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Alexa, play Fire on Fire by Sam Smith~~~~~~~~

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Alexa, play Fire on Fire by Sam Smith

It's been about a week since I went to Paxton's, my uncle is still acting weird when I talk about him, I don't know what's going on there and I don't want to know.

On a good note I got the job at Old Navy.

"We need to hang out" Devi says to me, fab and Eleanor. "We really do"

"Girls night, my house, tommorow" I say closing my locker. they all give me weird ass smiles, low-key it's kinda scary.

"Why are you all smiling like that" Devi points to something behind me.

"JESUS CHRIST" I nearly jump out of my skin looking at Paxton leaning on the locker next to mine.

"Paxton!" I slap his arm and he laughs, wrapping an arm around me.

"Did I miss something?" Devi questions, pointing at me and Paxton.

"Oh- um, no were not together or a-anything"

"that's why i'm here actually" he turns me around so I'm looking at him. i hear the girls giggling behind me as he does.

"I really like you Liv" he smiles, i blush. "So, I want to take you on a date, like a real one"

"OH MY G-" Fab yells and i hear one of the girls smack her. "Ow"

"Oh! Okay, yeah that would be great" I stutter. Liv you're a dumbass, you talk to him everyday.

"I'll pick you up at 6" he kisses the top of my head and walks to class.

I'm gonna go curl up into a ball now.

"Olivia!" Devi squeals, running over to give me a hug, same with fab and Eleanor. It's not that serious guys. Calm down.

"You have a date, with frikkin Paxton!" Eleanor says, as they pull away from the hug.

"Y'all do know, the other day we almost hooked up" I whisper, Their eyes go wide. "WHAT"

"Why didn't you tell us" Devi asks.

"I forgot.." I shrug and she playfully smacks my arm.

"Ow, bitch"

"That didn't hurt, shut up" we all laugh and head to class. "We're coming over after school, to get you ready for your dateee"

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