•18• Hoco?

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Alexa, play Heat Waves by Glass Animals~~~~~~~~

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Alexa, play Heat Waves by Glass Animals

The sound of the coach's whistle fills the room. Paxton climbs out of the pool, running a hand through his curly brown hair.

Wheww that's my man right there.

"Stop drooling over him" Devi says, slapping my arm. I give her a the stupidest mock mad face. "You look constipated" We both burst out laughing.

Paxton walks over to us, drying his hair with a towel.

"Hey hot stuff, you did good out there" I say and he smiles, taking a seat beside me. He explains to us what he was doing and that he did great according to the coach.

"Okay Micheal Phelps calm down" Devi says, sipping her drink. Paxton just laughs.

"Devi, you seriously need a boyfriend. I mean this in the most respectful way but you gotta get outta my hair for once" I laugh, so does she. She knows I'm just messing with her.

"But seriously though, it's 7:30 you could've slept in until school started but you came here with me" I give her a confused look and she sighs.

"Things haven't really been going good at home so, anything that gets me away from there."


"its fine, i just wish my mom understood me" She says. I understand where she's coming from, I know Nalini can be a bit.. rough sometimes.

Paxton heads over to the locker room to get dressed. I will never understand why they have meets in the morning, I would hate it so much.

Paxton comes back out a few minutes later but this time he looks upset.

"What's wrong baby?"

"Nothing. Let's go" He grabs my arm lightly, pulling me up from my seat. He's pissed. Something happened in that locker room.

Devi follows behind, i glance at her. She looks concerned or worried, because Paxton is not leaving my side.

"What's going on?" I ask him as we get to his locker. He keeps a tight arm around me while getting something from the locker.

"Um-" Devi says pointing at Paxtons hand. I get out of his grip and grab his hand. His knuckles are bleeding, like he punched something or someone.

"What happened?!" I ask. He looks down at his hand then to me.


"Paxton, please tell me" I say. He sighs, shoving his hands in his pockets.

"Some assholes were talking about you in there-" He pauses, looking at Devi and I. "it was some fucked up things, but I took care of it"

I want to know what they said about me but, at the same time do I really?. I'm so tired of hearing the things people say, I hate the drama.

I just nod and lean against the locker. Devi was showing me something on her phone when I hear someone come up to us..well Paxton.

The guy had a tissue in his nose, I guess this is the guy Paxton hit. He didn't look mad, he looked upset or guilty even.

"Look, I'm not a snitch or anything but-" the guy walks toward Devi and I, I step back a little because stranger danger man. nah, he's making me uncomfortable.

"get away from her" Paxton grabs his arm, he jerks his arm back, turns and leaves. Weird.

The bell rings so we get what we need and head to class. Except Devi who is currently being asked to homecoming by Ben.

"Aw how cute" I say and Paxton looks back at them.

"Honestly I kinda forgot homecoming was a thing" he says. Oh. I guess he wasn't going to ask me. He must notice how i feel but he doesn't say anything.


"No way!" Fabiola exclaims, apparently Eleanor saw her mom working at the restaurant down the road. I would never tell Eleanor this to her face but, her mom abandoned her and did not give one fuck about her.

"Where's Paxton?" I question. It's lunch and he said he'd meet me over here. Devi points to something behind me, I turn to see Marcus, Trent and Paxton.

Trent was playing one of my favorite songs on his phone, Marcus was holding a bear with flowers and Paxton had a sign that said..

I couldn't bear going without you, will you go to hoco with me?

"Babee" I walk over to him, taking the bear and flowers. "Of course" I smile hugging him, he quickly kisses the top of my head.

"Dope!" Trent smiles, shoving Paxton a little.

"I really thought you weren't going to ask me to be honest" I say as we sit down, he just laughs and pulls me into him.

"Yeah, I was just messing with you"

We sat there for a few minutes talking about what we're going to wear to homecoming and what the plans are afterwards. Usually after a dance me and the girls would hang out, eat dinner at my place.

But since we're older now, we can go out and do things with no parents around.

"Olivia, Devi, Fabiola and Eleanor, can you guys come to my office with me" Principal Grubbs shows up out of nowhere. The boys look at us like we did something wrong.

"Yea" Devi replies

"Uh Okay" Fabiola says. I just nod and grab my bag.

"I'll see you later" I kiss his cheek and follow behind them.

once we get to her office, I take a seat beside Devi. I wonder what she could want, I know were not in trouble. i hope not.

"So, I know each one of you guys has your own particular talents so I was wondering if you guys would handle homecoming this year" She asks and my eyes go wide.

She wants us to come up with the theme, handle decor etc. I've never done this before so I'm excited.

"I will handle the food and the judges for best dressed" She adds. we all look at each other for conformation, even though were all excited.

"yeah! we'll do it"


Short chapter but, as i said i have big plans 🤭 hope you guys are enjoying so far! if you have any questions or suggestions, comment!

peace out babes- Emi🦋

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