impatiently waiting for the bell to ring. It's been a rough start to the school day, only because of one thing..

My college applications came back in today or at least they were supposed to. I know they don't have a set day but according to what I saw on Google they should be back in by now.

Stop freaking yourself out.

I sigh and take a look around the close to empty room. Most classes are empty now since us seniors are a few days away from being done with school, for good.

you would think the rest of the seniors would stay until the actual last day but no, not here. I totally wish I could've done the same but as we already know, aunt Amaya is super strict when it comes to my schooling.

I snap out of my thoughts when the sound of the bell rings through the room. I quickly grab my bag and head out the door.

I move towards my locker and put in the combination, shoving my book bag into it.

"I'm not sneaking up on you this time" Devi laughs as she walks over. I close the locker and lean against the wall.

"I see that" I reply.

We stand there in silence for a few minutes waiting on everyone else to come. I mean normally on a good day I wouldn't be this quiet but I'm obviously stressing like hell.

What if I don't get into ether one?

"Hey babe" Paxton says and wraps an arm around my shoulder. I give him a quick smile as we all start heading to the cafeteria.

The walk was short but the lines were pretty long.
We all separated into separate lines and met up about 5 minutes later at our table outside.

"I can't believe you guys are leaving us soon" Devi sighs as she leans on Ben.

"It'll be okay Devi, you still have El and Fab"

"Yeah we have each other, Liv won't have any of us around.. that's gotta be hard, not having anyone you know around when you go to college" Eleanor says.

"Yeah" I reply, picking at the small pieces of my food.

"Are you okay babe?" Paxton asks from beside me.

"I'm okay, I'm not really hungry"

He stops what he's doing and puts his arm around me, pulling me into his side. Just the feeling of his arm around me has me relaxing a little.

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