•24• New Year's Eve

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Alexa, play Running Up That Hill by Kate Bush~~~~~~~~{2 months later}

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Alexa, play Running Up That Hill by Kate Bush
{2 months later}

Shit. I throw clothes around until I find the dress I wore for new years last year. "Finally" I throw the dress down and put the clothes back up.

I need to borrow shoes. I run downstairs and see my aunt watching the news. "Hey auntie" i plop down beside her.

"Hi sweetheart"

'Anyways, It's New Year's Eve guys, be safe out there' the new anchor concludes as the channel goes to commercial.

"I need to borrow those boots" I smile pleadingly, She just shrugs.

"Just don't mess them up" she replies. I get up and go to her room, grabbing the black boots. I have about an hour or two to get ready.

Paxton's family invited me over for their New Year's party so I decided why not. My aunt and uncle aren't really the celebrating type.

Every new years before my dad passed, he would always take me to see fireworks. Which now that I realized, he wanted to get away from my mom.

I miss you dad.

I grab my curling iron, plugging it up and setting it down. I take about 10 minutes to do my makeup, but 20 to do my hair.

"Have fun, but be careful okay? I'm going to take a nap" she stands in the doorway. "I probably won't see you when you leave so I love you" she adds, walking away.

I finish getting ready then grab my keys, heading out the door. I send Paxton a quick text to let him know im on the way.

Thankfully it wasn't too late yet, it's about 6 so not many people are on the road right now. When I get to Paxtons i see a few cars, including Haley's. Great.

"Hi babe" Paxton says as I walk in the door. Trent and Marcus were playing video games and Haley was sitting next to Paxton.

"I'll move" she says politely, moving to a different spot. "Thank you" I smile, sitting down next to him.

He wraps an arm around me, while I lay my head onto his shoulder. We sit there and watch Trent & Marcus play for a few minutes.

"Hey guys, I'm almost done with the snacks if you guys want to come out here now" his mom says standing in the doorway.

"Bet" Trent pauses his game and walks out the door, Marcus follows. Haley gives an awkward smile then gets up to leave. I don't have anything against her, she seems sweet.

I get up to leave but Paxton pulls me onto his lap.

"I want a couple of minutes alone with you" he presses his lips to mine, our lips moving In sync. He glides his hands down to waist, grabbing slightly.

"As much as I love this, we should probably get out there" I pull away and get off his lap, he groans getting up and follows me.

His mom had the table full of party snacks, chips, jalapeño poppers, mini sandwiches, wings and a shit ton of drinks.

"Help yourselves" she smiles going to the couch.

I grab a drink then head outside to chill. People were already setting off fireworks so it's kind of relaxing watching them.

"You okay?" Paxton asks, sitting beside me. "You look tired"

"I'm fine, just thinking" I reply, sipping my drink. He nods and lays his head on me. We sit and watch a couple of fireworks before my phone starts going off.

Incoming Call

Hey, what's up

Can you come pick me up. She sounds like she's crying or has been.

Are you okay, what's wrong?

Just.. stuff, can you?

I'm with Paxton right now, I can bring you here if you really need me to come get you.

That's fine, I just need to get out of here.

Okay Devi, I'm on my way.

Thank you, I love you.

I love you too, bye.

I hang up the phone, standing up getting ready to leave. Paxton gets up too, wrapping me in a hug.

"Be careful" he kisses my cheek and I head to my car. Devi only lived like 10 minutes down the road so it isn't too far of a drive.

I turn up my music just a little bit to drown out the silence. On the other side of the road there's a truck with bright ass lights, looking like he's right in front of me. He is.



the sound of metal crashing fills the air, smoke coming from each vehicle. the driver stumbles out of the car heading to the car he just rammed into.

the girl is passed out on her steering wheel, blood everywhere. he hurries to dial 911, hoping to god that this girl is going to be okay.

'911 what's your emergency'

'I've um had a couple of beers, I crashed into a car the girl isn't responding, please help'

'What's your location sir'

'I- I don't know'


{Paxton's POV}

Its been about 30 minutes since Olivia left, she should've been back by now. I look down at my phone to see if I have any messages from her. Nothing.

Just when I was about to go look for her, I get a call from her aunt.

Incoming Call
Liv's Aunt


Paxton! Paxton.. get to the hospital right now. Olivia's been in a car accident, shes being airlifted as we speak. She's crying. I stand there not wanting to believe what shes said.

The call drops. I feel tears forming in my eyes as I run to my jeep.

I'm coming baby.. please be okay.

Well... umm, hi guys :) I don't have much to say about this one so.

peace out bitches- Emi🦋

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