•6• A Car?!

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Alexa, play Tongue Tied by Grouplove ~~~~~~~~

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Alexa, play Tongue Tied by Grouplove

It's the morning after, Paxton and I studied a little longer, then he took me home, we kissed, maybe made out.. in his car.

My aunt found out, but she doesn't really care that much. she just gave me a lecture on sex. Which I obviously didn't need.

"Olivia!" She yells from downstairs.


"Come down here! I have a surprise for you"

I groan and get out of my bed, I basically trip on my own feet going down the stairs. when I get down there my aunt and uncle have huge grins on their faces.

"Oh god, what is it" I question as she hands me a box. "So your uncle and I talked, we think that your ready"

Ready for what? oh god this better not be a box of condoms.

I cut the ridiculous amount of tape off the box and open it. I remove all of the excessive paper the have wrapped around the thing.


I flip it around and it's jeep keys.

"Is this?" I look up and they're grinning so hard. Omg, my own car?!

"Go outside" they say in unison and I sprint to the door. I see a teal jeep with a big red bow on the hood.

"OH MY GOD" I scream and hop in it. I've had my license for awhile, but I never had a chance to get my own car. My dad promised he'd get me it.

I miss you dad.

"Your dad, bought you this..he had the money put aside" my aunt puts a hand on my shoulder. I could feel the tears well up in my eyes.

"I miss him so much" I sob, climbing out of the jeep.

"I know" she wraps me in a hug and my uncle pats my back. He's never been one to show emotion so that's basically a hug from him.

"We miss him dearly" he says, I pull away from the hug. I know my uncle misses his brother, they were inseparable.

"Thank you guys, so much" I wipe my tears, and give my aunt a hug.

"Your welcome sweetie" she says and they both head into the house. before I can go inside, I feel my phone vibrating in my pocket.

 𝐿𝒾𝒶𝓇 ~ Paxton Hall Yoshida Where stories live. Discover now