•25• I love you

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Alexa, Play Olivia by One Direction ~~~~~~~~

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Alexa, Play Olivia by One Direction

{Paxton's POV}

Beep. Beep. Beep. The monitor rings out over and over. I've been here all night, with no sleep. I don't want to leave her side.

Olivia is in a coma, the doctors have no idea if or when she will wake up. She has a broken rib and a couple fractures.

"Paxton.." her aunt puts a comforting arm on my shoulder, taking a seat beside me. I haven't left her side at all, I don't think I want to.

"She's gonna be okay, she's a fighter"

I've cried so much I don't even think I can anymore. Why did this have to happen to her, I should've kept her there. It's my job to keep her safe.

"I know" I reply still keeping my hand on Liv's, she has a few bruises from her face to her arm. It hurts to see her like this.

"You need sleep hun" she says, suggesting I should go home. I'm not, I can't leave her right now.

"I'm okay Mrs. Lee" I look over at her and she just gives me a sympathetic smile. I don't feel tired but I guess I look like it.

"Okay.. I'm gonna go grab you some food and a coffee okay?" She says still looking at me. I smile weakly and nod.

She leaves the room and I set my head down on the bed. I'm so sorry Liv, I should've made you stay.

"I wish I told you this before and I know you can't hear me, but you make me the happiest I've ever been and I've wanted to say this for so long.. I love you Olivia"

I should've told her at the dance. I should have said it while I still had the time.

I haven't said that to anyone before, Olivia is the first girl I've genuinely loved. that sounds mean but it's the honest truth.

"Here hun" Her Aunt says, handing me a cup of coffee and a to-go box of breakfast.

"Thank you"

I eat just a little bit before I can't eat anymore. I don't have an appetite, I feel bad because she bought it but I just can't..

"You need to get some rest sweetie" She says putting a hand on my back. the door opens and in walks my mom, dad and Rebecca.

"We'll take you home" My mom says coming over to the bed. I don't know how they let everyone up here but I'm not complaining. It just shows how many people care for her.

Rebecca stands beside me, glancing at all of the wires and tubes she has on her.

"I'm sorry Paxton.." she says giving me a hug. "She's gonna be okay" she adds.

"I know you want to be with her buddy but you need to come home and sleep, you don't have to go to school right now just come get some rest" my dad says putting a hand on my shoulder.

"I can't.."

"Paxton.. please, she's going to be okay I promise" my mom reassures me. I look at Olivia, squeezing her hand lightly.

"okay" I reply. Standing up and placing a kiss on her forehead.

"Give your keys to your dad, he'll drive your jeep home." My mom says and I toss him the keys. I feel horrible for leaving her but if I didn't go home I wouldn't hear the end of it from my parents.

I get in the passenger seat of my moms car and we drive off. I can't help but look back at the hospital like it's the last time I'm going to see her.


'Hey are you okay'

Their words fade as I drift off to sleep.


"Paxton!" I jump and see my mom, shes shaking me. I look around to see I'm still in the car but it's dark out now.

"Hey, you've been asleep for hours hunny, come inside" I nod, stretching and getting out.

"Come eat dinner" she says walking into the house. I ignore her and go straight to my room, laying on my bed, looking at the framed picture of me and Olivia.

It feels weird with her not being around.

"Yo!" Trent yells walking in. "Come on man let play something" he adds, grabbing the controller and turning the Xbox on.

"I'm not in the mood bro."

"Damn who shit In your cereal this morning" he replies continuing to play the game. How does he not know?

"Dude! My girlfriend is literally in a coma right now" I accidentally yell.

"What's a coma?" He questions looking at me. "Oh wait.. dude she's in the hospital?"

"Yes Trent."

"What happened man.." his eyes still glued on the tv. For a minute I don't bother answering him because why would I?

"She got into a car accident, some drunk crashed into her"

"That's fucked up man" he says finally putting down the controller. He grabs a beer from the mini fridge and hands me one.

"It's gonna be okay man, I'm sure she's alright" he pats my shoulder as I sit up.


So these next few chapter are gonna be a little shorter just because it's Paxtons pov and there's not much to say in these chapters.

Peace out babes- Emi🦋

 𝐿𝒾𝒶𝓇 ~ Paxton Hall Yoshida Where stories live. Discover now