•16• Fair 

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Alexa, play fire for you by Cannons ~~~~~~~~

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Alexa, play fire for you by Cannons

The week flew by pretty fast. I went back to my house a few days ago. Uncle Kenji and his dad are on good terms now which is great. Paxton can finally come over without my uncle screaming at him.

Today I'm going to the fair with Paxton, Devi and Ben. Yeah I was confused by that too, but apparently they get along now. I'm pretty sure Devi likes Ben but, she keeps denying it.

"Are you seriously going to wear that?" I question, looking at Devi. She was wearing a baggy tee and sweatpants.

"Yeah, what's wrong with it?"


I get up, going to pick an outfit from my closet. Normally I wouldn't care if she was wearing that but, I know she's going through stuff right now and I want her to get out there.

I don't want her stuck in a depressive funk.

I hand her a pair of my ripped jeans and a yellow crop top. I had already gotten dressed, a cropped tee and black shorts, paired with my converse obviously.

"I don't-"

"Put it onnnn"

"Fine" She quickly leaves to go change. Which is weird because we've never cared about changing in front of each other.

"Are you okay?" I ask when she walks back in.

"Yeah I'm fine"


"Im okay Liv, i promise" I look at her for a second wanting to call her on her bullshit but i leave it be and nod.

"Paxton is here, are you ready?" She nods and we head out.

"Hey babe" he says as I get into the passenger seat. "Hi" I give him a quick kiss, then turn to Devi, making sure she's alright.

She just gives a small smile then gets on her phone.

As we're driving Paxton puts a hand on my thigh, squeezing it lightly. Devi notices and makes a gag noise. We just laugh and continue to listen to music.


When we get to the fair Devi practically jumps into Ben's arms. They sure look like a couple to me.

"Aww, how cute" I grin at them. Devi looks back and flips me off.

"So you guys aren't a couple?" Paxton questions.

 𝐿𝒾𝒶𝓇 ~ Paxton Hall Yoshida Where stories live. Discover now