•27• I miss you

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Alexa play, Only Love Can Hurt Like This by Paloma Faith~~~~~~~~

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Alexa play, Only Love Can Hurt Like This by Paloma Faith

A week has passed, Exactly a week. Olivia's Aunt and Uncle are still head strong on what they said. I don't understand how they can just give up on her so easy.

I know I can't, I won't.

As I walk through the halls to her room, I feel shaky and out of breath. Why? Is what I keep asking myself over and over.

I made sure to get here a little early so when I opened the door, nobody was here. Thankfully.

"Hi baby" I say sitting by her bed, putting her hand in mine. I kiss the top of her head, rubbing her hand.

I miss you beautiful.

A few minutes later, the door opens and I turn to see who's coming in. It's her aunt and uncle, they look like they haven't slept in days.

I watch as they make their way over to us, her aunt putting a comforting hand on me.

"How is she not getting any better?" I question, they look at me and shrug.

"It's just how it is bud. We love her so much but we can't let her continue to suffer" her uncle says, standing beside her aunt.

I know.

The door opens slowly and we all look to see if it's the doctor. It's a woman, a pregnant woman who seems to resemble Olivia like a lot..

"What the hell?" Her aunt mumbles.

"Get out of here. Don't pretend like you care about your daughter now"

They all argue back and forth for what felt like an hour. But it was like 5 minutes before I stood up, stepping in between this.

"STOP" They stop and look at me.


"no. please just stop, just stop arguing for Olivia's sake" i say, looking at them. "She wouldn't want this"

They look at me then at each other, glaring at one another. I know Olivia wouldn't want her here but maybe her mom is trying to change.

"Can we please just be here for her?" I ask.

"Yeah, the kid has a point, it's her last day with us" her uncle says softly as if he doesn't want to believe it.

"Yeah about that I was hoping-" her aunt cuts me off.

"Paxton, we've already made the decision" she sighs "it's not going to change" she adds. I run a hand through my hair in frustration, looking at both of them.

"What decision..." her mom trails off. I shake my head and head for the door.

"I need some air" I sigh and leave the room, walking down the hallway. I pass a few people on the way down the stairs, going outside and sitting on one of the benches.

I sit there for a few minutes maybe 10 before my phone starts to blow up with messages. From Olivia's Aunt. 'Come back up here! Something happened'

I pretty much run inside and up to her room. 'Is she okay' repeated in my head over and over until I got to her room.

"What's going on?!" I Burst through the door and everyone is surrounding her bed, and two doctors. Her aunt smiles back at me and moves, revealing a very awake Olivia.

"Hi" She smiles at me as I walk over to her.

"Liv!" I grab her hand and kiss the top of her head and she gently squeezes my hand. "I'm so glad you're awake" I cup her face and place a small kiss on her lips.

"I don't really remember what happened"

"That's okay, we're just gonna run a few tests and you should be able to make a full recovery and go home soon" one of the doctors says.

And just like that everything started to feel normal again.

I promise i didn't forget about y'all, its been a busy week and apologies if this one sucked. writers block again.

Peace out bitches- Emi🦋

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